I wonder how many members on that site have been happy with the other 'beautiful' members they have met.
It snowed. A lot. I got stuck in a train for over an hour and a half. For those that don't know it never snows in Glasgow. Never. It's basically thrown the transport system into chaos. xD But yay, snow!!
but i can't set it up till tonight when my dad gets back! It's just sitting there, calling to me. And the chunky tv in my room mocks me cause it's too heavy for one person to lift. Damn you fat tv. >|
Old, but still hilarious. Also gets you in the Christmas spirit. :3
Ok, i'm gonna buy myself a tv. I was thinking this one. BUt i'm not too sure. I heard it can hurt with some lag during games. So, if anyone has any ideas about a good tv for gaming (Full HD, 32 inch etc) please share! Ta much. :3
If i don't write a story for khv, then khv will be story-less for the rest of eternity. Is that so bad?
http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-na-49-en-70-3ma9.html Just preordered. :3
I popped into Schuh to try on a pair of shoes, as you do. The lass arrived with the shoes i wanted and off comes my shoes. I pop one shoe on and as i'm about to try the other i notice my sock was literally soak in blood and the insole of my trainer was covered with the stuff. I said to lass, 'I'll just try this one on... =D' She was like, 'Ummm, ok... O___O' I bought the shoes! xD
The flashing faces while the crew were in the Icarus was freaaaaaky! And the film was just silly.
Can you guess what?
who were in deep embrace. [Then they saw me and pushed each other away.] It was an awkward moment.
It's true! Totally didn't steal this from a previous post Cin made in the non-existent premium section.
We'll all need to evolve and grow a set of gills soon.
[I am not a 21 year old 'lass fae doon the streets a Glesga, born n' raised to fight begga's, moochers n' neds'. I'm not even of the felidae family. Truth be told, i am in-fact a 40 year old man that lives in his mother's attic (Racoons seized the basement. I tried to fend them off with my replica Andúril sword from Lord of the Rings, but the ring leader defeated me in a game of roshambo), who plays runescape, WoW, dances and sings to High School musical and loves Miley Cyrus music. Why am i saying this now? Well, my mother, the slave driver succubus that she is, was listening to a conversation i was having with my partner. My mother never did approve of friends or relationships via the internet. She said they were all 92 year old females looking to prey on young men like me. Anyway, she burst into my room as i began to cry. She got mad and said i spend too much time on the internet. Can you blame me for crying? I just found out my internet boyfriend was a 26 old female from Scandinavia! My mother then began whacking me with a stick, the same stick she used to hit me with when i was a toddler (she said it would improve my looks). So now i'm banned from the internet. This is a very stressful time for me. I've been alienatied from the Dungeons and Dragon club because i wear chanel no.5. My mother doesn't understand. I lost the only person i ever loved! khv, i need you! Everyone who i know and love...i know where you live and i'll be at your house on either Wednesday or Thursday afternoon.]
Girl meets boy Boy turns out to be vampire Vampire likes girl Girl likes vampire Love happens Vampire dumps girl A new challenger approaches New boy likes girl New boy turns out to be werewolf Love happens Vampire gets jealous Vampire anf werewolf fight Girl cries Vampire and werewolf eat girl Vampire and werewolf live happily ever after I've never read any of the books nor seen any of the films. How close was i?
I kid you not. I showed my family the picture of Serious Cat and then placed a picture of my wee brother next to it. They said nothing, but their laughter said it all. And no, i cannot post a picture of my wee brother.
But it began to pour with rain. So i decided to go for a walk instead since it was that bad. Turned into torrential rain 10 minutes into my walk. I got a wee bit wet. xD
Which class should i choose?