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  1. Fearless
    And there is no pep-rally or dance.
    Because two stupid f*ckers in Junior year decided to start a food fight during lunch today.
    And the ENTIRE SCHOOL got punished for it.
    So, instead of hanging out with my friends, who I don't have any classes with, and this is probably the only chance I'll get to see them for a while, I got to sit in homeroom for an hour doing nothing.
    And then PM BOCES students went to the Auditorium to sit for the rest of the day while everyone else went to 9th and 10th period AGAIN. (I played piano the entire time)

    My senior year is ruined, and the Cocoa Puffs I'm eating don't taste as good as they should.

    I need a hug.
    Thread by: Fearless, Oct 1, 2010, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Fearless
    Find your way
    Into my heart.
    Thread by: Fearless, Sep 30, 2010, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Fearless
    Damn you, Slifer jacket, why are you so hard to sew? >_<
    Thread by: Fearless, Sep 29, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Fearless
    I was looking through the TV Guide, and hot damn there's a lot of old stuff on tonight.
    Reba, Gilmore Girls, Halloweentown... I feel old ;_;
    Thread by: Fearless, Sep 28, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Fearless
    ...And wearing my glasses for the first time in months.


    I got hit in the face with a soccer ball today. 8D
    Thread by: Fearless, Sep 28, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Fearless
    Does this mean it's Retro Avatar day?
    Thread by: Fearless, Sep 25, 2010, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Fearless


    [Everyone seems to be flipping out about the site malfunction. Yea, I realize it's a shock, and we lost a lot of sh*t, but seriously guys, calm down. It's not the end of the world. We all just gotta work hard to get things back to normal.]
    Thread by: Fearless, Sep 25, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Fearless
    My phone is a ******.
    It only holds two ringtones.
    Thread by: Fearless, Jul 25, 2010, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Fearless

    Week 2

    I already know you all missed me, so I wont say anything <3

    Shiz that went down;

    1. It poured. Almost all week. FFFFF.

    2. My fellow counselor Murphy, who was like 3-4 months pregnant, had a misacarriage. ;_;

    3. I got attacked by 9 year olds.


    5. On Monday night, we had a campout thing in the Nature Center. We watched Road to El Dorado. Then me, Texas, and Kit-Kat made a pillow fort. X3

    6. 3 Homesick kids.

    7. Last night of camp, Kit-Kat comes into the tent, laughing/crying, followed by 3 of the girls.

    Texas: What did you do to Kit-Kat?!?
    One of the girls: She came into our tent and killed a really big bug and she got freaked out 'cause it went squish and white stuff came out!

    Cue the counselors dissolving into giggles.

    8. I basically survived on cookies all week.

    9. I beat the Elite Four in SS. In one try. c:

    10. Texas knitted me a Roxas wristband. ^_^
    Thread by: Fearless, Jul 24, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Fearless

    Note to self;

    Always wear sunscreen.

    [I will be wearing hoodies, hats, and sunglasses the rest of the week.]
    Thread by: Fearless, Jul 17, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Fearless

    Dragon Quest

    The original one.
    Aka Dragon Warrior?
    Thinking about downloading for emulator.
    Thread by: Fearless, Jul 16, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Fearless

    Week 1

    Yea, so I'm back for the weekend. 8D

    So here's what happened.

    1. We found two baby hawks on the trail. We named them Fred and George. We had a hell of a time trying to get someone to take them (YOU EXPECT A BUNCH OF COLLAGE KIDS/SENIORS IN HIGH SCHOOL TO TAKE CARE OF BABY ANIMALS?). Apparently, the local zoo dislikes baby hawks B|. Unfortunately, George died before we could get someone to take them. After that, Fred just kind of lost the will to live and he died as well. ;_;

    2. I washed dishes. ALL WEEK.

    3. I cleaned a fridge. With bleach. My shirt got ruined and I was like FFFFFFFFFFF-

    4. We played Apples to Apples war style. Apparently Rednecks are sexy.

    5. Ruined my diet with candy.

    6. I suck at Old Maid.
    Thread by: Fearless, Jul 16, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Fearless
    [Also I'm bored.]


    Thread by: Fearless, Jul 10, 2010, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Fearless


    This is win.
    Thread by: Fearless, Jul 9, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Fearless
    'Cause I know I'll forget to if I don't do it now.

    So, as most of you probably know and potentially forgot about, I actually have a job this summer.
    As a camp counselor/kitchen aid.
    I would be afraid for the small children.

    So anyway, it is a sleepaway camp, so I will have no access to interwebs for a while.
    6 weeks, to be exact.


    Fear not, KHV, for I have Saturdays off and will be coming home on the weekends, so I may or may not be on if I have nothing better to do.

    So yea, see you in 6 weeks starting tomorrow, KHV.

    Thread by: Fearless, Jul 9, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  16. Fearless
    Here's what me and Plums came up with on MSN tonight.

    Alex is Plums.
    Haou Eats Souls is myself.

    Alex said:

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* said:
    I geddit /ie

    Alex said:
    How was your day? o:

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* said:
    I got to go to Joanns

    Alex said:
    For your Judai cosplay? xD
    -latey late late-

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* said:
    I hope I don't screw up, because that was the last of that fabric and they wont be getting more for a while >_>

    Alex said:
    I'm sure you don't mess up.
    Besides, on the off chance you do, play it off and say that the messed up spot is how it is supposed to look.

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* said:
    Idk if that will work on a uniform jacket for a well known character.

    Alex says:
    Point taken.

    You could just say it's his Season 4 outfit.

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *How would that work?

    Alex says:
    *I have no idea >>

    My head is too "durrr hurrr" to think properly.

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:

    Alex says:
    *It's only because KFC messed my stomach up today.

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *That sucks.

    Alex says:
    *It was so damn delicious though ;;
    ...Yet deadly B|

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Like a bomb.

    Alex says:
    *You eat bombs? o:

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *I didn't say that.
    *I said they were delicious.

    Alex says:
    *But you would not know that fact unless you consumed one.

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Delicious doesn't necessarily mean I consumed one.
    *Chip Skylark ftw.

    Alex says:

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *...Oh my god look what I just found.

    Alex says:
    *Oh god xD

    ...IT'S SHIRLEY! 8D
    *The Backriding Crocodile!
    *And, lol, Naruto ad at bottom of the screen at 2:48 or so.

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:

    Alex says:
    *And a Secret Agent Man.

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *I wanna see a cosplay of that now.

    Alex says:
    *Give me a bandana, some boots and a crocodile.

    ...A stuffed croc, that is.

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *I don't know where I would get those XD

    Alex says:
    *I have a bandana somewhere, I have boots, and I could just use my stuffed Pikachu 8D

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Ghetto Jim.

    Alex says:
    *The Pikachu's tail was cut off by my little brothers >>

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:

    Alex says:
    *It's just like the Slowpoke from that Well in Johto.

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Except it wont grow back.

    Alex says:
    *I would tape it, but it is in a garbage dump somewhere.

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:

    Alex says:
    *(the tail)
    *I considered sticking a stick in its place.

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:

    Alex says:
    *Then I remembered all the sexual jokes that would arise from that.
    *F is for Friends who does stuff together
    *U is for you and me

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *N is for anywhere and anytime at all

    Alex says:

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:

    Alex says:
    *F is fire that burns down the whole town

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *U is for uranium- BOMBS

    Alex says:
    *N is for No survivors when you're-
    *F is for Fearless shooting chocolate pudding beams

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *U is for You and Me

    Alex says:
    *N is for Neverending Insanity

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *We need to post this.

    Alex says:
    *Someone already made a KHV parody of thsi B|

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:

    Alex says:

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *I havn't seen the other one anyway

    Alex says:

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *It's not just your it's mine too

    Alex says:
    *...That is true.

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:

    Alex says:
    *I nominate you to post it.
    I feel to lazy c:

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *Idk, is it just copy paste?

    Alex says:
    (You could include the whole conversation if you want. It makes me giggle...TOUGH MAN GIIGLES! B| )

    ******Haou Eats Souls******* says:
    *What shall I call the thread?

    Alex says:
    Thread by: Fearless, Jul 9, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Fearless
    [Joanns is the fabric store, for those of you who don't know.]

    It was like Christmas for me :=D:

    We came out of the store, she looks at the receipt, and says 'Geeze, -insert real name here-, you are an expensive child.'
    'Inorite? :lolface:'
    Thread by: Fearless, Jul 8, 2010, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Fearless
    First I need to decide on a camp name.
    Idk if you guys know this, but at camp, the counselors need to come up with a name to be called. Not our real names. I have a few things picked out.

    - Storm
    - Lightning
    - Fearless
    - Demyx
    - Judai

    Second, has everyone seen this?
    Thread by: Fearless, Jul 6, 2010, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Fearless
    [Don't watch this if you're allergic to yaoi]

    Thread by: Fearless, Jul 5, 2010, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Fearless
    [Taking a leaf out of Reptar's book here... Can you tell I'm bored?]

    So I havn't finished anything in... quite awhile.
    Tell me what to do, KHV.

    - Kingdom Hearts 2 (for the 5 millionth time)
    - Brawl
    - Fatal Frame 2
    - Final Fantasy 5
    - Final Fantasy 6
    - Final Fantasy 7
    - Final Fantasy 8
    - Final Fantasy 9
    - Final Fantasy 10
    - Final Fantasy 12
    - .//Hack Infection
    - Neopets
    - Twilight Princess

    - Spirit Tracks
    - 358/2 Days
    - Soul Silver
    - Explorers of Darkness
    - Final Fantasy 3
    - Final Fantasy 4

    - A Link to the Past
    - Oracle of Ages
    - Pokemon Emerald
    - Earthbound Zero
    - Castlevania (Original)
    - Tales of Phantasia
    - YuGiOh Duel Acadamy

    Say screw it and watch Sonic anime.

    ...Lol I have no life.
    Thread by: Fearless, Jul 5, 2010, 25 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone