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  1. Fearless

    Viruses suck.

    As shown by the title, my computer currently has a virus. A really bad one. My step-father says I'm not even allowed to use it until it's fixed.

    Currently writing this from my Wii, and gawd it is a pain in the ass. It really doesn't like forums, apparently.

    So I'll probably be gone for anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. I might come back to check up if my Wii lets me (horrible connection for the win), but it's looking a bit grim at the moment.

    Sorry, KHV, you must temporarily live without your insane forum romper once again.

    Later, guys.
    Thread by: Fearless, Apr 13, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  2. Fearless


    I am in teh spammy zone alot
    but so far, i have not seen any threads that are comepletely 100% spam.
    if you are like me, and sometimes just wanna randomly post redarded words, random songs you just made up on the spot specifically for this thread, or you just wanna annoy other people, then this thread is for you ^^
    also, please dont hold any conversations that last more than a few posts. if theres something you wanna specifically talk about, plz make your own thread. the button is right there :D
    SPAMZ AWAY!!!!

    this has been a complete bordom production
    Moonlight Waves Productions
    Fearless Studios

    Thread by: Fearless, Oct 1, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Fearless


    its me ^^
    as opposed to the one i drew last week that looks like crap ^^!
    Thread by: Fearless, Sep 28, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Fearless
    seriously, wtf.

    i was voted the 10th grade representitive for homecoming. wtf?
    I DUN WANNA BE A PREP!!!!!! *cries*
    i think i may be a bit too crazy for this job...
    am i crazy?

    If you say 'congradulation' i swear to god i will find out where you live, hunt you down, and chop off your head (guillitine style)
    Thread by: Fearless, Sep 26, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Fearless
    I'm eating cocoa puffs ^^
    theyre magicaly delicious!
    no, wait, thats lucky charms XD
    Thread by: Fearless, Sep 21, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Fearless
    woOt first post =3
    Thread by: Fearless, Sep 4, 2008, 76 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  7. Fearless
    YAYZ my third story! *hugs self*
    yes, i realize i have two other unfinished storys up and onther non-posted (yet) story, but i couldnt resist
    but i assure you the next one (my crack story) is KH (and by crack, i mean total and utter randomness)
    don't worry, i'll get to all my stories eventually
    lets see now...
    as with all my storys, is rated PG-13 for swearing an VIOLENCE! (i mean, come on, its NARUTO! of course theres going to be violence...)
    and about the title-
    OMG ITACHIS BACK!!! RUN AWAY!!! *runs about in circles like a crazy person*
    anyways, on to the story *squee*
    that is if your still reading this stupid opening paragraph

    Proulogue-in which there is running (and alot of it)


    Sasuke was running.

    He didn't know what he was running from, but he didn't care to find out.

    He saw the village up ahead. Just a little further...

    But fate was against him. He hadn't been paying sttention to the ground and tripped on a rock. He landed face-first in the grass.

    "Oww..." he complained, rubbing his chin. He heard a crack behind him, reminding him of the fact he was being chased. He cringed as he saw the shadow loom over him.

    Sasuke looked behind him to see a shadow, the shadow he feared from his nightmares and childhood, the one he wanted to see dead.


    Yay a cliffy =D

    Random Footnotes:
    -sasuke is my favorite character ^-^
    -...i have no idea why lolz
    -this story could have gone in so many directions it gives me a headache *takes an asprin*
    -some of you may be thinking 'HES A NINJA WHY DOESNT HE JUST ATTACK?!?' there are so many reasons:
    ~lack of kunais (or any other ninja tools)
    ~hes scared to death
    ~erm... actually, thats is lolz
    -cookies to the first person to guess who the shadow is lolz
    -erm... toast. lolz.
    Thread by: Fearless, Feb 21, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: Archives
  8. Fearless
    Okay, so I've had this story on my mind for awhile, so I decided to write it down.
    WARNING: Rated PG-13 for minor swearing and VIOLENCE!! YAY VIOLENCE!! lolz XD
    so if you dont like it, THEN DONT READ!
    sooo... ONWARD TO ADVENTURE!!!

    le proulogue lolz

    The small brunette boy cried out as he hit the sand. He looked up, and, seeing the bullies were surrounding him, began to cry.

    "Awww, wittle Sowa gonna cry like a baby?" asked the biggest one in a mocking voice. The other three snickered at his predicament. The boy procceded to wail louder.

    They were about to begin taunting him again when a voice behind them called out, "Leave him alone!" They turned to see a platinum-haired boy running toward them with a wooden sword in hand.

    The bullies exchanged panicked expressions before turning and scampering as quick as they could back up the beach. The small boy still lay cowering on the sand, waiting for a blow that would never come.

    The older boy reached out to touch the younger boys shoulder, but the brunette cringed at his touch. The older boy, trying to show that he ment no harm, gently grabbed the other boys arm and pulled him to his feet. The smaller boys eyes snapped open and he shivied away from the silver-haired boys touch. The brunette's eyes were full of fear, and he kept them on the older boy as he backed away slowly.

    Finally, he shyley said "Um... Thanks..." and turned, running towards the small islet with the poupu tree.

    The silver-haired boy stared after him, bewildered. Then he ran after the small boy.


    When he reached the islet, he saw that the small brunette was leaning against the poupu tree, staring out at the ocean. The older boy snuck up behind him and grabbed his shoulder, whirling him around to face him. The smaller boy gasped and almost tripped.

    "Why'd you run away from me?" the older boy demanded. The brunette just stared at his shoes.

    "Your not hurt, are you?" asked the older one. The brunette shook his head and mummbled something.


    The small boy said something that sounded like, "I was scared..." The older boy stared at him for a moment, then said "Why would you be scared of me?"

    "Not you." the brunette said softly. "Those other boys. The ones who pushed me." He began to cry. "I... I'm sorry I ran away from you..."

    "Hey, don't cry." said the older one. "Tell you what, from now on, I'll protect you."

    The smaller boy looked up. "Really?"

    "Promise. I won't let anything bad happen to you." He smiled. "I'm Riku. Whats you name?"

    The small boy smiled shyly. "Sora. I'm Sora."


    well? is it good? comment if u want more!
    you know you want to... lolz

    Random Footnotes:
    -This is when Riku and Sora are younger. Like, Soras probley about 7, and Riku's probably about 8.
    -The bullies ran away from Riku cause hes the best fighter on the islands (supposedly) lolz
    -horrible speller I am (O NOES I SOUND LIKE YODA) lolz
    -um... I MUST OBEY THE TACO MAN!!!
    Thread by: Fearless, Jan 24, 2008, 19 replies, in forum: Archives
  9. Fearless
    YAYZ!!!!!!! MEH FIRST FANFICTION!!! so be nice plz =D
    i collaborated with my friend Kairi on this, so its bound to be good lolz =D (and no, her name is not really Kairi) it started out as a RP, so there still may be some chat speak in there. i dunno.
    lets see, what else... ok, this is rated PG-13 becuase there may be minor swearing. so if you dont like swearing, then dont read. i dont like it when people flame meh.
    some characters may be a bit out of character (especially riku >.>)
    this time frame is set mabey about a month after the return to Destiny Islands. =D
    OK, HERE WE GO!!!

    Chapter 1... Proulogue... thing. lolz.

    Kairi looked at Sora. He was staring out into space again. It wasnt that he was doing it on purpose, he was just having trouble concentrating. Especially after he and Riku had come back.

    Everyone was sitting by the bent poupu tree on the Destiny Islands. It was kind of a lazy day, because no one was doing much of anything. Rinn and Riku had struck up a conversation, and Roxas and Namine had gone for a walk on the beach.

    But Kairi was too worried about Sora to be too interested in anything else. He had spent a lot of his time staring out into space lately. But whenever she asked, he just replyed he was 'thinking'.

    She tapped him on the shoulder to awaken him from his trance. Sora immediately looked around to see who it was.

    "Oh, Hi Kairi..." he said softly. He seemed to be trying not to look directly at her.

    "Hey, Sora," Kairi started "Do you wanna go for a walk on the beach?"

    "Um... well... I... um... not right now, thanks..." he stuttered. "Mabey later."

    "Oh, okay..." Kairi said in a crestfallen manner. She turned around to join Riku and Rinn in their conversation. Sora resumed staring silently into space.

    "Hey Kairi" said Rinn. Riku just gave a bit of a wave before turning back to Rinn. Kairi was happy for her friend that the boy that Rinn liked seemed to like her back.

    Kairi immediately joined their conversation on which band was best. But she couldn't seem to keep her mind from wandering and occasionally glanced behnd her to check on Sora. He was still gazing out to sea.

    After awhile Kairi's mind shivied away from Sora's strange actions and turned to the conversation at hand. She was just starting to get involved in it when she heared Sora's yell from behind her.

    She whipped around to see Sora, unconsious, being held captive by Marluxia. Kairi had never actually seen him before, but between Namine's descriptions and the fact that he had pink hair, she had a vague idea of who he was.

    "Let Sora go!!!" She screached. Rinn and Riku had already brought out their weapons.

    "No," Marluxia said with a slight smirk. "No, I don't think I like that idea too much." And with that, he vanished, taking Sora with him.

    Kairi collapsed on the ground in tears.


    So? How did I do? Grammer and spelling corrections are helpful.

    Random Footnotes:
    -Rinn is my own character that I created. =D
    -Roxas and Namine have their own bodies.
    -Out of characterness hasn't really been in here yet, but heres what to expect:
    ~Sora is accident prone
    ~Kairi crys A LOT
    ~Riku likes butterflys a bit too much o.O
    ~Roxas is a flirt lolz
    Namine and Rinn arn't really out of character too much.
    -I didn't put band names in because I don't want copyright infringements o.O

    Tell me if u like and I'll put up more lolz =D

    PS: I was gonna make this longer, but if i had put in the next part, it would have been ridiculously too long. lolz
    Thread by: Fearless, Dec 22, 2007, 29 replies, in forum: Archives
  10. Fearless
    I cant download it for some reason...
    was it not put up correctly?
    plz help.:confused:
    Thread by: Fearless, May 16, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Discussion
  11. Fearless
    I have ABSOLUTELY no clue where people get their music... does someone here know? PLZ!!
    Thread by: Fearless, Feb 13, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Music