"I'll watch" said cloud looking around.
Mira did wat kizon told her to do. Then she made a water babble in the air and let it rain over kizon, "That any better ???"
Mir ran to kizon, "Hey Kizon, U alright ??" "He's exasted." Said cloud walking up to them.
OOC: well you start better then i do ^^ Gita looked at the two. She hadn't realy known them for a while but this was the only home she'd ever had.
Mira realy wanted to stop and get some water, but kept going when she remembered." Hey cloud, Did you ever hear from sabin or sora or them?" "Well I heard from Sora he said he and the gang were still looking for the stone but still no luck," Said Cloud, " Sabin on the other hand disappered."
"Ok then." Said Mira following Kizon. "How did I get stuck here?" wispered Cloud to himself following them.
"Wait, this isn't gonna involve shooting is it?" Asked Mira laughinf a little nervously "So you would rather be shot at and go to the infurmery then go home." asked cloud teasingly. "Thats a straight yesh."
Cloud put Mira down but didn't let her go," She stays but I have to stay with you guys." "You'll just be drag Cloud." Said MIra trying to get away from him. "Well thx to kizon i'm stuck here." Said Cloud glaring at kizon.
"Srry Kizon but Mira has to go home now." Said cloud grabbing Mira and trying to figer out how to use the remote. "Wat! cloud!!!!! Kizon!!!!" Said Mira trying to break out of clouds arms.
"Well, you guys r smart not trusting me, but doesn't alex or larxene know where to go??" Mira asked trying not to laugh at Marluxia's comment.
OOC: hey i told you to pm me!!!!! anyway meh name is Gita age: 900 color i will use is:Deep sky blue OOC: hey sara i have to log off for i while but call meh at 601-332-5889 and ask for me in english if yeah want ^^
" Hey, I'm just waitin for you guys to lead the way." Said ramix petting shadow.
OOC: hey sara pm me plz and i'll join in a minute kk ^^
Oh great first that now this "Hey cloud did queen minnie give you the controler?" Asked Mira. "Yeah," Said cloud pulling out a strange looking control, "But I don't know how to use it." "I used to, but then des kept on hogging it so i kinda forget." "Wats it suppose to do?" "Call for a gummy ship"
OOC:NO RAMIX!!!!! great i'm stil having trouble with this --' BOC: Ramix Laughed a little and said " Hey Shadow what type of treats do ya like?"
OOC: her is who???
"ok" Said Mira. "I'm not paying for the ship." Said cloud to Mira. Then followed there lead.
"Ok, dude I like animals too, but I realy wouldn't let them bite me." Said Ramix laughing at xigbar.
"never heard of it but it sounds better then here."
Ramix laughed at Larxene and alex.