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  1. AlexleHoshi
    This is funny but dull at the same time so just enjoy

    by smartsarah323
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 13, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  2. AlexleHoshi
    Yes another Axel as peter kay vid

    does anyone know where i can get more audio cus I just recored it off peter kay clips on youtube
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 13, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  3. AlexleHoshi
    Okay one of the things that bugs me just happened five minutes ago and thats a light blowing when i turn it on and making the fuse blow but luky I can find the fuse box in the dark so what really bugs you?
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 13, 2007, 36 replies, in forum: Discussion
  4. AlexleHoshi
    Okay there are too many Dane cook with kingdom hearts on youtube but none with Peter Kay so I made one so enjoy
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 13, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  5. AlexleHoshi
    Okay i'm sure most of you have read my poem darkness well here is a video to it with some msuic (I'm sure you can guess what the music is) anyways enjoy
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 11, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  6. AlexleHoshi
    Just what the title says so what is it

    School:...Walk backwards out side where my english theacer could see me

    College...Write 'Got it memorized' on the bord when my maths tutor left the room

    so what did you lot do
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 11, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. AlexleHoshi


    How know about this band cus everyone I ask from my collage doesn't know them but I think there a great band, so what do you think of them if you know about them
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 11, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Music
  8. AlexleHoshi
    Okay this is very simple all you have to do is say who your a fan of on here and why so I'll start

    Mari-Great singer and makes great vids
    Mish-Very funny and sweet
    Xigbar-Makes cool Av

    if there are any more I'll add more
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 11, 2007, 67 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. AlexleHoshi
    Okay here's the deal today I've been looking on the net for the music that you hear when fighting Axel and I think i found it but could someone just tell me if I got it or not here a link to it

    And is it called The 13th Struggle?
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 10, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. AlexleHoshi
    I really like this and hope you do to

    from smartsarah323
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 9, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  11. AlexleHoshi
    Why do you think people do this to people who have mental health and think we're no good, yes I'm someone who is looked down on becuase I have autium and that's classed as mental health, the one think I hate people calling me and other people like me is stupid, I know my spelling isn't as good as it should be but I'm not stupid so why do you think some people look down as us like we're no good?
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 8, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Discussion
  12. AlexleHoshi
    okay this is still a bit crappy but better then my others

    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 8, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  13. AlexleHoshi
    Here's someone playing with there cats by Spazzu
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 8, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  14. AlexleHoshi

    Yes here is number 4
    Axel asks Sai'x why is he making a big cookie, but Sai'x lies then anmits he was lying
    Xemnas and Sai'x fart
    Diz is on Wiz
    And Sora says Demyx sucks again

    (I think this one sucks but hey whatever)
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 6, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  15. AlexleHoshi
    Okay so the cast of Kingdom hearts now goes to uni and if you want you can be two charaters


    Name (last name as well but you don't have to have one)

    Here is my info


    Name: Demyx Water
    Age: 18
    studing: Music
    Likes: Music and hanging with friends

    Larxene Maxwell~*princess-cgirlofkh*~
    Marluxia Sakura~Somebody
    Saix Tsukiakari~ukali_rules
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 5, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  16. AlexleHoshi
    Okay here we go again...I don't think this one is as funny as my 1st two but oh well enjoy
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 5, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  17. AlexleHoshi
    1st off if this don't go here sorry

    Okay I was thinking what it would be like if me, my sister, brother, cousion and nwper where the orgy 13 so I put out names in order of age and put who we'll be and this is what I came up with (with lil comments on some of them)

    I. Chantelle-Xemnas (They both ramble)
    II. Richard-Xigbar
    III. Lee-Xaldin
    IV. Me-Vexen (This may be why I said my power was ice when i RP as a kid)
    V. Michaela -Lexaeus
    VI. Callum-Zexion
    VII. Corey-Sai’x (So that's why I don't like him)
    VIII. Ainsley-Axel
    IX. Chelsea-Demyx
    X. Cortne -Luxord
    XI. Dominic-Marluxia
    XII. Reece-Larxene (well he does act like a girl)
    XIII. Jason-Roxas

    So do you ever do this with your family?
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 4, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. AlexleHoshi
    Here is Demyx tell us that Sai'x looks like a lady

    made by falcongirl02
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 4, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  19. AlexleHoshi
    Hi everyone Untill a few things changed for me or I can fix others (mouse isn't working) I won't be coming on until

    A. I get my laptop
    B. I find another mouse

    So anyway I won't be on, but I'm coming back...

    So bye for now

    Edit...Erm never mind my mouse started working again so could one of the admins please delete this?
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 4, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  20. AlexleHoshi

    Just wacth it okay lol I love making vids
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 3, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio