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  1. Sebax
    Name of RP: Fate & Fortune

    Synopsis: Fate & Fortune is a Kingdom Hearts Based Role-Playing Game of my own design that pits two teams against each other. These two teams, almost a give-in, are "Organization XIII" and the "KH & FF Heroes", but with many special twists and turns. First off, both teams work at and run opposing eating establishments, but this is not your "Run-of-the-mill" [KH chars] get a job sort of RP. There's specific jobs preset for each character, and many different systems that take strategy to aid in increasing your character's capabilities and your team's success as a whole. Levelling up, bonuses, munny, banking, friends, reputations, and more are all features that will allow each player to be fully immersed into the game play, and integrated with one another in the process.

    The Nobodies run a bar, "Fate", funded by Xemnas, and operated by Luxord. It is slightly run aground and in need of fixing up, but the Nobodies are set to set it straight. The KH & FF Hero Selection run a family restaurant just across the street, "Fortune", which predated the establishment of "Fate" by a few months. The two are already in competition for control of Eatery Lane in good old Main Town U.S.A, but there exists a more business-like battle than a literal one. However, both sides can employ the use of Heroes and Villains to assist along the way towards success, but doing so may increase or vastly decrease Reputations, which makes it a tricky venture. Both places respect the presence of the other, so this is not the main objective, but neither are against the idea of running the other out of business either. Will the two continue to live in relative harmony? Or are things about to get topsy-turvy in Main Town?

    Genre: Kingdom Hearts; Disney; Role-Playing Game; Career Drama; Competition

    Link: None as of yet. I want to see if people will sign up before I make an actual RP thread.

    OOC Links:
    Sign-up thread
    Wiki (Yes, it's THAT big.)

    Activity: CLOSED!
    Other: It's big. There's systems and configurations that make gameplay much like an actual immersive game. Everything from interacting to
    Leveling up your character's work performance is right there and allows you to mold what you want to commit to.
    Created by: Sebax
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Sebax
    It took me a little while to decide, but I figured I'll do two characters. This particular one popped up in my head and would not go away.
    Full Name: Stratana Aria
    Appearance: A natural beauty queen from her head to her toes. Fiery red hair that glistens at shoulder length, a slim waist, 26 DD bra, perfect row of white, straight, even teeth, glistening green eyes with a mane of blue around the pupils, long legs, thin, toned figure, a cute heart shaped head, and a wardrobe as expansive as money can buy and designers can appease with.

    Age: 16
    Likes: Being doted upon; Clean everythings; Daily Showers; Gourmet Food (A little bit too much for a girl who seeks to maintain a trim figure); Personal Exercise; Performing; She's a color aficionado (She has an affinity for shades, hues, tones, etc...)
    Dislikes: Cleaning; Manual Labor; Performing in Sports;
    Weaknesses/Fears: Being seen as "imperfect" (This entails bad hair days and acne in the short run, and weight gain in the long-run.); She exercises to stay fit, not to strengthen, so she is rather physically weak; her myopic perception
    Strengths/Talents: Money (The world's most kickass super power); pushes boundaries; her appearance
    Personality: Stratana is the sort of girl who incites the notion that talent is wasted occasionally on the mindless. She is a spoiled rich girl whose singular area of brilliancy comes out in Music. In normalcy, she's a noticeable snob and is, in fact, very rude. She doesn't hide it behind a facade at least. However, in Music, she becomes someone else without realizing it; someone much better and more human.
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Favorite Color: Violet
    Instrument(s): Piano; Violin and its relations; voice (Soprano)
    Crush?: Crush? She has no heart!; at least right now. Who's she going to fall in love with? Herself? HA! She will eventually have one though.
    Cupid's Brew?: Yes
    Availability: See "Sebastian Sonata"
    Other: Basically everything you see here is the kind of girl I've either been tricked by or learned to avoid and wished the most for them to learn to be wiser. This is my source material for playing this character, as I have to put myself very far outside myself to do so. I know she seems like the Mary Sue version of a rich snobby girl you see on TV, but this is familiar and realistic territory to me. I plan on using every detail. In short, she's a sort of "Poetic Justice" device.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Sebax
    Full Name: Sebastian Sonata
    Appearance: [​IMG]Hazel eyes; brownish/black hair; slight frame; wears suits most of the time, with a slightly leisure style. 5'7"
    Age: 18
    Likes: Writing; Drawing; Singing; Music; Performing
    Dislikes: Being in the crowd; being called a "Creep"
    Weaknesses/Fears: He has an irrational fear of the dark, and to a lesser extent, heights; his slight frame (Makes him less appealing); High notes (He has to belt them, otherwise they're shaky.).
    Strengths/Talents: Despite his slight frame, he has an above par amount of strength and fitness owing to two years of Weightlifting; He has a grand affinity for the stage and plenty of natural talent; he can modulate his voice to many different sounds, resulting in spot-on imitations and zany cartoon voices; He's pretty good at disguises.
    Personality: He's very bright, but generally keeps to himself. He adores Music and the Stage, having an affinity for acting. When he falls for someone, it's usually head over heels, and deep; trying to take in the personality as well. He has no preferences on height in a girl, and a (somewhat) broad spectrum on weight (Slight, like him-Slightly chubby).
    Sexuality: Heterosexual
    Favorite Color: Purple
    Instrument(s): Voice (Baritone); Piano; Guitar; Can pick up anything else and get a less complicated melody out of it.
    Crush?: Elisa Mulshine
    Cupid's Brew?: No
    Availability: I'm involved with one other RP, and I'm starting my own, which both are pretty grand in scale. This shouldn't stand in the way very much though. I am nearing College, but I'm pretty good with time management, so I've taken steps to avoid becoming one of those people who disappear when life gets hectic. I'll be very committed and I'll be available well within the boundaries given. I live in the Eastern Standard Time Zone, just for reference.
    Other: A Role-play that involves halcyonic school-based settings, dark Gothic undertones, Romance (Especially Unrequited love!), and Music? I fell in love with this the instant I saw this; very well mapped out, and I liked the video; very professional.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Sebax
    Base would like to use 4 points on intelligence for an MP boost. The remaining point will go to Dexterity for a boost in speed, strength and magic.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 1, 2013 in forum: OOC Lounge
  5. Sebax
    This Role-play and in fact this entire page is currently a work in progress, but hopefully the sooner I open it to the public, the more interest it will gain, and the sooner we can start! Also, very important information, we need the following criteria to start:

    x1 Bartender
    x1 Accountant (CHECK)

    x1 Chef
    x1 Waiter
    x1 Accountant

    (Which jobs which characters have are given in "Cast", and described on the wiki under the Article "Jobs".)

    Fate & Fortune is a Kingdom Hearts Based Role-Playing Game of my own design that pits two teams against each other. These two teams, almost a give-in, are "Organization XIII" and the "KH & FF Heroes", but with many special twists and turns. First off, both teams work at and run opposing eating establishments, but this is not your "Run-of-the-mill" [KH chars] get a job sort of RP. There's specific jobs preset for each character, and many different systems that take strategy to aid in increasing your character's capabilities and your team's success as a whole. Levelling up, bonuses, munny, banking, friends, reputations, and more are all features that will allow each player to be fully immersed into the game play, and integrated with one another in the process.

    The Nobodies run a bar, "Fate", funded by Xemnas, and operated by Luxord. It is slightly run aground and in need of fixing up, but the Nobodies are set to set it straight. The KH & FF Hero Selection run a family restaurant just across the street, "Fortune", which predated the establishment of "Fate" by a few months. The two are already in competition for control of Eatery Lane in good old Main Town U.S.A, but there exists a more business-like battle than a literal one. However, both sides can employ the use of Heroes and Villains to assist along the way towards success, but doing so may increase or vastly decrease Reputations, which makes it a tricky venture. Both places respect the presence of the other, so this is not the main objective, but neither are against the idea of running the other out of business either. Will the two continue to live in relative harmony? Or are things about to get topsy-turvy in Main Town?

    Missions, serving customers, story episodes and such will keep the story rolling, but it's up to the players to progress their characters in order to make them better at their job, in turn making their business more successful. Each character has their own limits, perks, persona, and such, so I ask: please choose wisely; you can only pick one for now, and you can't switch once we've officially started. The good thing is everybody has something big to do and everyone plays a major part!

    (Links go directly to that character's page on the wiki; wiki provides basic information on the character as well as their position in work. My goal for the first week of Sign-ups is to have at least all the required positions filled out for information and at least one establishment's cast all written out.)

    NPC's of Main Town- Sebax(This includes Shopkeepers and Customers. NOTE: These characters cannot be claimed; they are here purely for educational purposes.)
    Xemnas- Funds "Fate", runs a Furniture store in Town Square.
    Mickey Mouse- Funds "Fortune", runs a Club in Town Square.
    Stitch- Runs a grocery store in Town Square; which later sells pets.
    Genie of the Lamp- Runs a Ad shop in Town Square.
    Scrooge McDuck- Runs the Bank in Town Square.

    These characters may be claimed. :3
    Xigbar (Preemptive Security)-
    Xaldin (Bouncer)-
    Vexen (Mixologist)-
    Lexaeus (Bouncer)-
    Zexion (Treasurer/Accountant)- FloodofTwilight34
    Saïx (Bartender/Chef)-
    Axel (Bartender/Chef)-
    Demyx (Entertainment)-
    Luxord (Owner/Manager)- Sebax
    Marluxia (Waiter)-
    Larxene (Waitress)-
    Roxas (Advertisement)-

    Sora (Chef)-
    Kairi (Maitre d')-
    Riku (Chef)-
    Donald (Mixologist)-
    Goofy (Entertainment)-
    Leon (Owner/Manager)- Sebax
    Cid (Preemptive Security/Accountant)-
    Cloud (Immediate Security/Waiter)-
    Tifa (Immediate Security)-
    Yuffie (Immediate Security/Waitress)-
    Aerith (Waitress)-
    Namine' (Advertisement)-

    Special Rules for Jobs and criteria for work are found in the link.

    Reputation System- Monitors how well a character is portrayed. Reputation can go up or down depending on how the player portrays them.
    Friends System- Allow for bonuses and perks, even though it has little to do with storytelling, this can be implemented all the same.
    Mission System- Missions allow for easy access to new levels, new abilities and another string of events through completion. Broad Missions include serving guests and Macro Episodes. Basically, Missions move the story along while also serving the interest of the players.
    Upgrading- Every player has a say in how the establishments can improve, and there's plenty of NPC's out there to help make these visions come true.
    Banking System- All munny earned goes straight into the bank. Munny can be used to be a number of goodies already available as well as new bonuses yet to come!
    Levelling up- Each Job has its own targets to reach and levelling up gets you new items, abilities and other goodies to make your character better at the job they do.

    Here are some Rules for general purposes. More rules can be found here on a wiki made especially to sort out all the info for the game.

    1.)Follow the Rules & Guidelines of how the many ultra-convoluted systems work, and we’ll all be happy campers.
    2.)I want to say this now if I said it nowhere else: Interactions for the RP go here, and interactions that involve expanding territories, claiming rewards, etc…, go in “Town Square”. It helps keep things simple for everyone.
    3.)Even though the Town Square is in the OOC section, this doesn't mean you have to throw out character integration. Check “Town Square” for more on this, as it is not, per say, a rule.
    4.)Basic rules apply on GM’ing and PP’ing (Huh…that sounds dirty…)
    5.)Once you pick a character, you are making a commitment to use that character on a regular basis. If you are inactive for 30 Days without telling me prior to the inactivity why, your character will be back up for grabs, at the same level you left them. If you’re lucky, you may be able to reclaim said character if no other user is currently using them.
    6.)Keep things as true to character as possible as well as PG at a maximum. Permitted “swear” words include: “Hell”, “Crap” and “Ass” (Ass can only be used if it is referring to a.) A donkey or b.) A character is acting like an ass. No “holes” at the end though.)
    7.)As Game Master, I reserve the right to kick you out for griefing, trolling, abuse of fellow players, prolonged inactivity, deliberate neglect of the rules of the game, among other factors.
    8.)Post “That’s good eating!” somewhere in your sign-up post to verify that you have read AND understand all the rules printed here. Post “Wow! That’s good eating!” in your post to say you have read through most or all of relevant and updated information in the wiki.
    9.)1 Character per player. We want everyone to have fun here! If things are slow for a while and you've been actively playing for a satisfactory time, then you may ask to have two characters, but can only have another from the same establishment you picked your original from.
    10.) This is for in-game, but I want to stress: It’s Saïx, not Saix. You can easily put in the correct letter by holding down “ALT”, then punching in “1-3-9”. I want this RP to be as immersive and professional-looking as possible. Also, there is the matter of other accented words, such as "Maitre d'", where a circumflex would go over the "i"; don't worry about that. But do include an apostrophe after Namine, in order to make it Namine'
    Thread by: Sebax, Apr 1, 2013, 1 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Sebax
    After a moment of waiting for a reply, Base turns to leave, having a chassis of a plan worked out in his head. He would ask that girl Relena about Dumbo; after all, wasn't she like some kind of animal keeper? He silently wondered to himself if there were any other elephants around and remembered the catastrophe under the big top. He knew there were other elephants, just like he knew where to probably find them: somewhere where injured animals were treated. Base could only guess the elder pachyderms would not be happy to hear the name "Dumbo", but he had to find that little guy. So, that was the entirety of his plan, as he made a list in his head:
    1. Find Relena
    2. Find out what she knows
    3. Find out where the elephants were being kept
    4. See what they know
    5. Find Dumbo
    He noted this list and sent it to the very back of his head as he made his way towards a giant barrel in order to get a better look around at the area.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 1, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  7. Sebax
    Instead of going with logic and only getting halfway there with fixing things, I went with da flow. :p And this is comin' from a guy who's big on Aldous Huxley and stuff like that. XD
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 1, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Sebax
    I'm currently working on one where the Organization XIII runs a bar called "Fate" and some slightly more virtuous characters from KH, FF, and Disney run a family restaurant called "Fortune". It's not going to be your usual "[KH-Characters] Get a job" sort of sitcom though, because it's going to be be very immersive and have a levelling system to make things easy, interesting, and progressive. There's missions for serving guests at each establishment, and there's a big system of perks and penalties for doing good and bad things as characters. The more you play, the better your character gets at their job, and the more you help your "team" in winning over the opposition. It'll be called "Fate & Fortune" and should be up later today, or sometime this week, depending on whether or not I can finish the touches on some of the more advanced systems.

    Just to clue everyone in, the teams are equal, and even though the jobs aren't the same on both sides, nobody really has an advantage over the other; and if one team gets a big leap over another team, I'll non-partially tossle things up to make the game more interesting.

    Other features to look for:
    Friend System- Make friends with other characters officially to increase your productivity and how fast you level up!
    Reputation System- Balances out the Friend System. Everyone starts out neutral, but depending on how you use the "Hiring System", you go up or down in reputation towards Good or Bad respectively. Believe it or not, it even pays for a Nobody to have a good reputation; in this game, it's a relative attribute.
    Hiring System- Hire Heroes or Villains from down "Heroes Way" or "Rogues Gallery" and increase or decrease your reputation in-game. Sometimes, it's necessary to hire Fix it Felix!'s Felix Jr. in order to repair some damages caused by an opposing team's attempt to sabotage your establishment by them hiring someone down Rogues Gallery.
    Banking System- Headed by Scrooge McDuck, here's where every player's munny goes as soon as they earn it in game. Munny can be used to buy things from bonuses, to perks, pets (eventually) and house decor (As soon as housing becomes available.) Treasurers in both respective establishments go here in order to acquire loans for expansion.
    Expansion- Automatically buy up to a certain level of perks for employees, or increase the amount of tables you have, among other things, in order to increase revenue.

    It's all going to be very intricate and about as fun as my imagination (And hopefully yours too!) will allow.
    Link for sign-ups here:
    Post by: Sebax, Mar 31, 2013 in forum: Role Play Discussion
  9. Sebax
    Hey, Ze, if you liked this, you should check out Switched!, DF's other long-standing work. Trust me, I was here when these things were much newer and it was still great back then. DF causes a stir and for good reason; a very talented writer. Yeah, I think the raunchiness is the appeal, actually, and trust me, Switched! may be a little "worse", so to speak, in that department. Actually, I already told DF this, but he was a big influence to me as a writer, especially with Kingdom Hearts fan-fictions, so what you see in "Based Forward", a little fraction of that is the result of reading this story and Switched!, and Destined (Another old tale from ye long ago).

    I just thought I'd post one last time since Chapter 50 will be the last installment. Now I know how many chapters I have left to go on at least one story. xD Big Book. Thanks, Destiny's Force, for five years of great memories of these epic tales. You were always there to critique my old stories when I asked (Even though they didn't last long. xD), so happy trails.
    Post by: Sebax, Mar 31, 2013 in forum: Archives
  10. Sebax
    Deep Space, definitely. Although, it kind of made me hate Stitch when he would beat me, and I love Stitch; he's my favorite Disney Character of all time. However, the opportunity to play against him was pretty cool, and the surprises the board had in store were fun too.
    Post by: Sebax, Mar 30, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Sebax
    {Hey, .:tale_wind, how many more Heartless do you have to go?}

    Base sent his Keyblade back to wherever as he watched the phantasms pass away, and it was revealed Shapur and Krowley were in fact in sight, and not only in sight, but also very close. The Elephants' deceptions dispelled, Base was left thankfully disenchanted by the mess, and he closed the distance between his compatriots and himself. He listened to the question Krowley had and was suddenly thrown into shock. When Shapur had something to say about it, he likewise forgot he had bested the warrior in a battle of acquired headcounts. His breathless yet triumphant face turned into a concerned expression as he gave the consideration of th disappearence great though.

    "I'd like to say, "He can't have gotten far", but the truth is: we know nothing about those monsters we fought or what they were truly capable of." He thought a moment longer, stroking his index finger and thumb on his chin. "Just to be safe, we might want to check with Relena and the other animals around. We want to avoid human contact otherwise." He thought of the other trainers and how brutish they'd looked, as this thought mentally assured himself in his assumption. "Should we split up?" Base asked the other two. Truth be told though, he didn't want to be left alone, but if it meant finding that little grey elephant everybody seemed particular about, he'd do it without hesitation. "Regardless, I'm going to go see Relena now; see what she can tell me about what goes on around here. If she can't answer," Here he took a short pause, "Maybe some of the other animals might know something."

    (OOC: To anyone that read what was posted here last night, I apologize. I really was Half-Asleep, so there was a mix of bad typing and just plain gibberish that didn't fit together. The truth is, I just wanted to have something posted before the end of the night. Unfortunately, it wound up that what I posted was useless because I couldn't even read it this morning, so I'd expect no one else to be able to. Oh well... fixed it.

    Also, what Base wants and what Base gets can be two totally different things.)
    Post by: Sebax, Mar 29, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  12. Sebax
    Part 1: I love Alice. So soon, and can already tell she's an apparent Sweetheart. Also, things get interesting when characters start lying to each other. I'd like to see this develop. Nice usage of Painting with the senses to tell us what the inside of their dorm was like to experience that morning. It really helps the story when it's there, even though it's barely noticeable to most eyes, still, even most eyes would notice the absence; it's one of those "slight touch" sort of things, like the special effects in movies.
    Part 2: Ah, so Tyson is the Musical fella. I think I'm gonna like him. :D Nice depiction of the weather, and thanks for placing them clearly where they were when the part skipped ahead to somewhere else by telling us exactly where they started at the change.
    Part _:
    Overall: (I'll finish when you do.)
    Post by: Sebax, Mar 29, 2013 in forum: Archives
  13. Sebax
    Banned for implying that lying is a better strategy by banning someone for stating the truth. Furthermore, let me add that you wear glasses. This is unacceptable! And further more-! I'm rambling incoherently again, aren't I... ^^"
    Post by: Sebax, Mar 28, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  14. Sebax
    Ch 2. I liked the explanation of her limits and what's happening around her thoughts and her physical body.
    Ch 3. Freaking chills, man. I can't explain it. Freaked me the Hell out, but in a good way. The mix between the surreal and the slight Romanticism between her feelings for Etrius and her confusion over it created a very haunting experience. The music was not only a nice touch, but matched the flow of the narrative perfectly.
    Ch. 4 Equally as chilly. I loved how much emotion can be read in Aileen's train of thought. It makes her a very interesting character and an extremely well developing one.
    Ch. 5 "always never", try not to put words like these together, side by side, again. That is my one grammatical complaint throughout the whole read, actually. Storywise, I enjoyed her talk with the ones haunting her. Usually when folks write dialogue this formal, they sound ridiculous because they overdo what they don't understand. You, on the other hand, have scripted a very fluid and very believable line of events, including what the characters say.

    Overall: Sorry I missed the updates. I forgot to watch this thread both by technological means (Clicking the "Watch Thread" button) and mnemonic means (Remembering to check back here every so often.) You're detail has vastly improved and your writing with a very natural flow that gives the reader interest and keeps them hooked on the story. Good job, Ze!
    Post by: Sebax, Mar 28, 2013 in forum: Archives
  15. Sebax
    Base watched Shapur with an impressed expression as the warrior dispel the Gravity spell very effectively, and he had seen Yen Sid at work many times! He was just about to offer a round of applause when he spotted one the few remaining Elephants smiling eerily at him and waving with its stump of a arm, lacking any sort of semblance of digits besides some pink toenails. It was as though the Elephant was taunting him and drawing Base out through fear. Of course, he'd been fighting long enough that the smarmy Elephant did little to his ego except chill his marrow a little; it really was a very creepy grin it had on its face. Base would allow it no dominion over him, he took a sure step towards the beast.

    As soon as he did this, the Elephant gave a small leap away from Base, keeping the distance between them at a veritable equilibrium. "Cute..." Base said more to himself than to the Elephant; this was really starting to get on his nerves. The Elephant's grin broadened into one of pure glee, and thus, it dashed away at lightning speed on its tippy-toes. It leaped away with bounds, leaving Base to give chase, his teeth gnashing together inside his mouth. He followed it as it hurried away, through vast regions of black space that seemed to have no end. Surrounded by nothing but empty space, Base realized he had been tricked. There was no one around in sight except for the Elephant.

    Base was furious as the Elephant clutched its sides and laughed as it blared its trunk like a sputtering trumpet. Within a moment, the Pink Elephant had split into halves and the halves became two separate wholes of two different small elephants; one looked predominantly male, and the other was shorter and resembled what might have been the female variation of what Pink Elephants looked like. Base was just about to strike when the two of them clang to each other and started to dance as the music took on a Samba rhythm and melody. Base was taken aback as the two started to dance together in a Latin American style and seemed oblivious of the fact he was even there. Soon, they drew near to him and separated, as they parted ways, with one going left and one going right of Base.

    Base looked from left to right and on both sides, he saw an elephant strike a pose, and made it look like they were ready to dash towards the center. Base caught on right away what they intended to do and tried not to panic. However, when they both turned into Pink Elephant racing cars, that was when he really started to worry; he heard their engines rumbling as they revved up. Base knew he was powerless to move, because if he went one way, there would be another car to hit him wherever he went. Basically, he knew he was stuck, and smack dab in the middle! Then they sprang forward as their opposite engines gave mighty roars and they hurled headlong towards him! They seemed to be going at an equal rate, and at an equal rate- He knew what to do! He waited for them both to get close enough, and at the very last moment, Base leaped out of the way, jumping to the front and far enough that the two chargers crashed into one another with a messy metallic clatter.

    Base did not have time for a sigh of relief though. The music came back with a maddening burst as wave after wave of Elephants came rushing in around him in all manners of vehicles. Planes, trains, automobiles, flying carpets, water skis, and you-name-its. A bypassing Pink Elephant on a snowboard walloped Base in the face as the two came into contact, and this drove the Keyblader off the edge. He cast cure on himself and the bruises and fatigue disappeared. With swing after swing, blow for blow, he swung at the crossing motorists who crossed his path again and again. One, two, the Pink Elephant pair that had turned into cars, three, the train, four,the water skier, five, the snowboarder, and silence. All around him, there was silence, as the parade had finally come to a close.

    "Finally..." He choked out, out of breath and dry-mouthed.

    (OOC: 0/50 Remaining Pink Elephants.)
    Post by: Sebax, Mar 28, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Sebax
    Base chuckled at heart, despite the severity of his situation. The situations at hand, as he fairly delighted at egging Shapur on, had him dealing with a Pink Elephant that had taken on the rough shape of a camel. He made short work of this nearly harmless foe; he almost felt bad when he realized it hadn't fought back at all. His moral dilemma was put on the back burner, however, as he was knocked asunder when a flute came blaring into his ears. He wheeled around to see a shape of a pyramid with the look of one of the Elephants, but cleverly disguised in a sandy color. This Pachyderm proved more perilous to punish, however, Base perceived. Every hit he tried to make on it, his Keyblade rebounded off like it was living statuary made of real stone. Enraged by its gall to blare its instrument in his ears from behind, Base knocked the curved flute out of its grasp, and as soon as he did, the Pyramid Pachyderm froze on the spot and crumbled away swiftly into dust.

    Satisfied for a moment, Base was soon disenchanted when he saw the flute snake its way about the ground and, what's more, became a real snake! Quickly though, and much to his relief, the snake shifted into what resembled a Belly Dancer; the Pink Elephant looked roughly female and certainly had a great deal of belly with which to dance with as it fluidly shook its hips and danced in an Arabesque fashion. Base merely stood there, amused by the antic, until the figure tried to kick him in square in the chest. 'Just as much a threat as the rest.' He thought as he brought the Keyblade upon the creature and forced it down a similar pathway he'd brought to many others recently; the dancer blowing into smithereens on impact with his Kingdom Key. In its wake, it divided into three more identical ineffectual "temptresses", albeit much smaller. Now accustomed to the specific creature's tricks, Base cut them down hardly a moment before the song had a pretty good transition into something more pace-faced that questioned Base's agility strongly.

    "Don't they ever stop!?" He shouted aloud, aghast at how many of the these foes were posing and blocking future aid.

    (OOC: 15/50 Remaining
    Base: 20
    Shapur: 12)
    Post by: Sebax, Mar 27, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  17. Sebax
    It's all good. I'll definitely keep posted for those two when the circumstance arises, or maybe even Gambit, but if it's at all possible in the future though, I'd still like to do mentoring if it comes up/squads get too big.

    Anyhow, I made up my mind and decided I really want to do this as a student, regardless if I ever play as a canon member of the Uncanny X-Men.:

    Username: Sebax
    Real Name: Jon Jacobs
    Alias: Sync
    Age: 17, but a mature, prolific 17
    Squad: Brotherhood
    Give me a week or two; I’ll draw it. But in description, he is average height, with long limbs, but an exceptionally lean muscular build. He wears dark suits with white dress shirts and gray sneakers, in a comparatively devil-may-care and scruffy manner, forgoing the tie and letting his collar do what it will. He always has a rather tweaked look about him, with his face gaunt, his eyes tired, and purple circles always underneath his hazel eyes. He slicks his black hair to his left side in a swoop, sloppily formal style.
    Other Appearance: This is a big maybe if I draw it. But as of yet, he doesn't actually have one anyway.
    He’s crazy smart, which makes him very hard to understand by the general populace, and especially by the more thuggish of the Brotherhood. He is prone to moral dilemmas, wanting occasionally to do what is right, but pushed to do what is desired of him or more feasible. All this consternation invariably leads him to being a much distanced arsehole with a screwed up Hero Complex. His habits include writing, staying to himself, practicing his powers in solitude, working out, Wing Chun, and watching movies at the Cinema.
    He’s pretty sure he must have been a nice guy once; he looks like a nice guy on a constant tweak that he doesn't fuel with any actual drugs. The only problem is… he can’t quite remember…
    What he does know is that his name is in face Jon Jacobs, and that he is absolutely and totally alone. What he doesn't know is that at one time he was a nice guy. Apple of his parents’ eyes, and every teacher’s favorite student; too bad he was also every peer’s favorite punching bag. It was because of constant teasing and a need to banish his lank and weak form; he started working out his freshman year of High School. That was somewhere else, and an entirely different life. He woke up surrounded by mutant thugs one morning, and in fact very recently, so all he wants to do is glue the pieces back together. Of course, it was the Brotherhood who “rescued” him from the thugs; why else would he join them?
    • He can effectively switch species, physical age/weight/height/build, races, and genders, but the further he gets from his original DNA, the harder it is for him to control. Ergo, it’s easier to disguise himself as an older version of him and in any race, than disguise himself as a female, and it’s in turn easier to disguise himself as a female as it is to disguise himself as an animal. At the starting rate, he can only hold an animal for half an hour,
    • Eventually learns he can reshape his vocal chords to be customized to whatever he wants for a voice.
    • At the first stage, he has to touch his subject in order to imitate their looks; Step 2, he can change his appearance at whim; 3, the time he can stay in disguise lengthens to almost indefiniteness for human subjects; 4, finds out about the vocal cord bit.
    • Unlike Mystique, he cannot conjure clothes to fit the disguise; these he must provide himself.
    • Just because he can change his species, does not mean I wish to make him another Beast Boy sort of character. In fact, the animal bit will probably be used very sparingly. If it is so wished, I will abandon the option to change species entirely, and dim it down to making some of him able to change species for a short time. We aren't talking Mystique quality performance right away either. It’s a learning process.
    • Also, he speaks with a British Sophistication, but he doesn't really think he’s British. It’s merely the fact he is clear about his pronunciations and is often verbose.
    Pretty much everyone within nine seconds of learning his name: “John Jacob Jingleheimerschimdt!”
    Go ahead and taunt him anyway though; I’d love the comic relief and character development in getting him ticked.

    Also, just because he can disguise himself as a woman, this does not make him Homosexual nor Bisexual. Changing into a girl makes him uncomfortable.

    And, kindly, please take note his first name is "Jon" as in "Jonathan" and not "John".
    Post by: Sebax, Mar 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Sebax
    Point A: Yeah, I scoured the rules for the answer before I posted, and all I could find was that Prof X and Magneto plus some others were off limits. Sorry about that.
    Point B: Can't... huh... I'm a little stunned by the fact I put the ' between the n and the t. Sorry about that.
    Post by: Sebax, Mar 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Sebax
    Nightcrawler, Wenn Sie bitte. Or Wolverine could do alright, Bub.
    I might do a student before this really kicks off, but for now, I'd really rather teach. And not to worry, I know these characters well; I can portray them believably.​
    Post by: Sebax, Mar 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Sebax

    Ah, now I get it. Well, anyhow, great bit of a prologue. It satiates on its own, but leaves the reader wanting more.

    And not to worry about the reference; every writer is inspired by something said somewhere. Like I said in the group Skype chat that one night, there's a Shakespeare reference in Chapter 3 of "Based Forward"; it's from "MacBeth". But in all essence, "Creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."-Einstein Trust me, there's no fault in it. After all, we're writing Fan-fictions; originality is graded on a big curve here.

    If this is following some events in SOS, I am looking forward to the time when this is accomplished, as well as more chapters. Speaking of which, what happened to Chapter 1? I saw it here earlier...

    Fortunately enough, I had the original post in another window, and I could read the first chapter as it was posted a little while ago. I must say, an excellent development. Aileen is really moving and on a roll as a very likable character. I am eager to know why you removed it,
    and also how she really fits in with Etrius from here on out, now that she's human again.

    EDIT: Ah, you put it in the first post. Not a bad idea, because the Chapters are rather concise. Don't get me wrong there either. By concise, I am not demanding more of them. They are brief and to the point, and just what they need to be. It's a satisfactory size given the quality. Just watch how you mix past tense with present tense text. When she goes into the cellar is what I am referring to most specifically.
    Post by: Sebax, Mar 26, 2013 in forum: Archives