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  1. AlexleHoshi
    Yes I have to much time on my hands so I make vids, lots of them so here is my new one

    Hyner asks for his butt to be shaved with swords
    Roxas and Axel say they love each other
    Sora tells Xemnas he's an embarrasment
    Axel tells people to megabyte him
    and Hyner is going to hit Roxas if he doesn't stop messing about
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 2, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  2. AlexleHoshi
    Okay 1st off sorry to all Sai'x fans 2nd here's the link
    3rd auido from Bruce Almighty

    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 2, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  3. AlexleHoshi
    Hey I really wanna get my self an orgy 13 coat but does anyone know where I can get one in the UK?
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Dec 28, 2006, 8 replies, in forum: Discussion
  4. AlexleHoshi
    Yes I made a funny this time but don't ask why I just Kairi I just did and I you'll see the start has been cut off where Dane talks about how he loves his job well thats cus cut it off anyways enjoy
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Dec 28, 2006, 9 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  5. AlexleHoshi


    dreams are the only reason why i go to bed at night (plue I need sleep) but what do you think they really are, to me there just another world we can go to mentaly without even getting off our back-sides, so what do you think about when you see or hear the word dream (if this shouldn't be in Intelligent Discussion, sorry)
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Dec 26, 2006, 37 replies, in forum: Discussion
  6. AlexleHoshi
    Yes even though I am 18 and pokemon have been in the UK since 99 i still get games so today for xmas i got two new ones PMD Red rescue team and PMD blue rescue team


    there are no humans in these games but you do play as a pokemon that was a human

    anyways if ya played it what do ya think of it and if not would like you to?
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Dec 25, 2006, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  7. AlexleHoshi
    Just like the title say how would we remember others on kh-vid if we died but say somethign nice
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Dec 24, 2006, 91 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. AlexleHoshi
    Okay this is a good vid that i found on youtube of someone having an interview with orgy13

    made by SindarGrey
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Dec 24, 2006, 4 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  9. AlexleHoshi
    Man when I'm not at collage I have to much time on my hands

    1st bit is a bit is just bah
    2nd bit I think is a bit null
    3rd bit is kinda funny
    4th bit is dull as well
    5th bit is just wried
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Dec 24, 2006, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  10. AlexleHoshi
    Yes boredom and randomness has hit me again and look what they made me do
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Dec 22, 2006, 3 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  11. AlexleHoshi
    This is what happens when I am bored and tired at the same time

    edit here's a better one

    and another one for every one who likes mish
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Dec 19, 2006, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  12. AlexleHoshi

    Count down

    OKay it's 1 more week to go till xmas so lets count down the days okay, so.......

    One more week to go, one more week till xmas, one more week till I can open all my gifts, one more week till xmas

    ^Do this again but in you own way
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Dec 18, 2006, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. AlexleHoshi
    I'm making a lil vid so i have something to do till xmas day and I need 3 people to do some voicing. Just two girls and a boy, all you have to do to be picked is recodred you self saying "I'll do a voice" and send it to me (my e-mail is in my profile) please I cann't do this all on my own
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Dec 18, 2006, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. AlexleHoshi

    Would you?

    Would you name you kids after your fave charter from games and anime? I would I'd call my 1st son Axel

    This has been know to be done b4 cus someone called there son Sephiroth so anyways if you would what would you call them?
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Dec 18, 2006, 30 replies, in forum: Discussion
  15. AlexleHoshi
    OKay To take a load off Xigbars hands I'm going to help out by making the same Avatars that he is

    Just tell me what you want your avatar to look like okay?
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Dec 17, 2006, 9 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  16. AlexleHoshi


    Okay I've been thinking my fave colour is blue then I started to think Blue is classed as a boys colour and even though i'm a girl I'm not one for acting girly, also blue is said to be a sad colour or a clam colour and sad and clam are the two thing i feel the most

    So what I'd like to know is what is your fave colour and do you think it's has anything to do with the way you act?
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Dec 17, 2006, 43 replies, in forum: Discussion
  17. AlexleHoshi
    Okay I was on youtube wacthing one of my fave vids Carmina Burana and in the related list I saw one for final fantasy but it was the remix version and I remember seeing one for Kingdome hearts on google some time ago, so I looked to see if that same one was on youtube and it is so here it is

    Done by kuchikuu
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Dec 16, 2006, 2 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  18. AlexleHoshi

    Sai'x singing

    This is what happans when Sai'x gets drunk

    mead by mewaeris
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Dec 15, 2006, 3 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  19. AlexleHoshi
    Well here it is

    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Dec 15, 2006, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. AlexleHoshi
    okay I got this from hahannuh so who do you think?
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Dec 13, 2006, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone