I fink so...y?
yes...yes i am but so r u
then i am very happyXDDDDDDD
U Noteced!!!! Y Thank You!!!
...okaaayyyyy don't worry i'm messed up 2 XDDDDDDDDD and it's rly a good thing!!!!!!!!
I no but ya still r
u r messed up!!!!!!!!
...i hate you so mush rigth now
....second thougth *squwerst lemon in buddy's eye* HOW YA LIKE ME NOW!!!!
--' thx................................remind to hurt you when i see you again
OOC:....idk...all i no is that edward took my notes.....
OOC:...mkey you left all of us for so long and you can only say that....eh figures XDDDD BOC:"Just looking around for ed." said serenity, "He kinda took something from me."
Serentiy saw Zay sitting alone so she went up to her, "YO, hows it going??" OOC: i g2g bye
OOC: i g2g i'll try to be on tomarrow....bye peeps ^^
..g2g hopefully i'll be on tomarrow
...never heard of it srry ^^'
"Oh, great." responded Mira,"Is everyone there ok?"
...true dat true dat
MIra heard someone and said "I better go check who it is." And she walked into the throne room.