"Yeah" Said cloud and Mira at the same time and followed Kizon.
"Yes I think you have." Ramix said teasingly, "So where ya from?" "True dat true dat."
Gita saw everyone leave, so she was soon behind them.
"Well, I have met this other guy with you problem only his hair was a different clolr and instead of ignoreing it he killed himself..." Said Ramix shaking her head.
"Ah, well at least you tried." Said Ramix glad she could change her hair color whenever she wanted. "Ok then be proud."
"Wow....." said Ramix a little shocked that he couldn't change it. "
"Well you do have a problem there buddy," Said Mira patting him on the shoulder, " So why don't you just die your hair?"
"And what exactly is that?" Asked Ramix tilting her head a little.
Mira was little confused so she just looked from person to person.
Mira looked at marlixuia and hit him playfully. "You got anger manigment issiues meh friend."
"Don't worry I forgive. you," Said gita smiling gently," I guess it is kinda disterbing."
OOC: ......BIG..... BOC: "Ok, i just got one question, who are enemys and who are friends.???"
OOC: ..........Torin or scaring me more then usuall.... BOC: Gita stood in the dark thinking about old things.
Cloud blolcked as good as he could but got shot here and there. Mira put a shield around cloud hopeing it would help a little.
OOc: Thx for reals....make it complicated for me --' JK BOC: Cloud did wat he had to do.
OOC: >< I feel like an idiot..... Boc: Gita smilled and giggled a little.
Gita looked at william and said " r u lonley???"
Cloud Ran to the red ones and started beating them up. He took one of there vihicles and started beating the crud out of them. "Well, I'm kinda glad he's here now.
"I take it those were the things you werte telling us to keep away from." Said cloud preperd to fight at any moment. "Are we suppose to go with the other ones" asked Mira.
OOC: Ok now you don't have to wright all that ^^' BOC: Gita felt a little bad and asked Luthin, "He doesn't realy like me does he?"