Please Note: Before posting, I have read everything EXCEPT the backstory of the previous arc. EDIT: I Read it after posting. Username: Sebax Character of Choice: Corny Collins Picture(optional): ♪ Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Hairspray (2007 Live-Action Musical Film) Additional Info: He's not a Big Time character, so I'm mostly making some stuff up around a skeleton. Side note: I may be playing this character soon in RL! I'm waiting on my callback, so if I get him, I'll constantly be in character by doing this; if I don't, well, I get to play him here! Username: Sebax Character of Choice: Ice King Picture(optional): ♪ Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Adventure Time Additional Info: Is always accompanied by Gunter, so they basically are one character. Also, the penguins end at Gunter; no more lil' penguin buddies. Username: Sebax Character of Choice: ALF Picture(optional): ♪ Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: ALF (TV Show that uses his name) Additional Info: Cat/Cat-Like/Based Characters Beware! I also tried to find the picture for him that would inspire the least amount of nightmares. xD Username: Sebax Character of Choice: Hexus Picture(optional): ♪ Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Ferngully: The Last Rainforest (1992 Animated Film) Additional Info: Yes, you will see "Toxic Love".
Trying to wrap up Aqua's Journal in BBS today; it's been a year since I finished T's&V's. @.@
{RP Banner} Order !! Size {Feel free to choose it yourself. :3 I trust your judgement.} Image {} Text {Sebastian, Vertical with This shade as a filler and This shade as an outline; Preferably in Palatino Linotype} Orientation {vertical} Vision {Include both the Treble Clef and Bass Clef in there. It would be prefered if there was a row of piano keys at the top with a portion showing the fretboard of a guitar. If it's too crowded, feel free to omit one or two things to your taste.)} Shape {Rounded Edges Yes| Shape Oblong Octagon (The sides to the left and right are longer and of equal length, while the three sides on the bottom and top are shorter. I tried to be as descriptive as possible, but if you don't get it, feel free to ask.)} Other Specifications {If you could have him pictured mackin' with one of the Princesses (Not the ones I don't like: Ghost Princess (Can't hold her with my love mitts) or Slime Princess (But I'm not picky... I just don't want to be alone...)) that'd be great! I understand though if you can't... but I'll kind of, ohhh, I don't know, FREEZE YOU LIKE THE GARLIC BALL YOU ARE IF YOU DON'T! Or... I could just take all the red out of you; that'd actually be kind of funny. I can do it; I'm a Demon... half-Demon. It'd be the vampire part to do all the red sapping stuff though; whatevs; it's up to you.}
Question: Why did I read this in the voice of Nathan Fillion? Back to the subject: Aqua, from BBS. A stable minded voice of reason and all around nice chick. I don't have too many vices, so I think she wouldn't be too naggy and we'd get along just fine.
Base chortled at the somewhat perceivably startled initial reaction. "Animated doesn't begin to cover it." He also turned back to his search, surveying the sky since to him, everything above him came under the classification of "Sky", since everything was so high above him and vast. "Hey, Shapur, I think I see something, it looks like a- DUCK!" He started off observant and informative until the point when he cut off his own flow of speech to give the command to his comrade as he hit the wooden board below him with the whole of him, clutching his hands over his head defensively as he lay on his stomach.
In this world of music, there is no such thing as a "bad sound". However, some songs have a stark difference of quality, and when it comes to Classical Music, there is no shortage of wouldbes and wannabes, just as in any other brand of music. Yoko Shimomura, however, is an absolute genius in my opinion. Her sound is so varied, extensive and creative that she gives profound life to all her creations; even her take on "Winnie the Pooh" and other adapted works has its own identity and flavour. What you have to say about the songs here listed is indeed a viable opinion; I have an opinion for each selection and this all stems for the fact I personally have a strong connection to music. For all the music that is included in the game series, there is a word that if you are young you should not click the first spoiler. Overall though, the music of Kingdom Hearts certainly is the saddest part; it provides that extra touch of emotion that no scene, no matter how well written, can do without. I think you go just a little bit too far: The writing and the music is a perfect marriage. One without the other would not produce as deep a reaction. Also, you tend to notice a mix of themes. Some songs contain sequences from the theme songs of different characters. For the record: I put in spoilers with each take on every song given because I include story elements and character connections in each. If you haven't played even one of the games where these songs are used (Pretty much EVERY game; Square tends to recycle, but it certainly works.) I could really ruin the experience for you; I go very deep into the characters' psyches Spoiler: Rated PG-13 Orchestration-gasm. Not as thoroughly sexual as you might think, and it doesn't entail the same exact bodily reactions; but what it does provide is an involuntary closing of the eyes and an instant connection to the music. Some songs you get into, but KH compositions force you into another reality. Spoiler: Song 1 I hear it. The tortured "WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?! WHY CAN'T I BE REAL!" that both Xion and Roxas share. Each wants to be their own person, but it's futile. The song is arguably about that mutual sadness that reaches a peak as two friends must battle to the death. Even the name is perfect; "Vector to the Heavens".Vector means "Carrier" and in this, has several other uses, most of which click right in with the Nobody who contains Sora's memories and not only is Sora a rather virtuous fellow, but Xion is the Vector, and the Heavens sounds like Xion very much wants to be at peace whether she lives or dies; the existence is the torture.A lengthy song, but once you realize its termination means she's terminated, the silence prompts another tear. Spoiler: Song 2 BUM-BUM! A steady, dark march that defines Terra's unstable nature which is intermingled with bells (Aqua, pure light) and snaps (Ventus, who is Wind and in so quick and has a spritely nature), then you have the choirs. The choirs provide another layer of the impending fate of each, as each falls into Darkness in their own fashion; you get that hollowness while also getting the Sacred feel that there's still a glimmer of hope. Spoiler: Song 3 It ebbs and flows, and has a very wave-like quality at first. This quality is usually found in Sacred selections, which fits the theme of light, but think about this: Most of the characters are based around themes of the Sea, whether they are the land that the water meets, or the wind that travels freely and sometimes violently over the tide. It gets so boisterous though, intermingling with subtle harps and light choirs, you get the direness of the situation, while also perceiving the true scale that is so much bigger than anyone involved in the story. It has a slightly mix of what you'd expect of a love child between your usual Video Game theme and a Blockbuster movie. Spoiler: Song 4 The story has changed so much that you really start to understand the meaning of the song by the name. "Another Side, Another Story" highlights how nothing is quite as simple as it seems and the music reflects this. With every story told, there's another person involved who brings to light a truth or hides it in Darkness. You can easily apply this song to any character; heck, even connect it to yourself or the backstories of the characters from other sources of media found in the series. You really will get that nothing is ever as simple as it seems. Spoiler: 5 Creepy, but with a touch of the Sacred. This is Castle Oblivion. It's true purpose and disposition has been so far twisted that it's unrecognizable, and the Horror movie level suspense the many instruments give counteract the light and beautiful choirs that portray a Zombified version of what the Land of Departure became. Kingdom Hearts has been a huge influence in my musical understanding and progression, perhaps as you can tell. xD One last note before I cease this little essay: Utada Hikaru deserves an honorable mention in this prognosis. With her voice, there's a deep level added to the songs with Lyrics. Meh. Yeah, they use "Simple & Clean" and "Sanctuary" over and over again, but this adds a progression of understanding as the songs apply to different characters. Also, props for the originality (By original, I mean she doesn't sound like 90% of popular female Japanese recorders that are part chipmunk; she has range and indebted feeling.) in her voice and the being willing to record in more than one language.
In the original 1940 Disney Animated Film "Pinocchio", we see a place that is called "Pleasure Island"; it's the same spot that shows up in DDD. However, in DDD, the place is called "Prankster's Paradise". I have three theories around why this was changed: "Pleasure" Island would have insinuated something more vulgar, I suppose; it might have been called Pleasure Island, but that didn't make it passed by Modern Censors. It's arguably a very different world today than it was in 1940. Artistic License. Pure and Simple. You, the player, would already be familiar with the location, likely enough, so giving it a new name gives it a different spin; increases Player Interest. Usually, actual Real Life Locations are given this credit, but for a different reason; La Cite des Cloches and Country of Musketeers both take place in Paris, France, for example. It is in that case that Artistic License becomes a necessity; still, there is no actual such place that is called "Pleasure Island", except one relatable in memory, which brings me to my third and final theory. This is also my favorite theory! I grew up in Central Florida for somewhere of about fourteen years, and a decent portion of this was spent surrounded by Disney Culture. (Trust me, Disney Parks most definitely have a Culture all their own; it's an extension of Reality.) In Disney World, there is Downtown Disney, and in a portion of the free-to-visit Shopping District there is a place called "Pleasure Island". Directly, my prominent theory states that the Game Producers could be looking at the potential of this part of Disney World for an upcoming world. Don't doubt it just because Downtown Disney is a collection of shops; I spent quite a great deal of time there to know: it's just as fantastic there as it is in any of the Parks. So, have some support for one of these theories or some of your own? Feel free to comment! :D
"Yeah, Base." Base replied curtly. He had been prepared to help heave Shapur up if needed, but he was glad he didn't have to. "Dancer." He gave a little soft toe tap on the wooden surface. "Siiiiiinger!" Base belted out in a pleasing, steady Baritone. "Actor." He did his best impression of Timothy the Mouse; not being too far off. He shook his head next as he thought more on what Shapur had given himself as. 'Warrior'... "Yeah, I think I can relate to the Warrior a bit; I've become a pretty competent fighter at least. Ever had to take on a giant Fire Bird made out of Lava?" He asked in a not particularly prideful way, but merely wanted to show what he was willing to go up against.
52 comments in three days? Wow! And most of them are very relevant to the work-in-progress. Something tells me this is going to be fun. :P I honestly can't wait to get started. I must say, it will be a pleasure and a privilege to Roleplay with the collection of players I have seen come through this thread.
Base equipped "Magic Lock-On"; 2/4(+2) AP and 4 AP remaining. Base put a Potion & an Ether in his satchel.
The new pic for Sebastian: Spoiler The new pic for Sean: Spoiler I wanted Sebastian to fit in with all the rest of the kids... even though for the most part he won't fit in with everyone else...>>" If there's any issues, Jayn, let me know.
"I'm getting a better view, Old man." Base climbed the barrel with care, having a great deal to climb due to his diminutive proportion to the wooden container that would have come up to just underneath his chest at normal height. He thought for a moment; perhaps the hazing could end here, because, after all, weren't they on the same team. "Actually"... he paused, and tried not to fall as he thought of the right words to say, "I'm sorry for that last comment. It's Shapur you said, right?" He inquired of the elder warrior. One fact was very clear: His time with Yen Sid proved that even the ancient had a lot of kicking around to do, and this Shapur was very much in the prime of his life it seemed; so Base wasn't going to mock the other for a larger amount of wisdom and experience. In fact, if he could help it, maybe he could make friends with this guy; like Donald, that nymph, or the people of Planet Hollywood on Pleasure Island. All had been people he had encountered on his stay in the Mysterious Tower, and was frankly surprised how short a time it was but at the same time, how fantastic it all was. Oddly enough, all that time spent with a wise old wizard and all he managed to learn was a simple "Cure" spell. But the more Base thought about it, the more Base felt something different. This difference had come over him ever since the Pink Elephants' defeat. He just couldn't name it, that was all. This all occurred to him as he reached the rim of the top of the barrel. He pulled himself over the edge and stood on what was thankfully a closed and sturdy cover; a lack of reverberation below his footsteps though told him that the Barrel contained something, and it was full to the brim with it. Curiously, he looked over the edge for Shapur, looking for that answer. (OOC: Some teasers for upcoming chapters of "Based Forward" in there.)
Watching a film about Dance Legend Gene Kelly. I'm getting in shape for a hopeful job with a local theater; mentally and physically.
Spoiler: Temp Sean Spoiler @Jayn, Yeah he thinks he's a ladies' man, but let's just say he's not very heavy on thought. Testosterone incarnate is more like it. xD And sorry for the trouble the second time around. This image is the same dimensions of the last photo I fixed. Better?
CH. 6 I really like how you incorporated SOS into it and pretty much gave us a pretty clear clue where the two stories meet up. Well done. I remember you asking me how you should mix the two, and I can tell you now that I deliberately didn't answer so you would find a good answer yourself. :3 You did fantastic! Ch. 7 I liked the use of Latin; very subtle references there. People should do a little studying to understand what a writer is trying to put out. Horrific, yet thrilling and compelling. You really believe in Aileen, and truth be told, I'm really looking at Etrius as more of a very deep and more unique character at this point. Keep up the good work. :D
This post used to hold Chapter 4, part 1.
I was noticing a disproportion amongst the girl:boy ratio, so I thought I'd add one more character: ❥Full Name: Sean Fugue ❥Appearance: Well-built, broad shoulders and chest, sturdy six pack, strong jaw and chin, hooked nose with a slight bulb, thick, muscular limbs, 6'5". He has fierce brown eyes that are of such a hue, they almost look red, and his hair is a vibrant shade of black, with thick bushy eyebrows on his cromagnon brow. He's a big hulk, box-headed (Double Meaning) brute, basically. Spoiler ❥Age: 17 ❥Likes: Women of every shape and size he finds pleasurable; drinks he knows are bad for his health but he drinks in excess anyway (Alcohol, Liquor, Soda); Sports; Weight-lifting; Irish Culture; eating (He never stops) ❥Dislikes: Other men horning in on his action; British Culture ❥Weaknesses/Fears: His crude sense of humor; his jealous nature; his fingers and hands are big and meaty and clumsily, so he can't play many instruments with much grace; can't control his strength, meaning he can't take things lightly ❥Strengths/Talents: He's as strong as an ox and slightly brighter, he can bench 250 lbs, among other athletic accomplishments; his booming voice doesn't have much of a higher range, but he can sing louder than most with an unsettling sturdiness ❥Personality: Fugue is the sort of guy who easily makes Quarterback by showing up to tryouts, between his prodigious strength and his prolific height. He's very well aware of the fact and utilizes these looks and his charms to woo women. He's somewhat of a massive womanizer, and has no scruples about seeing more than one at a time. He despises "odd" people, whom he sums up generally in weaker people and homosexuals. ❥Sexuality: Heterosexual ❥Favorite Color: Toad Green ❥Instrument(s): Voice (Bass II); Tin Whistle; Double Reed; Pan flute; Snare drum; Bagpipes; guitar (All his instruments are much larger than most of the same variety, owing to his larger size.) ❥Crush?: Pierce; Samantha; Stratana ❥Cupid's Brew?: No ❥Availability: See "Sebastian Sonata" ❥Other: Like Stratana, I want to see this guy change; he may or he may not. I normally don't do stock photos, but this is a stand-in, just for in case I don't find the time to draw him myself.The same explanation goes double for Stratana. I want to draw them because a.) Stratana does not look that shy and b.) Sean is bigger, more inflated, and a bit more thuggish-looking. Spoiler Sorry for the spoiler, but if this guy were to be put on a list of people to die, he most certainly would.
Too big? Spoiler
At first: Yay! Then:... ah..garlic balls. Third: Sorry for the lateness, but...meh...time constraints. Lastly: MOTHER! MOTHER! MOTHER! MOTHER! MOTHER! MOTHER! MOTHER! MOTHER! >,<
Thought I'd do one last song before the level is over with, even though we may still be awhile off.