But how the heck do you post a video using the [video=] code? Because the old [youtube=] one is refusing to work for me now, figured maybe I should learn the other. EDIT: Nvm, I'm a ******. IGNORE ME.
SRS BZNS IN THE SPAM ZONE WTH. So I'm taking a Public Opinion Poll for my Government class. It would seriously help me out a ton if you guys would take it. Also, sorry, but you gotta be at least 16 to take it. Anyone who takes it gets rewarded with fake points and invisible cookies. Public Opinion Poll Gender: Age Range: 16-19, 20-23, 24-27, 28-31, 32-35 About how many hours a day do you watch TV?: 0 hours, 1-2 hours, 3-4 hours, 5-6 hours, 7 or more hours About how many hours a day do you play video games?: 0 hours, 1-2 hours, 3-4 hours, 5-6 hours, 7 or more hours Is your eyesight good or poor?: Do you get headaches often: Yes/No Do you often have back or joint pains?: Yes/No Do you often get sick?: Yes/No
If you were a country who would you be?
Her songs are awsome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8uPvX2te0I WHY DO I STILL WATCH DISNEY CHANNEL?
Anyone have somebody they want punched?
It's actually good. ._.
I have Freak the Freak Out stuck in my head. Goddamn Nickelodeon.
See you in a few days. <3
[Who knows, maybe he'll find it here XD] Dear Santa, I've been good this year. Really. I only pushed Keyblade Spirit off the cliff 15 times, and I've cut down on how many souls I've been stealing. So for christmas, I'd like a new duel disk and a bell from your sleigh. And, you know, world peace and junk. Love, Fearless <3
<3 .
I was looking through the Happy Birthday KHV post, and I realized; I've wasted 4 years of my life here, as of the 17th. Dayum.
MY NEWLY FIXED LAPTOP WOOOOOOO! Took me a while to reset some stuff, though.
My computer got another virus. I'll see if I can get it fixed tomorrow, but if I'm not on, you know why. F*CK YOU, COMPUTER GODS. *smashes wall* EDIT: I know it's sounds like I'm overreacting, but I've had a terrible day and this was just the icing on the cake.
Go .
I GOT INTO THE COLLAGE I WANTED TO GO TO SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! [So of course the first thing I do is spread the news over the interwebs >_>]
^Well, I just did.^
My family and I drove an hour so we could go to the huge-ass mall in the next town over. Finally got a new sweatshirt that I sorely needed. Found a used game store. It had a bunch reeeeeeeeeeally old games and systems. Like, I'm talking NES and Genesis. Guess what I found for almost nothing? OCARINA OF TIME, BABY. QUICK, SOMEONE TELL ME WHAT I SHOULD NAME LINK.
I feel like the only one who is unable to change my name for christmas. ;_;