That's right it's not on youtubw this time, since it's messing me about, anyways enjoy
Yes, I've done it again, but this time, I saying all of Demyxs lines, it's a shame he doesn't has many, oh well, enjoy < it works now < For if the link above don't work
Yes I made my other love poem in to a vid so enjoy
I love the memories that makes me happy I like the ones that make me smile I hate the ones that make me cry But all of them are what make me The person I am today I may regret some of the things I have done But I will never want to go back to change them For my memories make me As I mead them ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just a quick poem I wrote last night
Yes I did it again, I think my first one was better, but this one is longer
This is another great love song Heaven (Candlelight Mix), yes i do like candle light mix songs, they sound so muc better By XoLizzieoOx
B-rik stepped out of the wall of fire behind Soku and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I’m not here to hurt anyone Soku, I’m here to warn the village that a great evil is coming.” B-rik said, Soku looked around to see B-rik who had blond spiky hair and green eyes. “What are you talking about?” Soku asked pushing B-rik's hand off of his shoulder, taking a step away from him. B-rik didn’t answer until the wall of fire had died down. “Someone who left this village five years ago is coming back, but they are not the same… They are no longer who they were before.” B-rik explained, Soku didn’t know what the heck B-rik was talking about since he had only lived in the village for two years. “What are you talking about?” Soku asked again. B-rik grinned a little and grabbed Soku and dragged him to the village. B-rik took Soku to Flower's flower shop, as they entered Flower came from the back to greet them. “Flower, we need to talk.” B-rik said making Soku sit down on a nearby stool, then walked up to Flower who looked up at him knowing what he was going to talk about. “You found him...? Have you found Kain?” Flower asked, B-rik nodded, then Flower's face lit up with joy, but returned to normal when B-rik put his hand on her shoulders. “Flower, he’s not the same anymore, he’s not the same boy you were friends with a few years ago.” B-rik told Flower. “Who’s Kain?” Soku asked, jumping to the side of B-rik making him jump as well. B-rik then pushed Soku back on to the stool. “Sit there and wait a minute!” B-rik told Soku, turning back to Flower. “He appears to be evil now and he's coming towards this village, destroying everything in his path... it's only safe to assume that once he makes it here, he'll try to destroy us as well.” B-rik said knowing it would make Flower upset. “No, why would he do this…? What happened to him?” Flower asked as she felt a tear fall down her cheek. “Hey, don’t cry now, you still have Anniexo and everyone else in this village.” B-rik said wiping the tear away. “Speak of the devil...” Soku said, B-rik turned around to see Anniexo standing in the doorway with Axel and Ryoma. “Why is Flower crying B-rik?” Anniexo asked, not looking to pleased at the fact that her friend was crying. “Anniexo, do you remember when I told you about a boy I was friends with before you and Gharanth moved here?” Flower said, walking up to Anniexo and softly tugging on her hand. “You mean Kain, has something happened to him?” Anniexo asked looking at B-rik and then back to Flower. “He’s not the same person that he was when he left, he’s evil now and he's coming back to this village to possibly destroy it.” B-rik explained again. “Well if he thinks he can destroy this village with all of us here… he’s got another thing coming.” Anniexo said, thinking that if she got everyone in the village who was born with magic powers, Kain wouldn’t stand a chance. Just then, there was a big blast coming from not far from the village. “What the hell was that!?” Everyone shouted as they all ran to where the blast had come from. Not far from where the blast was, Xadllas had just woken up from his peaceful nap. He walked over to the fog of dust as his long brown hair waved in the wind, as the dust settled he saw a young lady with extremely long, light blue hair laying there looking half dead. Xadllas ran over to her and softly picked her up in his arms. “Hey, are you okay? Can you hear me?” He asked as he walked back to the village with her in his arms, the lady was in too much pain to say anything, but every now and then she’d let out small gasp of pain. After a while, Xadllas saw the dark boys over doing it with their powers again. “Hey you two, go get some help now!” He ordered. Darky and nRa didn’t look to pleased about being ordered to do something, but when they saw how he needed help, they soon ran back to the village themselves. On their way back, they met up with the others. “Anniexo! Just the person we’re looking for!” Darky shouted to Anniexo. "What was that blast we heard?" Anniexo asked, then looked over at Xadllas who was following not too far behind them, carrying a woman in his arms. "I don't know, but I found this woman in the spot it came from after the dust cleared." Xalldas answered, holding the woman out to Flower, expecting her to do something about the person he had found who was obviously in pain. Flower nodded as if to say 'Yes, I can help her.' then they all followed her back to her shop. After returning to the flower shop, Flower took the woman from Xalldas' arms slightly, helping to lay her down gently onto a bed in the back of the shop, then reached over to a small potted plant sitting on a nightstand next to the bed and began pulling a few petals from it. Flower held the the petals in her palms as she pressed them together as if to pray, lowering her head and closing her eyes as she whispered some form of healing spell. After a few seconds, a soft pink glow could be seen from between her fingers as she opened her hands and took the petals from her hand, placing one gently onto the woman's forehead, another over a small bleeding wound on the woman's shoulder, and the last on the woman's broken wrist. The petals glowed again as they slowly faded from sight, leaving a perfectly healed wrist and shoulder now. Soon, the lady stopped gasping in pain and appeared to have fallen into a deep sleep, no longer suffering and healed of any wounds. "She might not wake up for awhile, so we'll just have to wait to find out what happened for her... unless whatever did this to her and caused that blast comes to us first." Flower sighed as she rose from the woman's bedside and turned back to Anniexo and the others, a little bit scared that they would soon suffer the same fate. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes it's here, sorry for the wait, but I just couldn't seem to write the ending so Flowers-for-you helpped out big time by writing the ending for me, thank you so much Flower, you're a big help
To me this is one of the best love songs, Everytime we touch Candlelight Mix, it gets me right here in my heart By standgeblaese
The rage of you betraying me Seem too much to bear But knowing, I have see the real you my friend Make the pain more bearable You use to fill me with happiness But now you just fill me with sorrow Before I make you walk out of my life There is just one thing I need to know Why did you betray me so? Why did you fill me up with rage? Why did you have to make me feel this sorrow? I feel like a bullet has gone though me heart But knowing you will soon be gone The pain doesn’t seem that bad ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay so I killed three birds with one stone here We have betrayal for Aeon Sora Rage for cloudfinalfantasy3 And emotional pain for Sora59 Hope you enjoyed it ps. Yeah I know this is the worst day to post this, but what the heck
Okay so I found this vid of Organisation XIII singing UnBreak My Heart, and I think it goes well with them by MangaChan
Wanting to run away from this pain As the sorrow fills my heart I try to smile but all I can do is cry I feel the hole getting bigger Pulling me in deeper I try to get out But this pain is just too real Won’t somebody come and take away my pain I don’t know, how long I can keep going Before I will give in To this sadness that is in my heart Again this is for Gharanth
I feel the happiness when I see you’re face I feel it when I dream of you Knowing we will be forever friends Fills me with the ultimate happiness That time cannot rid of Feeling it make me smile when I’m sad It cools me down when I am mad But most of all it reminds me That we are always there For one another Forever and always This is for you Sis because you asked for it
Okay I was thinking how many people really like my poem light of love, that someone asked me to write, so I was thinking, can I do it again, just give me an emotion and I'll see if I can write about it...okay then lets go
Yes I've made another one this time with my best love poem, well it IS the best time of year to make it right? Anyways enjoy
Yes I'm still doing them, I like this one more since I wanted to try something out, you see when I put a clip of someone laugthing I mute it, but this time I didn't so you can hear them laugthing. Anyways enjoy
This is a really good card trick I found By nicepaul ...I think I've posted this in the wroung secion
Okay pick one person for each one okay, Poet: Storymarker: Sig maker: okay tell us who you think is the best
Okay lately I can't help but smile for no reason, but ever time I do a girl in my class keeps saying, "Why you smiling for" and when i said "No reason I just feel like it" she calls me a weriedo, and last year some girls passed me as i was smiling and one of them said "Why the hell is she smiling?". Anyways do you get this people who jump on your back just because you look happy for no reason, i mean I like being happy for no reason at all but it get me mad, when people moan at me for it. Do any of you get this?
Okay since we're getting close to v-day I think this would be a good idea to do something like this Rule: One poem/song/mini story per person They have to be in by Feb 13th. Judgs: Me and Roxas Get writing people
OKay I had a look at how many memeber we have 3,686 then at how many Active Members: 1,231 and I was just thinking where are the other 2455 members? are they them people who sigh up then never come back