Base retracted as Dumbo caroused from side to side. He did not feel particularly safe around a seemingly tipsy elephant that was a great deal bigger than his miniaturized form. The sheer size of the pink bubble floating above them only did more to increase his anxiety! Slowly, by degrees, the bubble started to shift in mid-air, stretching as if from the inside pushing out into an amorphous film of soapy flesh-hued transparent blob. The blob, Base could see, was starting to take shape, and in so began to take on a seeming sentience as it transformed. Eventually, the blob changed so greatly that with a cry of utter disbelief, Base stepped back aghast. "Pink Elephant!" He murmured incredulously as the former rotund sphere became an equally rotund but nonetheless corpulent image of a comparably demonic interpretation of how an anthropomorphic elephant with clear pink skin but no internal organs might look like. It marched on its hind legs and grinned broadly, its odd, hollow-eyed face distorted by the breadth and sheer size of the dimpled grin. It's trunk was not noticeably long, but drooped and swung like a pendulum to and fro. As if to answer his frightened utterance from seeing something that was nothing like he'd ever seen, he heard an echo from an indistinguishable and bodiless male tenor voice whisper in pianissimo: "Pink Elephants..."
Superb dialogue. For Xehanort, I could hear Nimoy's rasp and the meter of speech was about right in some places, and spot on in others. Originally, I was a little set off by Draconine and Dementia and Etrius knowing of other worlds, and the odd nature of the Heartless armor, but you covered your tracks quite nicely. You made the Keyblading Heartless unusual to the characters perception and not only that, the family knows Xehanort seemingly as an old friend, explaining their knowledge outside of their homeworld. Good coverage, Etrius is really aging well. You might want to focus just a little more on him in posts to come though, even though we do have a pretty good taste of how Etrius acts. This story keeps getting better and better, especially now more Kingdom Hearts elements have shown up.
Latin America 101: Q. What is the highest Capital in the World? A. There is something of a schism. I remember this from Spanish class(!): La Paz is not the OFFICIAL capital of Bolivia. But it has the most government buildings[1]. Qutio, in Ecuador, is technically the highest elevated official Capital City of a country[1], which is located on a volcano, Pinchincha[2]. Sources: [1]Mrs. Morley, 10th Grade, 2010; [2];
"Okay. Two things!" Base was becoming overwhelmed with the current events. "One: Did I just get called a fairy?" He asked incredulously, and then went directly into his next question, "Are you two affiliated with the wizard Yen Sid?" He badly wanted to know. For shortly before arriving, he had been comfy and cozy in his room in the Mystical Tower where he had been housed ever since the destruction of his Home World, Theate. Originally, he'd wished to stay out of the "State of Emergency" the enigmatic sorcerer was always going on about; it was with a mere snap of the old sorcerer's fingers and a stern look that Base found himself hurtling towards the ground in the first place. He half suspected the altitude placement was on purpose, as was his getting to the ground safely. He had spent some time in the company of the Ancient Keyblade Master, and thought he knew him well enough to think he would pull something like that. Of course, the scare would be controlled, so he was probably never in any sort of real danger. Of course, there was also the theory the ole caster was getting rusty in old age. Base shook the theories out of his head for now; he needed a clear head. These two were obviously Keyblade wielders, but Yen Sid had always warned him of people wearing masks during the time he knew him. Then again, Yen Sid hadn't always been around, leaving Base to his own devices inside the enchanted tower he'd awoken in after his last minutes in his familiar city. He had never exactly been Yen Sid's apprentice, per say. He was more of a respected tenant, with a particularly moody Landlord; one minute, Yen was helpful, the next he was a pain in Base's side. He, again, cleared his head of the string of memories for now, although he wondered where he was headed from here. Was he going to stay on this world forever? He had no clue how to travel between the worlds. All of that he had ever experienced, which he actually hadn't witnessed at all, of it was done in going from crumbling Theate City to the Mystical Tower dormitory where he had stayed for the passed time. After some pause, he said, "Pardon the questions, but I really don't have a clue where I am. Or even what I'm doing." He sank as his shoulders drooped with the realization he'd given that point away. He sighed. (OOC: Since you haven't read "Based Forward" yet, Krowley, there's the whole summary of the plot. It won't be a long story, but even though that's mostly it, there will be details in the story that I will write to tell a good story. I welcome everyone to give it a read. I'll just write until the events of Pachyderm Parade, which is the current events.) Base looked around and walked up to the strange-looking rat in a suit. "Quoth the Raven...?" Ratigan sighed, exhausted of being asked to finish the line for the millionth time. "Nevermore..." He replied irritably. Thus, Base hopped off merrily through the world of Non-Canon luxuries to land back into the story he was actually in.
And I would like to mention that the above RP would include Organization XIII members. >>
Yeah, I do actually.
Well, at first I tried this: , but that didn't pan out. So the most I've done in any department on...
Personally, I am looking forward to this. And it doesn't stop there. I have watched many of the Disney Cartoons throughout the ages, and the animation has not only changed, but the style as well. This artistic style bears evidence of another artist besides Walt's, but I cannot particularly give a name to whom I think the influence is. However, if you look at a lot of Disney Merchandise and promotional items, this look is not at all out of place, and it is somewhat of a mix between "Retro" and "Modern". I'd glad to see they kept a very traditionally Disney sort of humor, and displayed as well many different major Parisian locations (I was somewhat surprised to see a certain Red Windmill and half-hoped to see Christian and Satine pop out, but alas, that is a different company.); Disney had always been full of those architectural nods. Over all, I enjoyed the cartoon, and I plan on seeing what the animators have to deal out.
Wow. Just wow. Plot twists galore and such character development. You have truly outdone yourself, Myst. Keep it at this level of writing if you can, or press even harder next time if you really want to. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this chapter. It kept that attractive Anime-like appeal to it, while also being much more descriptive of surroundings; the way that you described the Sands of Marrow chilled my blood, literally.
Base's response to being called "Lucy" was, in all essence, priceless. His blank stare of chagrin hollowed him out and his face reflected as such. "It's Base..." He repeated emptily, entrapped in engulfing embarrassment. His senses slowly came back to him and his face filled back up with expression. The stabbing ping of embarrassment had come and gone, but not without being very noticeable. OOC: (XD Thank you, Vladimir, for playing along with that joke. That was very enjoyable to read the way you replied.)
I think I've caught up on what's happened. :P No worries. Don't feel bad; that's the last thing I want. And I've been back for... let's...
Thanks to those that have read thus far. I know it's a long read, but my ultimate goal is to make the story worth the time it takes to read, so that I don't waste valuable time. A special thanks to FloodofTwilight34 for taking the extra time to post a reply, all the Role-players of KHSOS that have read this, and Krowley, for inspiring the current flow of ideas in me with his idea for an in-depth Role-Play game. This post used to hold Chapter 2 until I figured out some of the cool little coding tricks in the FAQ.
Several times over, in fact. But that is not why I have shed of BaseSebastian and started anew with Sebax. No offense, but I am somewhat surprised...
I know I basically JUST posted, but since I have spent most of the day writing ("Based Forward"'s second chapter is almost complete, and I have gotten through the "C"'s for the 99 Dalmatian's wikia page), I thought to unwind a little bit with the lightest song I could find on the list for Musical Missions. I am fully aware I can only do one more song before I have to wait for the current level of the Story to be over, but I'm Base. In that point, it's predictable I'll capitalize on every Musical Mission I can, right? xD Plus, I'm sure there wil be tons of songs from the films that are being portrayed now, so I think it's best to make sure I can get every song in that I can, while I can. Once again, I have provided the instrumentals myself:
Excellent narrative and I'm glad you included more color (Sights, Smells, Sounds, Touches) to your story! A healthy length, the story did not tarry nor did it drag on in any part of it. As always, when reading about characters that appear that were not used in the prologue (At least in an obvious way), I can't wait to see how the two components mix together.
Good story. I liked the little Father and Son chat, but it was all in fact very brief. Do you think next time you can clue us in more about values in Abraxas? Because I get the suggestion theirs are not like most. Also, besides being Etrius's father, who is Draconine? I barely got the hint he is Lord of Abraxas; When I saw that phrase, I had to look back and noticed that Dronine had a servant in attendance. It was then that I caught his title. The way that you used the phrase "Lord of Abaxas" was clever but was also a very vague kenning. Other than that, which was basically negligible, I found the taste of the story very good, and very suggesting of satisfying scenery and good characterization. I look forward to finding out more on Etrius; he's seemed very interesting in the RP. Speaking of RP's, don't feel bad about putting this in the wrong spot. I made the mistake once, and people then told me they had made the same mistake. i.e. Putting a story in the Role-Play Section. EDIT FOR CHAPTER TWO: Okay, here's where things really take off! I have no real complaints except that one minor common grammar error occurred; "wether", when it should be "whether", but it looks like the h just might not have gone in. Anyhow, I like how original this story is with familiar elements. Your character seems to be closer to Riku than Sora, and not everyone goes the path of Darkness and writes it well. I like how nobody can be entirely right in the affair of what's happening to the Government of Abraxas; are the protestors right? Is Lord Abraxas, now more clearly Draconine, really all that bad? He can't be, because look at how he treats his son. Still, one can sympathize with the usual human want for more freedom; the protestors didn't really deserve to die, but this makes them excellent martyrs and whatnot. A very big leap of improvement from the last chapter in story-telling. Keep up the good work. :D
I have compiled a list of the Lost Puppies that I have found. There are 11 puppies on the list, 7 are the ones that I am claiming as 4 of them have already been claimed. Below is the list, giving the following information in listed order: (Name: Page found on; Post Number; Was it claimed beforehand?) 1. Heart: 1; 5;No 1 2.Chance: 1;13;No 2 3.Chase: 8;147;Yes; No1 4.Fault: 17;331;Yes;No2 5.Round: 23;456;No 3 6.Flip: 30;588;Yes;No3 7.Princess: 35;685;No4 8.Buddy: 35;685;No 5 9.Spot:36;704;No6 10.White: 45;893;Yes;No 4 11.Black: 45;896;No 7 So, Case in point, I am claiming the following puppies as "Found": Heart Chance Round Princess Buddy Spot Black P.S, Krowley, If you have not gotten on Skype today, I must stress the point. My apologies, if I am being pushy.