I assume it is ok to place this here since it is the 'Holiday' section. xD Simple. What/where are you doin'/goin' for your holidays this year? I've opted out of another family holiday this year n' have decided to go by myself. Goin' on family holidays for almost 20 odd years lost it's appeal after 5 years. This year i'm off to Snoreway Norway...i think...i hope. o_o;; I'm lookin' forward to it. xD I also plan to cycle from my place up towards the highlands, somewhere like Loch Lomond. It's a 30 mile cycle n' i haven't ridden a bike in years but i'm gonna start it soon. Seems like a fun challenge. N' i plan on climbin' some mountains. I want to be out of the house as much as possible when i get the chance this summer. So, does anyone else have plans yet? It's really not that long till summer.
I've been studyin' Romeo + Juliet by Baz Luhrmann (FANTASTIC director!) for my film English class, n' i gotta say, it's an amazin' film. I saw it many many years ago but i didn't realise how great it was till i watched it again for the first time a few weeks back. It maintains a lot of the dialogue from the original play, while adaptin' it to a modern day world. Personally, i think Baz Luhrmann did a great job creatin' this film. Thoughts? Anyone else seen it?
THUNDERCATS!!!!! ... Hooooo? O__o
N' to kick staff in the nuts.
edited .
Last week i needed to reboot my laptop since it's wireless card hates me. So! I was tryin' to find my 2 GB memory stick to store my photos. Couldn't find it. D: So i used my smaller one n' my brothers. I rebooted my laptop n' took the photos off my brother memory stick. Today i found my memory stick with 2GB of memory. But now i can't find my other memory stick with my other photos. D: Someone is messin' with me.
Aka, haggis. :3