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  1. AlexleHoshi
    So far away, but yet so close to my heart
    Even is you never return, I know you’re always with me
    Thinking of you makes the cold ice melt into peaceful water
    Seeing your face in my mind makes the darkness lighter
    So know you know, no matter where you are
    You still make my life, a happier one to live
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Mar 25, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. AlexleHoshi
    Sorry about the crappy title, I wasn't sure what to call it but I hope you like it

    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Mar 24, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. AlexleHoshi
    The reason why I've called this marble is because I feel it has a marble effect to it, even though I wasn't even trying for one but I like how it turned out

    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Mar 24, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. AlexleHoshi
    I'm happy with this one and I hope you do to


    edit: ignore the black line at the bottom I've only just seen it
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Mar 24, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. AlexleHoshi
    I've written this again because when I posted it on I got really bad reviews so now, it's longer and better then before


    The red head laid on his belly alone on his fire red bed, in front of his he had a book open, he looked down at it for awhile then picked up the red pen that laid beside the book, he looked up at the room around him that was painted red, his black clothing, green eyes and purple lines on his cheek almost looked out of place with all the redness around him, but red was his favourite colour, after looking around his room he looked back down at the book and began to write.

    I didn’t always hate Sai’x, in fact there was a time when I loved him, but then he went with Xemnas, if I had a heart I would have been heartbroken, I think this is why I became so wild (Xemnas always sends Sai’x to tell me off so I get more wild to make him come to me more). When I think of the times we spent together laying on his bed looking up at the moon…it makes me cry (I know it’s not real sadness, since I don’t have a heart) because I still love him.

    He sighed sadly after writing the last four words because he really meant them, true he didn’t have a heart to feel love with, but he sure did remember what it felt like, that is why is loved another nobody.

    “Axel dinner” Xaldin voice called from another part of the castle, Axel put down his pen and closed his book that was black with a red flame on it, he didn’t lock it because his best friend Roxas was the only one walked in to his room without asking and he knew about Axel once being in love Sai’x

    When Axel got to the dinner room, there was only two men there Sai’x who hand long blue hair, golden eyes and a large X shaped scar right between his eyes, the other man was Xigbar who had long black hair with grey highlights was tied neatly into a pony tail, he had a scar on the left side of his chin that ended at his cheek and only his left golden eye was visible since he wore an eye patch.

    Sai’x had already eaten his dinner and was cleaning up his mess, when Sai’x turned around and saw Axel they looked with into each others eyes, Axel quickly looked away until Sai’x went to pass him, he then looked right in to Sai’xs eyes
    “Love me again Sai’x” Axel whispered so only Sai’x could hare him, but Sai’x made out he didn’t hear Axel and just walked past him leaving Axel alone with Xigbar, befor he could tell there was something wrong with Axel, he turned away so Xigbar couldn’t see his face as he sat down at eat his dinner.

    After walking along the white corridors of the castle Sai’x stopped out side his room, he looked over at Axels room that was right next door, he could see that Axels door was open a little bit, Sai’x moved away from his room a bit before thinking about what Axel had said to him, so after awhile he walked up to Axels room and slowly pushed it open to look in, as he looked around Axels room his eye fell on the book that Axel had left on his bed, he was going to walk right back out again but something inside of him was telling Sai’x to read the book, so he walked over to the bed and picked the book up, he sat down at the bed and eyed the book for awhile before opening it, when he did he turned to the last page that had writing on it and read what Axel had written, as he got to the end Sai’x eyes widen, he couldn’t believe what Axel had written about it, as he read the last words he sighed sadly just as Axel did after writing them, he then read them words over and over again, he now knew why Axel has asked him to love him again. Sai’x hung his head sadly as he held the book to his chased, for the next ten minutes Sai’x remembered the times he and Axel were together, he remembered their first kiss, that was so sweet and full of love, their first time doing it, that was so passionate.

    “Xemnas lied to me, I can feel love” Sai’x whispered to him self unaware that someone had entered the room
    “I know you can Sai’x” A voice said, Sai’x slowly looked up and saw Axel, his eyes looked sad but happy at the same time
    “Axel I-“ Sai’x said, he was then cut off as Axel kissed him, when he pulled away from the kiss Axel sat next to Sai’x and rested his head on Sai’xs shoulder
    “Love me again Sai’x” Axel whispered, Sai’x put down Axels diary and lied down pulling Axel on top of him
    “I’m sorry Axel, sorry that I hurt you” Sai’x said softly as he wrapping his arms around the red head lying on top of him
    “And I love you again” Sai’x said kisses Axel on the fore-head
    “I love you too Sai’x got it memorized?” Axel said cuddling up the Sai’x, the two of them lied there for hours after as their love that they once lost returned to them.
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Mar 23, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: Archives
  6. AlexleHoshi
    I'm not sure if I like this one or not but I'll go with it

    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Mar 23, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. AlexleHoshi
    Although I promised not to cry
    I can not help but let the tears flow
    This pain of losing you is just too much
    It is too real for me to fight
    I am so sorry that I had to cry
    But losing you was too much to bear


    I just got back from seeing a play at college, and there was this one part that was so sad, it was about a lady who had lost her love, and most people there started crying, even me...So this is what the poem is about
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Mar 22, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: Archives
  8. AlexleHoshi
    Although it was a really nice day (if you can call raining every single day in the world that never was, really nice) but he would rather sit in the basement of the castle that never was all alone, just reading many types of books that were stacked up around him. Everyone who knew him was somewhat concerned about him since day after day he would keep him self locked up all the time.

    As he closed the book he had just finished and placed it on the table next to him, the door to the basement opened, soon after, a man with a blonde mullet and blue eyes, ruffled his friends light blue hair, this made his right dark blue eye visible for a few seconds.
    “Demyx, what do you want this time?†Zexion asked when Demyx sat on a chair in front of Zexion backwards so he could cross his arms on the back of the chair.
    “I just wanted to spend some time with you Zexy; you’re always down here own your own.†Demyx replied pulling a black leather book out of Zexion's hands so he couldn’t ignore him.
    “Demyx, give me my book back, please.†Zexion said holding his hand out for Demyx to return the book to him, but Demyx just opened it and smiled when he saw that it was a diary, but not just any old diary... it was Zexion's diary on how he feels about the other nobodies.
    “Oh, what do we have here then?†Demyx said turning around on his chair, he flicked through the pages until he got to the page where Zexion had written about him, before Demyx could read anything more, Zexion got up and pulled the diary away from Demyx, but it was too late, Demyx had gotten a look at what Zexion had written about him.
    “You love me?†Demyx asked making it clear to Zexion how much he had seen.
    “Do you really love me, Zexy?†Demyx asked again, Zexion grabbed hold of Demyx's arm and pulled him up out of his chair.
    “Get out, Demyx!†Zexion ordered but Demyx wasn’t going to obey so easily.
    “Let me read what you’ve written about me and I won’t take it and show everyone else what you’ve written about them.†Demyx said in a sinister tone, Zexion was almost shocked that Demyx was trying to blackmail him but Zexion had a plan to make Demyx's blackmail backfire.
    “If you don’t get out of here now, I will tell Larxene that I saw you in her room, you wouldn’t want that now would you?†Zexion asked knowing how much Demyx was afraid of Larxene, Demyx covered his mouth with his hands and opened his eyes wide as to say ‘You wouldn’t’ in return Zexion smiled wickedly as to say ‘Oh wouldn’t I?’ even though Demyx's blackmail had backfired he wasn’t going to give up so easily, but there was only one thing that Demyx could think of to make Zexion's plan backfire, and he wasn’t afraid to do it. Demyx grabbed hold of Zexion by his coat with one hand and moved his hair so both of Zexion's eyes could be seen with his other hand.
    “What are you do---“ Zexion said but he was cut off when Demyx kissed him lovingly on the lips, if it was any of the other nobodies, Zexion would of tried to pull away, but because it was Demyx, Zexion just kissed back, when Demyx pulled away they were both smiling.
    “You’re a great kisser, Zexy.†Demyx said happily as he kissed Zexion again but this time on the cheek.
    “Demyx, I mean it, I’ll also leave you in the same room as Sai’x when he is having one of his berserk moments.†Zexion said as he tried to pull Demyx's hand away from him, but Demyx still wasn’t going to give up, no matter how much he was also afraid of Sai’x.
    “Oh, come on Zexy, just open up a little bit, please.†Demyx begged but Zexion wasn’t going to take any of it, just then Demyx had another idea to blackmail Zexion, Demyx pretended to cry to make Zexion feel bad about hurting him..
    “Demyx, that won’t work, now stop it.†Zexion ordered but Demyx just kept on crying.
    “Demyx, stop crying.†Zexion said as he gritted his teeth but Demyx didn’t listen as he kissed Zexion on the lips again, Zexion tried to pull away this time as he felt uncomfortable but Demyx just pulled Zexion closer to him so he couldn’t get away, Zexion could feel himself blush and the kiss deepen the longer they were in the kiss.
    “Please Zexy, just admit you love me.†Demyx said softly when he pulled out of the kiss.
    “No, I won’t because there’s nothing to admit.†Zexion said trying to free himself from Demyx's grip, after an hour of trying to get away from Demyx, Zexion knew he had no choice but to admit his feeling for Demyx so he held his right hand under Demyx chin and kissed him on the lips.
    “There, happy now?†Zexion asked in a whisper as he wrapped his arms around Demyx's neck, letting go of Zexion's coat, Demyx ran his hands down Zexion's sides and wrapped his arms around his waist.
    “I love you, Zexy.†Demyx said lovingly as he pulled Zexion closer to him, they stood there embracing each other for a long time until Demyx let go of Zexion.
    “I got to go now Zexy, I’ll be back later.†Demyx said before kissing Zexion on the lips.
    “Okay, I’ll be waiting here for you.†Zexion said as he returned the kiss and dropped his arms beside him. Demyx left Zexion on his own again, but instead of going back to reading his horror books, Zexion went to the library to find romance novels to read, when he had found a few of them, he returned to the basement and started to read them.

    It was getting late before Demyx returned to the basement and back to Zexion.
    “Hey, Zexy.†Demyx said happily as he kissed Zexion on the lips lovingly, Zexion returned the kiss as he put the book he was reading down on the table next to him, when they pulled out of the kiss a few minutes later, Zexion got up and cuddled up to Demyx who softly ran his hands up and down Zexion's back. They wanted to stay like this forever, but they were rudely walked in on by Xigbar, he had black hair with grey highlights was tied neatly into a pony tail, he had a scar on the left side of his chin that ended at his cheek and only his left golden eye was visible since he wore an eye patch.
    “Hey, little dude, what... what are you two doing?†Xigbar asked pointing to how close Zexion and Demyx were, a sinister smile quickly formed on Xigbar's face.
    “Alright then, I’ll just leave you two little love birds alone.†Xigbar said as he turned to leave.
    ‘Oh, I’m going to tell everyone about this...’ Xigbar thought to himself.
    “Xigbar, if you tell anyone about this, I’ll tell everyone that you ware pink ladies knickers.†Zexion said as he smiled just as sinisterly as Xigbar was, but after hearing what Zexion had just said a look of horror was now on Xigbar's face,
    “I don’t know what you’re talking about little dude!†Xigbar shouted as he rushed out of the basement leaving Zexion and Demyon there own again,
    “Does he really wear pink ladies knickers?†Demyx asked wrapping his arms around Zexion again.
    “Yes, I know because I’ve seen them many times when we were in the same restroom.†Zexion replied cuddling up to Demyx.

    (Thanks to Flowers-for-you for editing this for me)
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Mar 20, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: Archives
  9. AlexleHoshi
    I saw an ad on TV for something called anmile farm (I have my spelling) anyways I saw this hairless rat with a human ear on it's back and pigs that can glow in the dark, I mean wried or what
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Mar 19, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. AlexleHoshi
    Reality the one who bears all the pain
    Fantasy the one who can escape with ease
    But the shear one life one body
    One heart that beats as two
    Two souls that unite as one

    Reality bears the pain more with fantasy
    Fantasy seems more real with reality
    Together they are one
    No matter how part they are
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Mar 19, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Archives
  11. AlexleHoshi

    I'm evil

    Well untill I get 667 post counts, That's right my post count right now is 666 mwhahahahaha....okay then am done now
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Mar 18, 2007, 43 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. AlexleHoshi
    Here are two girls (I think) dressed up as Zexion and Xigbar, just messing around The Fangirl Dictionary Xigbar Eats... Cooking With Zexion

    All three of them are funny so have a look at them
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Mar 18, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  13. AlexleHoshi

    The Sims

    I have a lot of sim games and I really like them, I like how we can play god or whatever and make the people in the game do what ever we want, I wish I could have The sims 2 on PC so I can download kingdom hearts stuff on it, so what do you lot think of The Sims?
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Mar 18, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: Gaming
  14. AlexleHoshi
    And she looks really nice, no wonder everyone likes her
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Mar 17, 2007, 33 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. AlexleHoshi
    Don’t be shocked that I hate you so
    Even if I have no reason to
    Nothing you can do will change the hate that fills my heart
    Every time I look at you
    I care not what happens to you
    For I will not moan if you were to die
    That is how much I hate you so


    Thanks to RikuSoraKairiOwn for his help, I asked him to give me an emotion to write about and he gave me hate, so thanks RikuSoraKairiOwn
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Mar 13, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Archives
  16. AlexleHoshi
    I think this is better then my other Demyx sig since I used bubble brushs, anyways hope you like it

    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Mar 11, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. AlexleHoshi

    Yes heres one for all you Marluxia fans, hope you like it
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Mar 10, 2007, 8 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  18. AlexleHoshi

    Yeah, I've used text here, I like how this one turned out, but what do you like think?
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Mar 10, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. AlexleHoshi
    Am at college, with no work to do so I was playing minesweeper, and I beat it in just 2 second, i can't believe it, anyone wanna see if they can do it in 1 second?
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Mar 9, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. AlexleHoshi
    I don't think this is as good as my Zexion sig, but am happy with it

    CnC please
    Thread by: AlexleHoshi, Mar 8, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics