OOC: Wow i can't believe I read all the post you 2 did XXDDDDDD anyway sso yeah i guess mira fell asleep and now she's waking up.. BOc: MIra started to wake up an then saw snow with xert, "You look better."she said with a yawn then smiled.
"ohz,"said mira," do u ever feel like going back and just staying there?"
"hehe,"said miras laughing a little," then y did u come here?"
OOC:....i'll read it in a few minutes....kinda bussy
"Sounds like an interesting place." said mira trying to picture earth
OOC:wats goin on????
"I've never heard of that world," said Mira thinking," wats it like?"
OOC: wat r they having *stomach growls* Boc:"Hey, kizon," sarted to say mira, "I don't rly no much bout you. LIke where u from?" OOC: thats wat mira asked
OOC:hey peeps...wats going on????(recap plz)
OOC: hi srry i haven't been on in a while but u no how it is with christmas very close an all......so wat i miss???
OOC: well kinda sudden isn't it...hey and kizon never answered Mira's question!!!!! CHeater BOC; "AAAWWW, not now,"said mira taking out her weapon but not rly being abile to fight," This is so unfare!!!!"
"Can I plz use it to...well you know." said Edward begging Serenity to let him use the charm. "HHMMMMmm well ok but next time mind asking, and i might just say yes." said serenity giving ed a pat on the head.
Edward Cursed at Zay then turned to Serenity, "Sorry I had to try," he said trying not to get her mad. "Eh watever," said serenity," But next time I will hurt you got it!"
OOC: wat i miss????
OOC: I was goin to do dat but luckily i found this computer but i still might not be on a lot ^-^
OOC: i g2g but i'll ethier be on later or tomarrow.....or any other day...
"ignore her,"said Gita trying to calm edward down," Give me my charm." "Wat did you call me!!!!!!" yelled edward waving his fist in the air. OOC:yay more peopleXDDDDDDDDD just one thing i have to get off but i'll be on later hopefully kk.
"Who she talking to?" asked Gita a little confused ,"And mona were did u go?" she said walking around a little.
"eh well i did," laughed Gita," and yeah were did mona go?"