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  1. heartsof13
    "Well, I am." Said ramix
    Post by: heartsof13, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. heartsof13
    "Thank ya." Ramix said, " hey r u guys ditching class you going?"
    Post by: heartsof13, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. heartsof13
    This time Mira tried to fight the guards, but she was out numbered. Then Cloud poped up and started fighting the guards.

    "Why do you get into so much trouble?" asked cloud.

    "Cloud! wait how you get here?" yelled Mira back to him.

    "You were missing so queen Minnie sent me to get you. Get the boy and yourself in the ship i'll be there in a sec." Yelled cloud back.

    Mira got kizon into the ship and waited there for cloud.
    Post by: heartsof13, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. heartsof13
    OOC: >< srry

    BOC: "OK," said ramix walking along, "Just to let you know, i'm not gonna remember any of that."
    Post by: heartsof13, Jan 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. heartsof13
    Mira put up a shield and tried to think of wat to do. A portals the only way out but I could get us in to worse trouble. Mira hesitated but then made a portal taking them hopefully somewhere safe, But it only took them to some other part of the city. "Kizon!" She yelled trying hard to wake him up, "Please waik up!!!"
    Post by: heartsof13, Jan 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. heartsof13
    "Wait," Ramix said trying not to laugh, "That I gotta amitt would be pretty funny"
    Post by: heartsof13, Jan 28, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. heartsof13
    Mira got rid of all the other guards and draged kizon to a dark alley way and hid. Mira shook Kizon saying, "Kizon, Wake up man!!!"
    Post by: heartsof13, Jan 25, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. heartsof13
    "I'm not supose to do this but i don't want to get hurt again so..." Mira presure pointed a lot of guards or k.o. them.
    Post by: heartsof13, Jan 25, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. heartsof13
    Ramix looked from person to person and said "Wait, I'm not following."
    Post by: heartsof13, Jan 25, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. heartsof13
    "Oh crap now what." Asked Mira trying not to get shot again.
    Post by: heartsof13, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. heartsof13
    "Well," said Mira scraching her head," I guess it depends."
    Post by: heartsof13, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. heartsof13
    "Ok, just one question...which one are ya?" asked Mira glaring at him,"A jerk or a cool person?"
    Post by: heartsof13, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. heartsof13
    "Yeah" Don't kill me!!!!
    Post by: heartsof13, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. heartsof13
    "Wow, lots of peeps go here....." Said ramix," Anyone here realy random other then me??"
    Post by: heartsof13, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. heartsof13
    Sky Pirates

    Have you ever wondered what it would be like living in the future or the past? Well I’m not sure what date to put her, but I can tell you how we lived. Somewhere lost to time there was once the thriving city of Itazi. Funny name it is, but beautiful city it was or will be. There were many people here. Some were wild and courageous others were timid and gloomy. Although I wasn’t either of these. I was a loyal and proud Sky Pirate.
    My story begins in a little town out side of Itazi. I wasn’t exactly Sky Pirate material back then, but you could say my best bud, Vaith, helped me. I was mostly shy and not so social, and to be a Sky Pirate you had to actually have some spirit. He ,on the other hand, was all spirit and my only pal. This was kind of sad, because usually kids had thousands of friends.
    Well anyway one day Vaith and I decided to go into Itazi. We were young, and get ourselves into bad trouble. Like for one thing we kind of stole some food here and there, but we really needed it! Many times we got into massive trouble, but it couldn’t be helped. However once we almost got badly hurt. You see we were passing by and some recognized us as “The Thieves.†Some guards came up and tried to take us, but we wouldn’t go without a fight. Although in the end we gave up, so the guards took us to prison. After a week there the guards came back, and they were about to execute us. We were shocked and scared. Although thanks to two Sky Pirates we were saved. After they saved us they took us to there captain. There we all agreed to become Pirates like them.
    Adventure after adventure. My life become so much funner then before. We lived by own rules not caring about others. Yet, I still had my best bud to help me out of trouble. And never again did look down. Many times we stole treasure, but now we never felt guilt.
    Now we live here in Itazi as the lowest and worst. Yet, For some reason I feel free and high spirited instead of wanted. After a while Vaith and I become the head captains. This was all strange. Having a 16 year-old girl, me, and a 17 year-old boy, Vaith, as higher ups was real messed up. Our names lived or will live down in history as Capt. Ramyz and Capt. Vaith. Heroes at times, yet thieves at others.
    Look for us in your books and who knows we might in there. Just remember you could look in the criminals’ records too. Last thing I say is to those Pirates out there. Live not by man’s law but by the law of the Sky! ​

    Probly isn't that good but o well i try ^^
    Thread by: heartsof13, Jan 24, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  16. heartsof13
    This is were it all goes wrong..........At least in the movies.
    Post by: heartsof13, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. heartsof13
    "yeah I know" Mira followed
    Post by: heartsof13, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. heartsof13
    "Nice why of keeping hope." Said Mira teasingly.
    Post by: heartsof13, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. heartsof13
    "Shweet, Well Yeah I'm Ramix," Said Ramix giving them a peace out sign," And why's your hair pink?"

    "Anyway can one of you tell me where to go i'm kinda new here and yeah you know the rest."
    Post by: heartsof13, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. heartsof13
    "you sure they didn't take it?" Asked Mira
    Post by: heartsof13, Jan 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home