I just spent all morning cleaning my hairdresser's house and I only made $40. HOW THE HELL AM I MEANT TO PAY OFF MY CAR.
I return to you, on the eve of my graduation from High School, to once again live amongst the lovelies of the forum. I have neglected you of late, and for this, I am deeply sorry, for my life has taken some unexpected turns, mostly for the better. However, this was no reason to leave with such little warning. I have missed you all very, very much, and I hope that each of you, old members or new, will welcome me back. Why did that take me ten minutes to write? But srsly guys, been a lazy ***** for the past few months, hoping to get back in the swing of things here now that school's out. <33333333
He's taking me shopping today. Someone please stop me from spending all his money on hair accessories and video games. I dun want my Daddy to be broke. ;_;
It was amazing. [Was Judai on Saturday and Casual!Yusei today. Also got to see Uncle Yo, which was pretty cool. And oh my god I bought so much stuff. Mostly candy >_>]
5Ds ended a few days ago. [I cried ;_;]
[I know, I know, I'm so original. Same rules as the original, suggest something that will happen next. Instead of picking the first one, however, I will pick the one that will be the most relevant. Or the one that will amuse me the most. No rules other than that, although I would prefer if you only suggested one thing per update, just to keep things easy to follow. Keep in mind I don't update nearly as often as Hussie, I don't have nearly enough time. Probably one update every few days or so. I'm mostly doing this to help improve my art skills a bit. Have fun.] A young girl stands in her bedroom. Though she is nearly fifteen years old, it is only today she shall be given a name! What shall her name be? > Enter name.
[It would be a lot of fun to make an MSPaint Adventures type comic.]
Ilu. [Someone hug me.]
I finally got around to watching Black Rock Shooter, and my god it is amazing. [So how are you, KHV? Been uber busy these past weeks, soyea. <3]
How 'bout you, KHV? Oh, me? Well, first I got crap from my parents for my birthday, but that didn't throw me off. It was admittedly a good try on their part, but no dice, I'm afraid. Then there was the play. While it in itself did good, I was absolutely exausted by the end and had a sugar crash. Not to mention I embarrased myself in front of some really cute guys. And, to top it all off, this morning I found out that my wallet has been stolen. Said wallet had my driving permit, my bank card, and my social security number. And it seems I've literally worried myself sick over it. So, yea. Sad panda. Don't get me wrong, I had some good stuff happen too, but I'm afraid that the good outweighed the bad. Sorry if I sound a bit whiney, but I could really use a hug right now.
Hey. Hey. Hey guys. Today. It is my birthday. And I am now officially an adult of 18 years. Someone kill me so I can be reincarnated and be a child again.
No wonder I feel sick.
I wonder what shenanagains will be had.
Pick a number between 1 and 100. Go.
Amuse me. (Getting ready for Step-Dad's family to come over.) Mom: *talking about who to put at the children's table* Me: I'll sit at the children's table. Mom: ...What? Me: Mom, I have two weeks left of being a child, I'm going to milk it for all it's worth. So how have you been this past week, KHV?
Guess who just ordered her Yusei wig? :lolface:
[Tummer said it first.]
Why the hell did I have to go in the first place?
[I hate you. Please go die in a fire.]
And it's not snowing. :lolface: [It's actually because of the cold. Seems the entirety of Northern NY has weather -25 degrees Fahrenheight or so.]