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  1. AlexleHoshi
    Okay me and Sora59 was talking about my story Heart of dreams, that a few of you are in, he would like me to get it published, but I said no beucase I'm using real people and they may not want me to do so...anyways what do you all think yes or no?
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Feb 7, 2007, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. AlexleHoshi
    Okay 1st one I was on my way to college and I started to think about the song that goes 'ice baby ice' then when I got on the tram I put the radio on my phone and they played a bit of that very song, and I was like what the hell

    the 2nd one is I was in class and this lad was getting all the girls bad and we was all telling him to shut up, anyway in the afternoon lesson they was talking about how I turn around to the teacher and said
    "Shut up, I'm talking" but the funny thing was I have no recall of saying it
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Feb 6, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. AlexleHoshi

    Cute pic

    Okay so I was on DA the other day and I found a pic so god damn cute, i've even set it as my desktop background waring it's just so god damn cute


    Make me want to jump in to my computer kick the heartless and give Zexion the heart back and a hug =^_^=
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Feb 5, 2007, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. AlexleHoshi
    Yes here it is people number 6...enjoy
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Feb 5, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  5. AlexleHoshi
    Sorry to all sora fan but this is just so funny I have to show it to you all

    by thoughtful1
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Feb 5, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  6. AlexleHoshi

    Yes I got off my butt and fixed it
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Feb 3, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  7. AlexleHoshi
    The sun had just started to rise and already Gharanth and her sister Anniexo were up, this was a daily thing for the sisters even though they have been know to sleep in. Gharanth was in the kitchen cooking, the fire on the cooker was illuminating her blue eyes and making her light brown hair even lighter, her sister was out side was talking to her friend Flower from next door, Anniexo had green eyes and brown hair just like her sister but was darker.

    “I swear Flower, one of these days I’m going to think you ARE a flower with you hair that pink.” Anniexo joked and Flower knew she was joking, Flower looked over at her garden, the sun was making her green eyea shine like two emerald gems in the sunlight.
    “I can’t help it, you know how much I love pink and besides, it goes well with what I like to do.” Flower said softly, Anniexo nodded at this and gave her friend a smile who returned one herself.
    “Anniexo, will you promise me we’ll always be friends?” Flower asked, turning to face her friend, Anniexo didn’t reply verbally but Flower could tell by the look on Anniexo’s that she did promise to be her friend forever.
    “Hey Anniexo, come on in here I need you’re help with the cooking!” Gharanth shouted from inside.
    “Coming, Gharanth! Talk to you later, okay Flower?” Anniexo said and with that she ran into the house to help her sister.

    Inside, Anniexo started to chop some carrots up.
    “So how is Flower today?” Gharanth asked dropping some leeks in to the pot on the cooker.
    “She’s fine as always, every day she looks like a flower that blooms in the sun.” Anniexo replied in a poetic way, this made Gharanth smile widely because she liked it when her sister spoke in a poetic way. After that, the two sisters cooked without saying a word.

    After they had eaten, they want to the village near where they lived, where they worked as healers along side Flower, who uses her flowers to help calm people down who have been badly shocked from their injuries. When they got to their small house where they worked, they found two boy waiting for them.
    “Well, well... if it isn’t nRa and Darky, what have we told you about over doing it with the power of darkness.” Anniexo joked walking over to Darky and poking him, who moved away from her.
    “Oh, don’t start on us today Anniexo, just heal us.” nRa said, he always seemed to be in a bad mood when he was hurt badly like he was now.
    “She’s right you know, you two need to learn not to over use your power, because one of theses days it’s going to be the end of you.” Gharanth said, the boy didn’t say anymore to that because he knew it was just best to let the sisters do their job. The sisters then clapped their hands together and slowly pulled them apart, as they did two small light green orbs formed in their hands, when the orbs were the same size as a football they threw their arms open, with this, the light of the orbs grew and small golden orbs fell on Darky and nRa, healing them of any cuts and bruises they had. Fully healed, the boys ran theit hands though their black hair.
    “Thanks girls.” nRa said giving Gharanth two gold coins and then left.
    “You’re welcome, come again.” The two sisters said.
    “Not too soon.” Anniexo joked.

    Just outside the village, the water boy, Axel, was controlling the flow of the water in a lake, by making it dance and jumping up and also splashing him self, making his dark hair fall over his eyes which he just whipped out of the way. Not far from Axel, Rox was hiding in some nearby bushes. He grinned evilly as he watched Axel mess around with the water, he then moved in on Axel making sure not to be heard, when he was about ten feet away from Axel he jumped up and held his hands out where bolts of lighting shot out heading for Axel. Hearing the lighting, Axel jumped out of the way just in time.
    “Damn you Rox, will you just leave me the hell alone!” Axel shouted as he ran back to the village.
    “Not so fast, Axel!” Rox said chasing after Axel, shooting bolts of lighting at him again.

    Back in the village, Axel ran down an alleyway and hid behind some barrels, in a gap between them he saw Rox running by, with this Axel sighed in relief, getting back up Axel made a water clone of him self and sent it out of the alleyway to see if Rox was waiting for him, but Rox was gone.
    “That’ll show lighting boy he can’t catch me.” Axel said as he turned around and went back to the lake.

    When he got back to the lake, he saw another boy there, he looked the same age as Axel but with brown hair.
    “Hey Ryoma, what’s up?” Axel asked sitting next to the boy.
    “Hey Axel, the same as you, being near something we love the most, water.” Ryoma replied as he started to make half the water in the lake dance. Axel joined in making the other half dance faster then Ryoma’s half.
    “Has Rox been giving you any hassle lately?” Ryoma asked, Axel gave him a look as to say ‘What to you think’
    “I’ve just gotten back from running away from him, so yeah, he has. What about you?” Axel replied, Ryoma nodded, they both knew that Rox’s favorite past time was hassling the two water boys.
    “One of these days we’ll get him back for all the times he has shocked us.” Axel said sounding a little evil, thinking of a plan to get Rox back.
    “How about we ask the healing sisters if they’ll stop healing him?” Ryoma asked.
    “No, that wouldn’t work, since they need to heal to make a living.” Axel replied, at this Ryoma lied back.
    “But don’t worry, Ryoma. We’ll get him back... oh, we’ll get him back.” Axel said looking down at this friend, who had his eye closed, so Axel splashed Ryoma with water, the boys then jumped up and started to have a water fight, even though they knew the only way to win was if the other water boy got to tired, but like always, this was just for fun.

    (Thanks Flower-for-you for checking this for me)
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Feb 1, 2007, 52 replies, in forum: Archives
  8. AlexleHoshi
    Okay like the title says...anyways I wanna write my own story with you lot as the cast, but it won't be kh unless I chagen my mind

    I have no polt yet so bear with me

    So if you wanna be in it just say so

    Cast so far

    Age: 18
    Power: Light and healing

    Name: Gharanth
    Age: 20
    Power: Light and healing

    Name: Rox - Roxas
    Age: 18
    Power: Lighting

    Name: Ryoma – Sora59
    Age: 14
    Power: Water and ice

    Name: nRa – no-reality_allowed
    Age: 21
    Power: Darkness

    Name: B-rik – The_Buger_King
    Age: 17
    Power: Fire

    Name: Soku- Soku-Sora and Goku
    Age: 15
    power: wind

    Name; Flower – Flowers-for-you
    Age: 14
    power: Flowers

    Name; Darky
    Age: 16
    Power: darkness

    Name; Axel
    Age: 14
    Power: Water

    Name: Kain - somebody <The bad guy
    Age: 19
    Power: Darkness and Ice

    Name: Xadllas
    Age: 21
    Power Water

    Name: Arc
    Age: 19
    Power: Dreams/Illusions

    If you still want to be in my stroy please PM me and make you're self a mini profile like the ones above
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 31, 2007, 22 replies, in forum: Archives
  9. AlexleHoshi
    I swear I have to much time on my hands ha ha anyways enjoy
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 30, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  10. AlexleHoshi
    Well do you like me or dislike me?
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 29, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. AlexleHoshi
    I didn’t always hate Sai’x, in fact there was a time when I loved him, but then he went with Xemnas, if I had a heart I would have been heartbroken, I think this is why I became so wild (Xemnas always sends Sai’x to tell me off so I get more wild to make him come to me more). When I think of the times we spent together laying on his bed looking up at the moon…it makes me cry (I know it’s not real sadness, since I don’t have a heart) because I still love him.

    “Axel dinner†called Xaldin, Axel put down his red pen and closed his diary that was black with a red flame on it, he didn’t lock it because only Roxas walked in to his room without asking and he know about Axel and Sai’x

    When Axel got to the dinner room, Sai’x had already eaten his dinner and was cleaning up his mess, there eyes met over the room, Axel looked away until Sai’x went to pass him, he then looked right in to Sai’xs eyes
    “Love me again Sai’x†Axel whispered so only Sai’x could hare him, but Sai’x made out he didn’t hear Axel and just walked past him and with that Axel just sat down to eat his dinner.

    As Sai’x went back to his room, he could see that Axels door was open a little bit, so he walked up to Axels room and slowly pushed it open to look in, as he looked around the red room his eye fell on Axels diary on his bed, so he walked over to his bed and picked the book up and read the last thing Axel had put in it, as he got to the end Sai’x eyes widen, as he read the last words he sighed and then read them words over and over again, he now knows why Axel has asked him to love him again. Sai’x sat down on Axels bed and held the dairy to his chased, for the next ten minutes Sai’x remembered the times he and Axel were together, he remembered their first kiss, their first time doing it
    “Xemnas lied to me, I can feel loveâ€
    “I know you can Sai’x†A voice said, Sai’x looked up and saw Axel, his green eyes looked sad
    “Axel I-“ Sai’x said, he was then cut off as Axel kissed him, when he pulled away from the kiss Axel leaned his head on Sai’xs shoulder
    “Love me again Sai’x†Axel whispered, Sai’x put down Axels diary and lied down pulling Axel on top of him
    “I’m sorry Axel, sorry that I hurt you†Sai’x said wrapping his arms around the red head lying on top of him
    “And I love you again†Sai’x said kisses Axel on the fore-head
    “I love you too Sai’x got it memorized?†Axel said cuddling up the Sai’x


    Hope you enjoyed that (if you don't like Yaoi please don't flame me)
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 29, 2007, 26 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. AlexleHoshi
    Here we go again Axel as Pater Kay enjoy
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 26, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  13. AlexleHoshi

    Will I be missed if I just lied down and died
    I feel like people hate me but I know that is a lie
    I always feel like the worst has happen to me
    When in fact the best has
    I feel like no one sees me
    No matter where I am
    Won't you show me?
    That I am just being silly
    Show me the light
    Out of my darkness

    My peaceful place

    As I look out at the sea
    All the darkness in side
    Just washes away
    As the tied goes out
    And all I am left with
    Is the ray of light
    Called peace

    What is our true selves

    Even thou they are in the same vile
    Until the day we die they are so different
    For what they mean

    The Body- the Physical side of us that all around us can see
    The Heart- the Emotional key not matter how deep or weak our emotions are
    The Soul- the Decider of out life’s destiny
    The Sprit- the True form of ourselves that only we can see

    The four true things that make a person
    No matter how good or evil but to
    Truly find them all we much all only in

    It is then we know who we really are in life…

    This feeling

    Sitting here under a tree,
    Gazing up at the sky,
    As the clouds fly by,
    In a would all my own,
    No one can make me feel this way,
    The feeling like am fly high in the sky,
    No one can take it away from me


    Tick…Tock. I’m waiting here for you
    Tock…Tick. Why do you keep me waiting?
    Tick…Tock. Waiting here in this small room
    Tock…Tick Will you come to where I am waiting?
    Tick…Tock. Or will you keep me waiting here?
    Tock…Tick. Don’t keep me waiting no more
    Tick…Tick…Tock. You came and stopped me waiting.

    Powers from birth

    Everyone has them but some of us don’t care about them,
    Four of them that show us who we are,
    Each one has three followers,
    We get them by being born into this world,
    What are they…? They are fire, Earth, Wind and Water,
    Once we are born we gain only one of the,
    Powers from birth

    Clear love

    My love for you is like the sun rise and sunset
    It rises when I wake and think of you
    And sets in to my dream as I dream of my love for you
    For me there are no rainy days
    Just clear blue skies, just like my love for you


    Dreams…we all have them
    They are the doors to unknown worlds
    Some dreams will show us what may happen
    And others may show us things we have forgotten
    But dreams I like are the ones that show me
    My own world where I can escape from
    The real world

    Loving you

    Your love is true
    My dreams are real
    This love is so pure
    I can’t hold back
    Here with you
    I want to be
    Now and forever
    Until the end of time
    Just promise me
    You’ll be mine

    Powers from birth two

    For houses of magic that none of us learn
    Fire… Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
    Each may tell what we grow to be like
    Earth…Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
    We are always born with in one of twelve
    Wind… Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
    With this we can tell how we are
    Water…Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

    This feeling, waiting, dreams and Powers from birth are my 1st ever poems I ever wrote.
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 26, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  14. AlexleHoshi
    Okay I did this last year and put it on youtube but forgot about it so here it is enjoy
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 24, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  15. AlexleHoshi
    OKay so when I looked at peoples profile i saw this little blue thing so when I put I mouse over it, it say (name) is on a distinguished road but what does that mean?
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 22, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Discussion
  16. AlexleHoshi
    No matter how many times I see this it's always funny

    By dalma88
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 18, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  17. AlexleHoshi

    yeah so enjoy comment or rate...or both if ya can
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 17, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  18. AlexleHoshi
    Okay so today I had a wacthed another side another story but i pused it just as you see Riku then I looked at the bulding he was standing on and saw kairi has anyone eles seen this cus it goes by so fast it's hard to see it but I got a pic of it

    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 15, 2007, 35 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  19. AlexleHoshi
    Sorry every one I for got to post this but anyways enjoy
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 14, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  20. AlexleHoshi
    Okay I was born in late spring and my main three skills I love so much are writing, art and gardening so I was thinking does what time of year your born effect what skills you have?
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Jan 14, 2007, 18 replies, in forum: Discussion