No offense, Ze, but I'm really starting to get lost here. Where is this happening in the line of events? Why are there three threads for Etrius? I'm warning you now before someone with pull reprimands you, 'cuz I think you deserve the chance to at least come up with some sort of explanation, or something. Is this a sequel to Etrius' backstory? Has he already been through some or all events of SOS? Other, than that, I think this is a great development in introducing a new character, and explaining the Armor Heartless in much greater detail. I think I caught a "Tron: Legacy" reference in there somewhere. xD I am, of course, referring to this line: Did I guess right? Anywhow, I think, since I have given you the good of this CnC, I think I should point out that this: Work on making your sentences flow together a little bit more. I had this same problem when I started writing, and it really helps give the reader a clear visual and understanding of what you're writing, rather than just jumping from sentence to sentence explaining things.
Chapter 4 of BF written, now it has to be transposed. Writing Chapter 5 soon. I have the first story arc all mapped out for Base's adventure
Watching Shapur go at them from a distance, Base chuckled with delight as he spotted an Elephant bigger than all the rest. It was more than colossal, because it was simply a giant to giants. This particular pachyderm was far less anthropomorphic than the rest of them, dressed in armor and spikes; it also had tusks where the others had none. As it carelessly clamored slowly, Base could see atop it several of the normal types of Pink Elephants, but adorned in rags in an almost Middle-Eastern Warrior style, riding in a box strapped to the larger Pink Pachyderm's back. Base could not refuse the opportunity he saw before him, and he made double sure he was in Shapur's view whilst he did it. "Hey, Chap," Base got his name wrong on purpose, "Catch this!" And Base ran at the monstrosity heavily an steadily walking towards nothing in particular. He grabbed onto its long, swinging tail, and knocked around a bit shortly thereafter by the velocity of the swing, he landed atop the beast on the rear quarters. He had to take a moment to correct himself, realizing how lucky he was to have landed on its wide back and not in the abyss below. Base looked up and saw the riders just noticing his presence as he caught their blank and empty sockets. "Uh oh." Base muttered as they swung over the rails of the box they were sitting in, wielding long pointy sticks, that, oddly enough, were just as pink as everything else they were attached to. There were six of them, and Base knew he couldn't take them all on at once. He braced himself for their closing distance to him, as they really didn't have far to dash. Base then guarded himself as one tried to stab him through the gut, popping the stick once it made impact with his Keyblade. The stunned Pink Elephant tried to dash off, but Base caught it in the leg and it popped much like its former weapon. Another went for his throat, but Base caught this weapon too, making short work of both it and its wielder. Thus, it remained the four riders, the Pachyderm, and himself. The four riders sneered silently as they grouped up and tried to surround Base. He had to admit, these creatures in particular were extremely intimidating. Just then, startling them all the beast below gave a wobble and it was every being for themselves as the "ground" began to shift. Two Pink Elephants lost their footing and fell to the depths below. The two remaining looked at one another in surprise as they saw they were the only ones left and hardly enough to surround someone. Base saw this as his opportunity to catch them off guard, and so, with Keyblade in hand, he lunged at the one to the left and left the other staring shocked into empty space and floating specks of Pink. Base made a dash to the front of the mammoth monstrosity as the sole remaining Pink Elephant dashed after him. Base let it catch up to him, grinning and stopping abruptly near the trunk. The Pink assailant then realized too late it had been going to fast to slow down, and it looked with awe and terrific surprise as it braked right into Base's extended Keyblade. With all the riders gone, Base breathed a sigh of relief that was not long-lived. The beast below was trying to rear him off by shaking its mighty head. Base responded by leaping onto the trunk and catching the behemoth between the eyes and right on the bridge of its trunk with one powerful, two-handed stab from the Keyblade. The monster started to inflate and lose its shape as it roared and trumpeted, while Base was cast down to ride his descent by means of the narrowing trunk. Just as Base reached the ground, the former threat had ballooned to a nearly unrecognizable unstable giant bubble as it rose into the air and popped with a tremendous sound that did little more than ruffle the hairs on Base's head. Grinning from ear to ear, Base caught his breath and stood up, supporting himself on his Keyblade. He smirked at Shapur coyly as he merely stood there for a moment, and dashed off to banish more beasts. (OOC: 25/50 Remaining; halfway there! Base: 15 Shapur: 7)
Take a page out of Kingdom Hearts itself. You could search for the Heart of all Worlds, and take over people's bodies in order to achieve it. Or, you could just go on a cross-country trip. Or! You could study the Heartless and make your own... or study bugs and poke at them with a stick. You could light something on fire... wait. Light something on fire? Who wrote this?? AXEL GET YOUR HIDE BACK HERE! Sorry, I have to go. I am too busy using my endless imagination to not be bored. Oh yeah, that's right. You have a nearly endless imagination you can go anywhere with. Ever thought of taking up writing? Works for me.
A valid point. I however, have not been able to catch up just yet, so I didn't actually read the chapter. But I do intend to catch some via Deviantart, which I did find a few years ago. And not to send the wrong message, but that last sentence in the second paragraph made me flip! xD Amber's Cookie Castle Amber and Switched and Wedding's Destiny's Force? In a relationship? Not that I find this difficult to believe, yet it's the irony that gets me. And yes, the true meaning of Irony, as in "unexpected", and not "coincidental". Check your PM box, Amber, please. I did send you something that might make you realize who I am. And yes, that certain plot device you mentioned, I think, was introduced early enough that I read it in the original run-through of this sometime maybe in 2008-09. I caught onto it as well, because the method was very clear. The characters did the same exact thing, but it was different due to the relationships. Very clever. I can't wait to finally catch back up after all these years!
Base heard the cocky utterance from Shapur and scoffed. "While" Base slashed at the belly of one of the Elephants, but it rebuked the blow and bounced Base off with a gleeful bound, "I admire", Base instead went for the head this time and found it to lay true, vanquishing the surprised Elephant, "Your candor..." Base was running out of breath as he tried to slash at another Elephant, but its legs extended up as he tried to hit the core of it (Making due, he made a full circular rotating swing at the leggy beast) "I must stress: You're only focusing on the easy ones." Base was at last able to pause long enough from battle to finish the whole of the sentence. Base directed Shapur over to a mammoth of a Pink Elephant led by a much tinier pachyderm. "Watch this." He said to the fellow Keyblade wielder as he ran over. However, he was soon dispelled when he found the Elephant's strides to be too long for him to and a hit. What's more, it continued to step onto the much smaller Pink Elephant on every other step. Base slowed his pace after a moment and watched as the smaller of the two grew to a colossal size while the larger shrunk down to the minuscule size of the former, as though they had traded mass through the air. Base then observed as the now bigger elephant clapped the smaller elephant with a pair of brassy cymbals, which caused the smaller to become many more, much smaller elephants. Base took this opportunity to jump up and take out the ginormous foe and land on another of the smaller ones now cavorting in a circle below with the Keyblade facing the ground. Base leaped out of the parading circle before being squashed as the Elephants had balloned up to a much more Elephantine size once more. Even as- HEY! Hey, wait a minute here! What's that thing? Isn't that? Yes! It is! HelP! There's a Pink Elephant walking around on my screen! Uh oh... I lost track of him... Where'd he go? Ugh! How is it I lost him? Oh, wait, there he is right- Gah! It's marching on all ___ letters! And it squashed the "the"! Oh no! It's coming this way! Base, help out before the Pink Elephants invade and destroy the Fourth Wall as well! Help! Thus, Base ran into this very post and struc_ the elephant down just as it hopped onto and subsequently crushed the letter "k" in "struck". What's more, he left without realizing he is but a character in an RP, and so Base went back and slapped Shapur on the back. "Come on. You've taken out a lot fewer than I have!" Now, it was Base's turn to be cocky, but in a friendly manner of course; and he smirked devilishly in his competitive delight. This was uncharacteristic of him, as usually, he had been the kid to stay in the fitness center and work out with free weights while everyone else participated in the more team-based, social sports. He thought for a moment just how much more confident his time at the Mysterious Tower had made him, and how much he'd changed in so little an amount of time. (OOC: I know I said the last time I wrote something non-canon and goofy, it would be the last time, and not to worry: it was. However, given that the Elephant sequence in "Dumbo" did break the fourth wall at least once, I wanted to incorporate this aspect into the battle. I really want to cover the entirety of what happens in the song if I can. No one has to follow suite, but I'd like to say also anyone is free to do the same thing I'm doing, as I don't want to monopolize it either. 38/50 remaining)
Well, I am not, nor have I ever really been that much of a perv, I really think the true draw of DF's stories lie in his gaul to do what he wants with the characters that makes it entertaining to watch them in the little game of stimulus and response. I won't delve much deeper than this, because I don't want to start a discussion in the story, but I do very much see your point all the same, Amber. xD I have read his earlier chapters from several years before.
This feature is exactly what I always wanted to see. I have to get in on this. I will also try to have something posted by April 2nd. Since it's freestyle, I may do something of a showtune from Disney or Broadway, or a pop song from some time. Maybe even a crooner ballad! Looking forward to taking part here.
Writing into Chapter 4 of "Based Forward", I'm trying to figure out which of my older fan-fictions to start renovating and renewing first.
Done with Chapter 3 transposition.
Chapter 3 used to be here. Long, long ago.
I remember starting on this story years ago, and to know you're still going at them both (Switched and Wedding), I can't tell you how happy I am DF! I want to read what I've missed by catching up on Deviantart. Now that I think back, I realize most of your material is really inappropriate, but that's the appeal; it's a fan-service, and I remember how would pepper in such references to Fan-services and jokes such as that. I still crack up when I think about the one scene where Donald got stuck in the Destiny Island Mall bathroom. It's grand words you create, DF. It's good to see a familiar avie.
Writing Chapter Four of "Based Forward"; transposing Chapter 3 onto my laptop; should be up soon.
As an avid movie watcher, this is a topic that frequently pops up in my head from time to time. Personally, I find my case similar to yours, below61. I write, so I'm always looking for what may be intended symbols or old references in places others may not think to look. For instance, a modern filmmaker may use a cliche of several years ago as a joke, because then it was a standard, and now it's fresh. No good movie is made without little Easter Eggs or clever symbols thrown in. But at the core of thinking during a movie is: what is this programming? Some say movies are just tentacles of the media to draw us in and believe what they want us to. Well, in some cases, this is more true than most would care to realize, I'm sure, but not just in movies. But movies are not purely evil propaganda; not even close. You could spend days talking about the details of "The Matrix" from several points of view. Programmers, Readers, Action-lovers will all talk about different things, but still talk about the same thing, because the particular film appeals to them all. I confess, the movie I watched before reading Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" and "The Matrix" I watched afterward were two different plots, even though they were, in fact, the same movie. At the same time, sometimes the truth can be found in the middle. I love Disney movies, and sometimes, you can over think something and over complicate it, making it harder to find the subtle visual notes kids love. Shut off your brain for a little while during a movie you treasured as a kid, and you find that same blissful abectivity that allowed you to enjoy it the first time. We don't want to attach heavy thinking with absolute dominion over thought, because in doing this, we miss out on some of the more simple things that allow us to enjoy the flow of the story for what it is, and other such qualities as how a character looks in a certain pose. In short, the trick to enjoying movies is both. You can't understand a movie without enjoying it, and sometimes, you just need to kick back and enjoy the ride. This also adheres, I've noticed, to many other forms of media, as the same process occurs in scripting and producing for the most part.
Base summoned his Kingdom Key in suite with the others, gazing as the one elephant became two, then three, then four! They were multiplying before their eyes. He heard what Krowley had to say and added to it a disturbed utterance of "Still think it isn't necessary?" It was the smart alec thing to ask, since Base had a big clue Krowley as well as Shapur were threatened by the ensuing Pink Elephants. Above them, the elephant quartet had turned their trunks into trumpets somehow and were blowing away at them to commence a great fanfare. "Silencio!" Base shouted as he leaped into the air and thrust his Keyblade through each of them in turn, and by then this was an easy task, as they had drawn their trunks in together to become one larger than life instrument. He finished them just as they had finished their intro, and so by the time he fell to the ground, all he had left above them was a blown apart golden trumpet mouth that still hung in the air. Base was about to add something triumphant here, but was disheartened and quieted when he heard the music still continuing. It had taken on a very march-like quality and was coming from inside the giant metallic remainder he'd left. Before his very eyes, a line of Pink Elephants was starting to march out of the gaping mouth and towards them! He watched as one by one they exited, headed by a band leader Elephant twirling a baton, and wearing a tall feathery cap the same hue of pink the monstrosity was. It didn't seem to bother any of these Elephants they were far above the ground, and neither did gravity apply to them. Base waited until they came closer to the ground, and swung at the leader with his Keyblade. All this proved to do was disperse the rhythm keeper into shreds of pink rubbery material that disappeared before they hit the ground. The demonically disquieting marching band played on without their leader, causing Base to take a step back. "I'm afraid, I need your aid..." Base murmured to the two in his company as he paused and immediately realized he had just rhymed without meaning to. Five was about as much as he could handle just then, and dozens upon dozens were seeming to come out of the blown out trumpet like ants in a line. (OOC: 45/50 Pink Elephants remaining.)
Author's Introduction: Here is a story adapted from several extensions and sources adapted from A. A. Milne's famous children's books about Winnie-the-Pooh. The adaption is generally sourced out of the Walt Disney film and characters, as well as all following entities they took on in further franchise, including the TV cartoon show "The Wonderful New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh" as well as the 2011 Disney animated film sequel. The story is particularly inspired by an incredibly difficult flash game that has some notoriety over the internet for its insane level of difficulty, of which I can personally atest to. Basically, this is the story leading into the game itself. However, this isn't the whole basis of the work. As I have always been a big fan of Disney work, adoring even characters even as seemingly childish as Pooh and his friends, I really wanted to write such a story based in those famous old woods, and truly try to emulate the creative style of both Disney Studios and the literary works of Milne. I have included characters not only from the original stories, but also new characters that have appeared through Disney, whether they appear in the game or not. I truly wanted a nostalgia-inducing piece you could read to your child/brother/sister/niece/nephew/cousin/younger person and let them enjoy the work I have made, or read it and enjoy on your own. It's for the child physical or at heart, of which I am somewhat the latter. Please, do enjoy, and know that CnC, anecdotes of what happened when you read this aloud as suggested, and likes are welcome. If I garner enough feedback, I may continue the narrative into the baseball game itself. Note: This story is written on the presumption level of: 10/10, that you don't have to have any prerequisite knowledge of the characters to basically grasp the story. This story in its current state contains a Spoiler rating of: 1/10, very few spoilers in its current adaption. May spoil elements of "Pooh's Heffalump movie" by Disney Studios. Do note, that if the story will continue, the rating will go up by a substantial amount. This is due to a planned inclusion of a character found in the 2011 film that I very much do not want to spoil for those who have not seen it. This story is graphically rated: G, and superb for all audiences, particularly the young. There are some big words occasionally tossed in, so it's not your typical modern day, over-simplified Children's book. Play Ball! The sun shone bright on the Hundred Acre wood one fine morning, as friends of the familiar sort sat enjoying a picnic. The young boy Christopher Robin was throwing a great big party in honor of his very best friend, Winnie the Pooh. At the long log-top timber hewn table, there sat the rest of Christopher Robin’s collection of friends who had come to honor Pooh bear on trimming his diet of Hunny to only four pots a week. Oh! Everyone was so proud of Ole Pooh, who was quite infamous for his penchant for a pot of his “Hunny”… or two or three or four in a single hour, very well let alone a week! There sat harried but jovial Rabbit, verbose and slightly pretentious Owl, timid and also dear little Piglet, matronly Kanga and her rambunctious son Roo nestled in her pouch, not-so-scary-after-all of a Heffalump Lumpy, and, last but certainly not least, Eeyore, sitting gloomily at the end of the table opposite Pooh bear. On that grassy hill, the company sat feasting on all their favorite foods, most of which had been prepared from Rabbit’s prized garden. “Three cheers, for the triumphant Pooh bear!” Hipped Christopher Robin, lifting his glass of the wood’s finest carrot juice high above his head, his expression as contented and as exuberant is to be expected of such a happy child.“Hooray!” The attendance echoed back joyfully. They were truly so proud of him!“I probably never could have done it…” Eeyore droned disheartened. “Not that I’d probably like Hunny anyway…”“My stores of Hunny have never been so full, now that Pooh isn’t always at my house asking for some.” Rabbit said poised.“G-good job, P-Pooh Bear.” Piglet stuttered precariously.“HOO! HOO! HOO! HOOOOO!” An ecstatic holler came from the bottom of the high hill by a happy-go-lucky, one of a kind Tigger. “Pooh! I gotta tell ya something Pooh!” In no time, the bouncy founcy friend had bounded up the hill and trounced Winnie the Pooh with one fell swoop.Pooh now found himself on his back and not so much upset as confused. “Tigger… why did you bounce… when you could have… not bounced?” Pooh stared blankly at the happy face Tigger had on his snout, and looked up into his gleeful beady black eyes.“It’s the besterest thing you ever hoyd! Hoo-hoo!” Tigger struck a pose standing on one foot, on top of Pooh’s belly. “I finally pahfected my “Disappear-o” ball!” Tigger was beside himself with joy.“D-disappear…?” Piped Piglet, “o…?” Repeated Rabbit, “…ball?” Observed Owl, and had all in fact said the complete line in unison.“Gosh, Mama! A real disappearin’ ball! I gotta see it!” Roo was just as happy as Tigger, restless in his pouch, which caused Kanga to wriggle around and finally lift Roo out. Holding him up, face to face, Kanga smiled at him with a motherly sweetness and understanding. “You know I wanted to be around when Tigger finally figured it out, and now he did!” Roo couldn’t quite find enough words, kicking his big feet as he slumped in Kanga’s grip.At length, Kanga sat Roo down on the ground and giggled gingerly. “My, it is a lovely day for a Baseball game, isn’t it?”Owl hooted with delight. “I say! I perceive the perfect opportunity to show off the pitch my Great Uncle Red taught me as a mere owlet.” Owl grabbed an apple and tossed it with a flourish of his feathery wing, forcing it into an almost unbelievable zigzagging pattern of flight! The apple flew over the hill and dropped to the ground below the slanted hill top.“I have my good old “Stall ball”!” Rabbit proudly professed following in queue with his own apple in hand. He threw it like Owl had thrown his, but for Rabbit, the ball went straight. However, only a second after it had left his throwing paw, it soon stopped completely in midair as if frozen by a cold wind! With the next moment, it returned to the speed it as going when he began throwing it!“I don’t have any neat tricks… just a usual pitch… nothing special… figures.” Eeyore added grumbling all the way. He gave a look back at his tail and gave it a swing before slumping down onto his rump in a miserable slump.“Try this, Eeyore!” Ever cheerful Roo offered as he heaved a baseball nearly as large himself into the air above him. His mood changed, however, when he realized he’d thrown it too straight into the air, and it was already starting its downward motion towards him!“Roo!” Kanga hustled over to the spot of danger and with a mother’s determination she knocked the ball out of its current line and sent it hopping away. “What in Heaven’s name were you thinking, Roo?” Kanga scolded firmly, but at the same time, not harshly. She picked up Roo and held him close to herself; afraid to let him go.”Mama!” Roo protested the kisses and the overbearing hugs of his parental guardian, seeming to have forgotten his recent distress in the face of his currently childish one.“Did I hear something about a Baseball game?” Chimed in a dignified young lady’s voice as a pretty little bluebird swooped in and landed on the table, wide-eyed, curious and excited. “Are you going to do your “Stall Ball”, Rabbie?” She giggled and looked over at Rabbit.“Kessie! It’s wonderful to see you!” Rabbit was momentarily lost in the moment of his own of parental adoration; he had alone cared for Kessie the tiny bluebird as a chick and had adopted her as his own some time ago. Kessie was all grown-up now, but Oh, how Rabbit loved to be called “Rabbie”, especially then that Kessie was a mature adult, who still revered him. “Yes, we had just gotten through talking about-““P-Pardon me. Oh! Umm…so sorry for interrupting.” Piglet interjected shyly.“Yes, continue, Piglet. You were saying?” Rabbit replied hastily but with a tone of patience.“Well, the thing is… that is… what I mean to say is… All I want to suggest is… Oh Dear.”“Out with it, Piglet Ole Pal!” Tigger scooped Piglet up in his paws like the jokester he was.“I don’t know how to throw a Baseball…”Piglet sulked sadly, and as a result, everyone showed they knew how Piglet felt by their concerned murmurs.“Not to worry Piglet. I shall make sure that you do fine…” Pooh seemed lost and confused as he contemplated heavily. “That is … If I figure out what we’re playing.”“Pooh, you’ve never played Baseball?” Christopher was the concerned one this time.“Not that I remember.” Pooh replied as though he was in some way at fault; he practically sounded apologetic. “Is that bad?” He added simply and fearfully.“No.” Came a reply, giggling, Christopher Robin took a knee in order to reach an equal level with the short and round Winnie the Pooh. “Baseball is a game from the United States of America; it’s sort of like Cricket.”Pooh seemed happy to understand something at last. “Do you mean like the crickets in the woods that chirp at night?”“No!” Christopher Robin chuckled emphatically. He did not mean to insult Pooh, because they were the best of friends, but sometimes the bear of very little brain could be irresistible in his naivety. “It’s a game with a bat, no Pooh beh, not like those kinds of bats,” He stopped to explain because Pooh had looked like he was prepared to say something along those lines. Apparently, that was exactly what he was planning, because the next instant, he sank dejectedly. “Silly ole beh, a bat is a stick made out of wood or metal, that’s wider at the end you hit the ball with and thinner where you hold it. Someone else tries to throw a ball at you, and you have to hit it with the bat.”Rabbit looked at Pooh disconcertingly. “Kessie,” He turned to the little bird, “Can you go round up of some of the others around the Hundred Acre Woods and when you get to my house-“ The next part was not openly heard, as Rabbit leaned in towards the bluebird and whispered something into its tiny ear. “Got it?” He asked with enthusiasm following some brief whispering.“I think you’ll have a very excited Pooh bear, Rabbie.” Kessie hinted happily before she flapped her wings a little and took off into the clouds.“Welllll, Rabbit. What’s the big idea, huh?” Tigger pleaded.“Wellll,” Rabbit mimicked the extended word, “Let’s just say that if Pooh bear can beat all of our special pitches, he’ll get a certain reward that’s golden, sticky, and sweet…”Pooh’s tummy grumbled. “Oh, I haven’t been guessing very well today, but I really do hope you mean… Hunny.” He hadn’t had any hunny in days, in fact, due to his diet.“Learn how to play Baseball, and you just might be right, Pooh Bear.” Rabbit crossed his arms and gave the simple stuffed bear a wink.“I think I rather like Baseball… it gets me Hunny… apparently.” Pooh hugged himself in contentment.“Just to warn you, Pooh beh, I’ll be watching the other pitches, which means “throwing the ball”, and I’ll be your final test before getting that Hunny. I want to make sure you understand the game.”“Oh bother.” Pooh crossed his chubby arms and plopped onto the ground backwards onto his rump.“I believe you can do it!” Christopher Robin hauled Pooh back up to his feet with a smile.Meanwhile, Owl had been off to the side, tutoring Piglet in how to properly pitch a Baseball. It was at that moment that Piglet seemed to finally get the hang of it, and timid little Piglet tossed a tremendously fast curve ball with an apple, that when it hit a nearby tree on the hill, it exploded on impact into a juicy mess.Pooh had watched this and everyone there besides Piglet and Owl wore a bemused expression. “Oh bother…” Repeated Winnie the Pooh dismally.
Neat plot twist, both in Dedri and Plasma. I particularly liked the inclusion of the phantoms and the description behind them. My one complaint: the fight between Plasma and Dedri could have held a bit more substance. It is good as is however. Also note, one must be careful in battle segments, because if it is too long or too plain, it drags on. People who read often don't want, typically, very extended, mundane fights; make it interesting, and you can go on forever. That said, excellent addition. I'm glad to see you have kept up the same quality of the previous chapter.
Now things are really starting to run! An epic glance of Etrius's turmoil as his life starts to implode. Draconine is really your most vocal and audible character, and I will probably remember him long after this is finished; he's that cool. I'm sensing things are drawing to a close here, but I may be wrong. I am looking forward to where the story will continue, either into its direct conclusion or another chapter full of memorable moments for Etrius. You painted the scene with the Heartless very well, I have to say.
Forgot to put this in the original post: I'd like to buy the White Fang Accessory for Base. Original munny: 900 munny White Fang: 750 munny Change: 150 munny Also, I'd like to equip said accessory to Base once bought and accounted for. Which will result as thus: +2 Strength 5(+2)=7 +2 Defense 4(+2)=6 +2 AP 0/3 (+2)=0/5 Lastly, equip the High Jump Ability to Base If everything is up to code, then that should stand thus: 1/3(+2)
7 Crowns x2=14 Crowns in all, for two upgrades to Defense that Base badly needs. (+2 Def) Spoiler: Crown Selection Also, here are those images I mentioned. They may look warped here, but they all look fine the size they really are. This is just so you get a good luck at them all: 1.) Simple, black, but kind of boring. 2.) Traditional yellow. 3.) My personal favorite. However, Mickey's head may not be as much a point, since we aren't looking for the King. 4.) Traditional metallic look, it looks like it's straight from Sora's necklace. 5.) In all essence of truth, it's the same image they use for Mission crowns on one of the several Kingdom Hearts wikis. Most specifically, Ye Olde Keyhole.