Kinda makes you think. It's an evil organization, but Anon may have caused a bit too much this time... I just find it sad that people will get so worked up about dinner... Read the description for a laugh.
I would die for something like this. It's been every gamer's fantasy since the 80's for 3D-gaming this expansive!
For those of you who aren't chemistry/biology savvy, this could be huge for the scientific community, for it shows the slight possibility of life (though it would be quite different from life as we know it due to the extreme heat) on that planet.
When I play one match in lives mode, it works fine, but then when I go to try lives mode again, it shows the characters that were in the previous battle selected, but I can't do anything- it froze. Also, survival mode just doesn't work. I'm on custom firmware 3.90 m33-2. I don't know if homebrew/custom firmware is against the rules, sorry if it is. *Dies* I didn't believe it either until I read it XD. Just the fact that this can happen reassures me that there is some omnipotent being out there with an awesome sense of humor. EDIT: I realize this probably belongs in current events. If a mod would be so kind...
The voice acting's great, but the guy who made it is stopping after the second installment T_T. This is probably the closest to a Kingdom Hearts anime we'll ever get... 1-5 6-8 Impressive setup. This guy's a genius! Not sure of the accuracy of the article, but I personally hope it's correct.
I mean the first few episodes had great writing and laid the foundation for the series. You would view Light's gradual transformation into Kira and look in awe at his corruption. L was this mysterious genius, veiled by shadows, always keeping you guessing. The middle few episodes really dished out some brilliant work from Light and L. Starting the five-person investigative squad made the series really fell like it was moving. Light kept getting smarter and smarter, cleverly evading L at nearly every turn. The episodes up until Light's imprisonment were overall very plot filled with some occasional comic relief. L is no longer an enigma and he's actually quite childish and frankly hilarious. The Second Kira was a fairly huge plot twist that made a few episodes quite suspenseful. Light becomes even more diabolical, using Misa as his puppet to learn L's true name. The last few episodes (starting with the moment Light loses the Death Note) have been fairly dry. It's as if all the mystery and various plot devices used through out have been dropped, being replaced by the Yotsuba Group plot, a confusing and somewhat interesting scandal backed by the New Kira. Don't get me wrong, I still like the show, but it isn't pulling me in as earlier episodes have. For those not following the Dub, last night was the premier of Episode 20, Makeshift.
What's the difference (in terms of sharps and flats) between the keys of D major and D sharp major? Can you also tell me how to tell the difference between a major key and its sharp major counterpart? Thanks! Want some?
Historical precedent shows that power twists the individuals who embrace it into unrecognizable forms of their former selves. Napoleon’s quintessence of this idea implies the most obvious example of the corrupting tendencies of power in the novel. And his tyrannical control over the residence of Animal Farm , notably in the construction of the windmill which he ironically named after himself despite not contributing to its completion at all, produced his near perfect life. Also, he, quite literally at times, milked the animals for all the labor and materials he extract before pushing them to death, though dying occurred on a semi-frequent basis. Napoleon did not exist alone as a tyrant, his administration of pigs, namely Squealer, assured that the laborers of Animal Farm believed that their work would some day pay off and that Napoleon would bring them paradise. He would periodically approach the workers to assure them of their noble leader “Comrade Napoleonâ€, or later simply Napoleon possessed an unmatched wisdom that would see them through any crisis. Squealer received similar privileges to Napoleon; this would further the idea that the pigs were superior to the other animals. The ultimate mass transformation of the pigs into essentially miniature humans reached completion upon their learning of the ability to walk on their hind legs. This not only symbolizes the transition from pigs to humans, but the loss of the animal’s little remaining freedom, as they could now hold a whip in the hooves that weren’t being used for walking. This was the final push the pigs needed for their maniacal totalitarian society the so dearly wished for to become a reality. 15. Ionic compounds can an electric current when in water. 16. A bond between an positive and negative ion. 21. A cubic formation 22. Because when an ion is placed in water, the cations and anions can move about freely, and when an electric current is run through the water, the cations go to the anode and the anions go to the cathode.
Or something along those lines. Thanks for any help!