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  1. Sebax
    Username: Sebax

    Name: Pain Thoroheart
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Playable Instrument(s): Her voice is highly admired. She has an incredible range, able to go from A3 to C5 with little difficulty. She can also play the violin family (Violin, Viola, Cello) particularly well. Piano is nothing for her to master, being an accomplished and ferocious while also controlled pianist.
    Birthplace: Born in Melodia, her family was poverity stricken and forced to move to Farj just after her birth; Following Farj, her family again reallocated to Falta when she was 8; Finally, she resided in Colpure for the past ten years, before moving to Xanzo on her own at 18.
    Bio: Pain was a prodigy at 3; everything she came in contact with became a musical instrument and it wasn't very long before what she made in sound sounded strangely appealing. By six, she had already learned how to play piano and had started on the violin. Socially, she was soaring due to her adaptability in musical prowess; everyone was sure she'd eventually make it to Honored status. She was already highly adored in all the varying communities she moved into for her musical ability by the time she reached High School at the age of 13, also being incredibly bright in other fields than music, besides being sobered by her stark professionalism. Unfortunately and fortunately, genetics gave her an early boost in physical maturity, growing to be 5'6" by the age of 12 and possessing a particularly pneumatic top heavy hourglass figure early on. At 18, her mind has matured well beyond her body, which is no standard matter in either category; to her grief, she has earned the nickname "Pai" and "Pai Pai" [For those unfamiliar with the terminology, Pai Pai is the equivalent of "Nipples" in Japan.] for her rather prominent chest, while also standing at 5'10" in height. Having moved around so much during the course of her life, she is strongly independent and a competent freethinker; she already lives on her own in the city of Xanzo with the blessing of her parents, as she has already finished with High School and is currently striving to make a bigger name for herself in the musical community by trying to appeal to all musical tastes. Currently, she's trying out for a local band called "The Silent Listeners".
    Other: No one knows yet, not even her, but she has a genetic disorder that will progressively cause her eye health to degenerate. Slowly, it is already just beginning to take effect.

    Name: Col. Zed Pulse
    Age: 47
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: (Pictured to the left)
    Playable Instrument(s): Very handy with digital mixers to produce violent Dubstep and electro mixes.
    Birthplace: Xanzo; Currently serves in Shivga Prison as a high-ranking officer
    Bio: Born and raised in Xanzo, he's been very affected by his upbringing. Electronic beats veritably beat in his blackened heart as much as if not more and faster than blood. At 10, he fired his first contraband weapon and has grown to procure a love of all things violent ever since. Eventually growing up to take up a position in Shivga Prison as a guard and a grunt at the age of 19. This would not suit his mentally unstable thirst, however, so he strived for most of his 20's. Finally, luck smiled on him when he was promoted to Officer of Cell Block B when the previous Officer mysteriously went missing. Since rising to stature, he has been rising ever since, climbing up the Shivga rank ladder with lustful desire.
    Other: Is not Despaired. If you will allow it, I'd like to see him be the Warden of Shivga already in the timeline; if not, I am satisfied with him merely being an Officer. EDIT: Col. Zed is the standing Warden of Shivga Prison.

    Name: Lt. Faspian Best
    Age: 34
    Gender: Male
    Appearance: He's the one to the right in Zed's picture
    Playable Instrument(s): Truth be told, he really doesn't like music that much
    Birthplace: Xanzo; Currently a high-ranking official at Shivga prison under Col. Zed
    Bio: His apathy stems from growing up in a rundown Orphanage where he was regularly beaten by anyone and everyone willing to take a whack at him. This developed in him the need to fight back, and this he succeeded in. A vicious and ruthless killing machine, Faspian may seem slight and harmless, if also a tad bit creepy, but underneath, he could kill without cessation and possess the coolness under stress to never be caught. In fact, for all the atrocities he's committed in the taking of lives and exacting revenge, he's never faced the slightest of charges. At 21 he was transferred from being a night guard in a Xanzo museum of music to Shivga prison, where he soon came under the welcomed tutelage of Col. Zed. Lt. Faspian will do as the Colonel commands, and usually such things involve blood and the spilling of it, though he has learned to restrain himself to hurt without killing, so that messages can be sent.
    Other (tell if Despaired or not): He is somewhat Despaired in the sense he is so emotionless, he cannot feel for music as effectively as most can. Even cold and villainous Col. Zed can dig into the more violent veins of music, but Lt. Faspian has no interest in the matter whatsoever.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Sebax
    Base reared on his Glider to avoid colliding with the usurper who took out his target. He watched as the stranger leapt in with, literally, fiery intensity and all but decimate the stunned Heartless to nothing. Base himself was stunned, as the interruption had come as a complete surprise, following the somewhat surprising act of Krowley's aid. Having little time to react however, as the remaining Heartless began to regain their animalistic senses, Base swooped in and wiped them out with one last "THUNDER!" that boiled the Air Soldier into an exploding ethereal mess and shocked the Aeroplane into losing control and crashing into the ground. As he did so, he heard the white-haired stranger speak from above his position, and, oddly enough, Base could almost swear he heard his own name spoken.

    Base pulled on the bars and the scooter came to a halt, landing on the ground and hopping off. In fact, that was not all that occurred as a result; in a strange twist, what had once been a scooter-looking flyer become a flying motorcycle sans wheels, which were replaced by flat discs that, landed, it stood firmly on the ground. As far as motorcycles went, it was small; a sporty little thing that looked very much like it had been designed from his gold and silver Kingdom Key. Following its sudden transformation, the weapon transformed once more before returning to its base Keyblade model, once again being taken in hand by Base before it disappeared in a voluntarily prompted flash of light.

    Base had returned to the ground to try and get a better view of the above area that had suddenly been disrupted, only to find three gliding Keybladers, a crow, and an Elephant high in the rafters; Timothy wasn't very much visible at such a difference of altitudes and obstruction. Relieved to find the Heartless dealt with, Base tried to produce a Cure spell to ease his nerve and remove any traces of what little fatigue he'd gotten since last using it, but found no charge to go on. 'Better to relax for a little while and recharge manually' He thought as he surveyed the "sky" of the circus tent above. He saw the stranger clearly for the first time. He was young, but perhaps a little bit older than Base himself, and had White hair and even at the difference in distance, Base could still make out the young man was visibly muscular. Bewildered by the new presence, he thought back a little while and discovered that he himself had somewhat wondered in unsuspectingly to a battle that had already been in process with Shapur and Krowley fighting; this time it was just with one more added precursor: him.

    Although, this would probably mean one more person to socialize with, and he barely knew either Krowley or Shapur so far. Still, maybe this person was a stranger to them to, so Base would at least have some equal ground there. This and more he contemplated as he stood there on the low ground.

    (0/10 posts remaining
    0/4 MP remaining)
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 20, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  3. Sebax
    So, does this mean we can start now? I ask because I am uncertain if you mean for us or yourself to start first.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 20, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Sebax
    The remaining Heartless were somewhat difficult to take out with nothing to use but kicks and anti-gravity bunny hops. Then again, gliding was new to him; everything about Keyblades was new to him. Base had had to use the glider only once before, and that particular occurrence was for escape purposes exclusively. He had never had to go on the offense while on the weapon, so doing so now threw him completely for a loop. This was the case especially where the aeroplanes gave him trouble by going on literal loops in their revolutions around the crow as they all flew. Eventually though, the attack on Jim was quelled and so Base checked the surrounding area. Seeing a nearby patch of Air Solider mixed with two Aeroplane escorts, he flew down into the thick of it.

    (OOC: 3/10 Remaining)
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 19, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  5. Sebax
    Adolescent Hitler. Y'know...neinteen.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 18, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  6. Sebax


    Bad Flood, Bad! Not on the carpet!
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 18, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  7. Sebax
    Listen to what I have to say to you all: TODAY WE FIGHT! FOUR NARNIA!
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 18, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  8. Sebax
    With the assistance of Krowley, one of the Air Soldiers headed his way had been cut down, leaving three to him. He knew full well just how much it hurt to get even the slightest scrape from one of those red talons, so Base made a mental point of avoiding any and all contact between himself and the melee weaponry of the encroaching avians. 'As if it weren't a forethought before knowing the sting for a fact', he thought as a footnote. The trio of fiends flew over to him as Dumbo smacked his ears tighter over his cranium, encasing the majority of his own head with his own ears. Fortunately, Base in his cap was uneared and free, and with his freedom, he cut down the first Air Soldier with a few smart smacks. The next was a mere repetition of the first, before the third gave a whirling kick in its futility of being the last one left; the kick, rolling 720 degrees with a front flip, found Base right underneath the chin, and knocked him back a good deal. A pause of moment save for the flapping of its wings and what looked like the Air Soldier loosening its limbs gave way to another kick of similar ferocity mere moments later.

    This time, however, Base would have none of it. He swung the Keyblade at its whirling feet as it came closer to him, stopping the motion abruptly to catch the Heartless right where its wings protruded. Giving a crippling blow to the wings, the monster reared back and flailed. The beast clawed at its own capped and half-concealed head as it slowly began to lose altitude and gradually pick up speed of descent. In no time at all, the Air Soldier was rocketing towards the ground far below to meet its visible end. Base watched and looked around at his immediate area. He saw that not a great deal of Heartless remained, but he did notice a few were chasing around a flapping Jim Crow.

    Base hopped into his Keyblade Glider scooter and sped off in pursuit, taking out the first of the five aeroplanes with a mid air side kick to its tail. In response to his actions, the aeroplane reared up, and lost its stabilization; it crashed below in nearly no time at all, falling backwards.

    (This post sat for about four hours only written up until the part where you see the word "avians". What am I doing with my life? It takes me four hours to finish RP posts now once I start them? 0_o

    Post by: Sebax, Apr 16, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  9. Sebax
    Slendpony? Srsly? LOL! I experienced the greatest mix of terror and insuppressible giggles I have ever known.
    Other than that, I wanted to see more detail, which was horrible malnourished here. We're talking very animated, very vibrant and varied characters, and frankly, I got I a very botched, patchwork image of what I figured you were trying to portray. One detail was clear in my mind and was satisfactory for a new image, and it is in the spoiler; I loved that. Also, when switching from a tale from the past to a modern first narrative, you want it to transition a little more smoothly. Other than the bad points, which pretty much were all summed up in what I wrote: I loved it. I'm a bit of a brony myself and found myself enjoying the mix of elements that you produced.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 15, 2013 in forum: Archives
  10. Sebax
    What is your name?
    Lucas Trifold
    What do you look like?
    GOLD! Gotta get more...gotta get more
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 14, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  11. Sebax
    I like how you made KHV a city atmosphere; it certainly is that expansive. The guests being creatures crawling through the streets had me cracking up! All the allegories and witty allusions for normal KHV forum and internet things and seeing familiar names doing all these things made for a very entertaining story. Usually, I dislike Second person narratives, but somehow between the perceptions of those murdered and the whole horror overtones made it believable and enjoyable. I can't imagine what I just read the first four chapters after seeing what you posted in that "What are you working on right now?" thread, and I must say that I am glad I did.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 14, 2013 in forum: Archives
  12. Sebax
    I'm really trying to limit my work load so that what I do start gets done. For right now:
    "Based Forward", which follows an OC of mine through a little Kingdom Hearts-based adventure. It focuses on the Mysterious Tower as a central place, and it is planned to go to some really fantastic places that I don't want to give away just yet. I use a lot of sound devices because the central theme is music, and I'm really proud of some of the literary devices I have worked in there. For this story I use the "Hero's Journey" model used for and found in most tales of Heroes, and I really plan this through. I conceptualize plot points and outline events, then I write a first draft in a notebook. The chapter written in the notebook by hand then gets typed into my Laptop where I immediately upload it to the site after some editing. I write this story with the presumption that one would not have to know anything about Kingdom Hearts in order to enjoy it; it's its own thing. Novel-fiction.

    "The Concert", this is deep in the concept-phase. It's based off a failed Role play that I tried starting where characters from Kingdom Hearts bring in musicians and bands from real life for a concert in Luxord's home. Some of the bands and artists I plan on using include: Tom Waits, Green Day, Avril Lavigne, Justin Timberlake, Michael Buble', My Chemical Romance, Train, Coldplay, and others. It'd be casual, for the most part, not having to deal heavily with KH canon. Novel-fiction.

    I'm also planning a short story about the 101 Dalmatians based around Krowley's RP "Kingdom Hearts SOS" to explain the missing 99 puppies. I already wrote a story in the 100 Acre Wood with the A. A. Milne characters, "Play Ball!", to explain another SOS minigame, so I'm really looking forward to work on this one. Short story-fiction.

    Truth be told, I'd love to expand my readership and at least get some critique.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 14, 2013 in forum: Archives
  13. Sebax
    Going with this new trend:
    Easter Bunny

    All three are from Dreamwork's "Rise of the Guardians". To wit, if anyone really wants Bunny, I'm willing to give him up; I just really want North and Pitch.

    So, I'm actively playing:
    Ice King
    Hexus (Has yet to appear)
    Corny Collins (Has yet to appear)
    Batty (Has yet to appear)
    Easter Bunny
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Sebax
    "Guys?" Base inquired when he received no reply, and he looked behind him: No one to be found, as Shapur rose into the air on a transformed Keyblade that had taken the form of a glider of some sorts. Base sighed heavily. "You mean I could have saved some effort and have just done that?!" He was a little exasperated as he tapped into the ability that allowed his own Keyblade to do exactly what Krowley and Shapur had done. Rising into the air on what resembled a hover scooter, Base held firmly onto the front handlebar as he rose into the air with great speed. At the top of his ascent, he clipped an Aeroplane on its side wing by kicking his vehicle to the side as a means of surprising it, causing it to barrel roll unintentionally and rocket out of control; as Base had just gone up, it nose-dived down to the bottom of the tent where it exploded in a dark, fiery mess with a heart being released in the process far below.

    Base stabilized his own glider and looked around as chaotic dog fights took the "Sky" that was the canopy of the Circus tent. Focusing in on the fact Dumbo was in a great deal of danger, Base flew over his way and landed in his cap just as a trio of Air Soldiers hovered over the Poor Pachyderm's way. Turning his Keyblade back into a wieldable weapon, Base took in hand as the Air Soldiers glided overhead of him and Timothy, twitching and clawing at the air as they seemed to as one size up the threat from behind their aviator goggles. Base, in reply to their delay, took a swipe at one and sent it reeling back. One of the others then swiped at Base in return and caught him in the shoulder with one of its talon, tearing him up a great deal in one swipe. Base bit back the sting as he swiped at the assaulter off as if it were a small usurping mosquito. This pattern continued for a few interminable minutes as neither of the parties gave way to retreat. In sequence, each Heartless met their end, one by one, and Base didn't give in until all three of the originals were vanquished. Quickly, he took a breather to asses his wounds, finding a cut in his right shoulder and a gash on his left thigh. "Cure!" He professed, touching the tip of his Keyblade to his chest as a tinkling of bells followed a dance of ethereal green Holly leaves danced about his open cuts. The bruises and the scrapes all vanished instantly, leaving Base unfatigued and bodily replenished as a new wave of four Air Soldiers came gliding over his way in a threatening dance of kicking legs, twitching arms and batting wings.

    "Just stay down." Base commanded to Timothy as the four descended on the yellow cap. "We'll defend you guys." He referred to himself as well as the others, one of which, Shapur, he saw flying nearby.

    (OOC: 7/10

    Base's relevant stats: 1/4 MP.)
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 14, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  15. Sebax
    Base's Kingdom Key was out at the same moment he heard the word "Heartless", and he sprang into action. "Jim, try to keep out of range of those things." He shouted upwards as he eyed one of the aeroplanes do a loop-de-loop close to the Crow. While Base knew the Heartless would be drawn to the Keyblades on the ground, he also figured there wasn't enough time to wait. Trying to think up something fast, Base dug down deep and tried something new:

    "Thunder!" He shouted, just as the aeroplane made a full rotation, preparing to open fire on the hapless new ally. A jolt of electricity buzzed through the mechanical Heartless as it tilted from side to side in a state of disturbance. In no amount of time, the same Heartless was back on a stabilized course, but headed toward Dumbo instead of Jim. "Thunder!" He commanded, raising his keyblade high above his head with one hand, as a bolt shot from thin air just above the ensuing Heartless; this time, the aeroplane dissipated with the shock, leaving the rest of the monsters behind.

    "Always need to be on your toes, right guys?" Base noted half-humorously to his fellow Keyblade wielders just before leaping a few feet into the air to catch a passing Air Soldier a few times with an Air Combo. So far, that was two Heartless down, as he touched down to the ground and looked up at Dumbo and the rest. "Hang on!"

    (OOC: 9/10 Posts remaining.)
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 13, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  16. Sebax
    Imagine you're in the dark. Got it? Don't close your eyes...hehe...; then you won't be able to read. All dark now? Good. The opaque encompasses you with its cold tendrils as the Children of the night cry outside your window. You start to realize this is really starting to get to you and you lunge for your dear friend, the Light Switch. You feel the flick and you hear that lovely click, but there's one problem: No Lights. You're in your own little box of mortality and reality with too much apprehension to venture towards that nearby door because all of a sudden: THUMP! right on the frame, from the outside. Your heart starts to pump faster and your limbs go numb; all of a sudden, couches are unwelcome because by having your feet on the floor, you're allowing anything at any moment to snatch your ankles and pull you under, tearing you asunder. Feeling just a little nauseous? Well, if you do, then this is fine, because, well, you're human. Words, emotions, sights and other instigators should prompt a little bit of apprehension, even though the above paragraph is just an artfully assembled establishment of words. There's also the chance nothing happened. While that isn't exactly a problem, or at least isn't seen as one, it's too predictable.

    Too few people give into their instincts nowadays and, frankly, you've heard it all before. "Desensitization". Is it immoral to be desensitized? Of course not. However, it's just as bad as being constantly turned on to be turned off. Why are people desensitized?? There's plenty of reasons, but for now, we're going to focus on these words:

    "It's just a ___________". Usually, something from the media goes in the blank. What do I mean by it?

    Oh just this:

    A favorite TV show is pitted in a dire situation, say, one it usually isn't. It's something of a surprise, and whether you admit it or not: Deep down, it scares you. Not the mortal terror you see faced by the character(s), but by the "Idea". So you bring in your ole security blanky Mr. "It'sjusta" to keep you warm and sane.

    Like I said though, it's not a bad mantra, but one that is used mindlessly. You're probably telling yourself more of the truth than a lie when you say "It'sjusta" during a screening of "28 Days Later". But you close off your mind to the idea. Eventually, this can become a drastic consequence because the whole point of the "It'sjusta" movie/Show/media is to entertain or incite an idea. By pulling the wool over your own eyes, you close off your mind to the desired results. Watch "Saw" with an open mind, and it becomes even more haunting than any amount of gore can accomplish. But it's not all about frights. Sometimes, in our modern societies, it's just as fearful a thought to think as it is to be somewhere frightening.

    Take for instance the worlds of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley. Most specifically, let's look at "1984" and "Brave New World". If you refuse to think about the deeper source material, the stories go on and on, forever about nothing. Now... philosophize. What would life be like for me in this world? For my family? For the one I love the most in the whole world? If you're able to imagine this, then you aren't as deeply affected by the overdose of "It'sjusta" most self-prescribe themselves to. Once you start to think, the world really does become a scary place, but really only because (I hate to say this) there's really no shortage of idiots.

    "Itsjusta"...These are the words murmured by a fair sum of people as they view any given media source that chills them to the point they can't stand it. Little do they realize: it's a big mistake! You're not just closing your eyes, you're closing your mind. Eventually, this could lead you to a helpless state someday where you mindlessly babble in a corner this other popular "It'sjusta": "It's just...a dream..."

    Hopefully, by the end of this, someone'll look at entertainment in a different light, because it's everywhere; but that doesn't mean everyone sees it.
    Thread by: Sebax, Apr 12, 2013, 1 replies, in forum: Discussion
  17. Sebax
    Two pairs of fuzzy appendages tried desperately to cling to the middle of a golden fixture atop a monolithic tower overlooking a lot of empty space below; rocks gave way to clouds below the fixture where Gordon Shumway was staring aghast and full of fright in his black eyes at the sheer height. His gaping mouth was wide open in the terrific shock, exposing a few small rounded teeth in his mouth, as well as causing his aardvarkian snout to rise up in a compulsory reaction. Shaking like a leaf, Gordon, who was also known as ALF where he came from most recently, shut his eyes tight with the expectation of never opening them up again at that altitude.

    In form, ALF was diminutive, reaching pelvic height in comparison to most humans, and was covered from head to toe in thick Burnt Sienna or Sand-colored fur. The only place he didn't have fur, however, was the majority of his face, which indeed bore a cultured resemblance to that of an aardvark; at least to some degree. His limbs were short and stumpy, with the homosapien standard number of fingers, but his feet and toes were a bit more elephantine. He was also particularly portly, with a prominent gut dominating his midsection. At that time, the midsection was tightly compressed against the cold golden crescent fixture as the cold wind blew.

    "Uh, you know... There's a lot of better places to do.... whatever it is you're trying to do." ALF stated worrisomely to his captor. "Namely: THE GROUND!" He added with a bit of a barbed suggestion, knowing full well the person he had run in with probably wasn't going to be all there to listen; so the best he could make of the situation was to be his jestering self.

    "Shut it, wouldja!" Ice King hollered with a diseased temper. "If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be here to begin with!" His voice was zanily cartoonish and his tone was as equally clinically insane. He raised his noodly arms above his crowned head to make a point to his prisoner.

    As for the Ice King, he was taller but not by much, maybe half an ALF taller. Generally, the term "blue" applied quite a bit in his physical description. His outfit was a single-piece Navy Blue robe that covered his whole body underneath his neck, so that not even his feet standing on the elevated edge of the fixture could be seen. Even his skin was a constant shade of Royal Blue which included his boxy head, his tiny hands, and his extremely long and poignantly pointed nose. Overall, he also appeared to be rather portly from the way his robe belled around his frame.

    ALF humphed, still not daring to open his eyes. "Tell me the part where that becomes a bad thing." Again, ALF hurled a damaging rebuttal.

    "Garlic balls... I don't see him anywhere..." Ice King seemed to ignore ALF completely, his tone becoming more calm and distracted. He stroked his long grey beard and peered around with his old wizard eyes as he tried to sort out the weird things most people didn't/couldn't see and what was (probably) there.

    "Speaking of Garlic balls, I haven't had lunch." ALF's stomach growled. "How about we get something to e-?"

    "SILENCE!" Ice King flew into a range and glided down from his perch atop one of the up bending golden curves of the fixture they were both located on. For good measure, his hands glowed with a blue electricity as he cast a wicked glare over the momentarily blind alien life form. "Either we find Gunter soon or I will freeze you so hard:...Uh..." He lost his composure and rage by having been caught by confusion. I took him a moment of consternation to figure something out before he leapt back into a rampage. "You're butt will fall off!" He cackled with delight and hooted and hollered, delighted in his craziness.

    "Well, that settles it: I have officially met the world's biggest nut." ALF thought aloud.

    "Shut it. Remember: butt." Ice King again resumed a calmer, but no less crazy composition, and returned to his previous post.

    ALF sighed in exasperation and attempted to open one eye and what he eventually spotted on the same rooftop by doing so prompted him to open the other eye. "Oh boy! Food!" ALF became elated to see a cat-like creature perched near the edge of the roof, which was plump and had mostly periwinkle fur, it's tail a ridiculous length which curled like a curly-cue. ALF licked his lips before realising he was frozen with the fear of heights; by attraction, he felt himself pulled toward the opposite-facing creature, but also found a quick halt to the motion due to the fact his limbs were tightly wrapped around the metal fixture. "Aww, nuts." He grumbled to himself, his thick sand-colored eyes visibly slanting with disdain.

    The creature turned its head to look at where the sound had come from. It's face was horrendous, with long, oddly-shaped whiskers and a badly tempered look plastered on its circular face. ALF seemed as repulsed to see it as it was to see him.

    "Ugh. I hope you taste better than you look." ALF said matter-of-factly to the cat, as he started to slowly slink out onto the roof towards the creature. Crawling on his belly, he neared the edge of the roof with apprehension. The creature hadn't budged, only watching ALF with prudish interest. "Come here... kitty, kitty, kitty..." ALF cooed half-fiendishly half-scared to death. All the correspondence that came however came in a pretentious "pur" as ALF tried to crawl closer, almost coming in touching distance, but not quite close enough yet.

    "C'mere!" ALF growled. "I'm hungry, you ugly little-" Just as ALF almost glanced the fur with his own furry paws, the cat dodged to the side without a care. Afraid to move even slightly to any direction, ALF merely looked at the horrid creature. "I'm really going to enjoy eating y-" A tile on the roof below his gut snapped in two with a sharp porcelain crack, causing ALF's mood to change as well as his movement. "Uh oh!" ALF gulped with startled surprise as for a moment nothing happened, when all at once, he started sliding down the side of the roof, not having far to go for the edge.

    "I'm only 229 years old! I'm too young to die!" ALF tried desperately to clasp onto a secure hold on the roof, but found none, and before he knew it, he was already falling...

    "Huh?" Ice King hadn't been been paying attention and continued to scan the area from where he was, not bothering with ALF's problems one iota. "Did you say something?"

    (OOC: NAME THAT POKE'MON! Tell me in PM, and you get a free random like!

    Oh! And now it's not Meowth. That's the one hint. You see, ALF already got to him.

    As this is my first post in the series, I'd like to say how pleased I am to join, and the most I can say about myself is that I really try to get the characters I take from other medias as close as possible to their source material.

    Also, if there could be people below to meet him, that'd be great. It just depends on what's feasible. :) )
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Sebax
    Claiming one more character before I start:
    Username: Sebax
    Character of Choice: Batty
    Game/Anime/Etc. the Character is from: Ferngully: The Last Rainforest (1992 Animated Film)
    Additional Info:
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Sebax
    As Jim puffed on his cigar, Base happened to get the worst of the downwind travel of the cheap make's husky smoke. He waved it out of his face as much as he could, and as he coughed, he responded with, "You saw a man swallow ten swords," He corrected the haughty bird, "But I doubt you've seen an elephant fly; you're just being ridiculous!" He spoke ironically, of course. While it was odd that Dumbo had wound up high up in an inconceivable place for a pachyderm (Even one as small as Dumbo) it was entirely impossible the big little one could have flown into his current perch.

    "And for another thing- KOFF!-," Base waved the hazy fog out of his breathing space, "How exactly am I your brother?"

    There were people that talked like this guy in Theate, of course, because the city atmosphere had held a vast quantity of people of many different ethnic types; but none of the people who ever used the term "Brother" had ever used it on him. Heck, he rarely heard anyone on the streets call him anything; in school: he was pariah, but on the streets: he was a chameleon. The more he thought about this, the more he missed home.
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 9, 2013 in forum: Role-Playing Arena
  20. Sebax
    Like where in the skeleton do you start; the name, back story, personality or someplace else?

    Well, for starters, in Real Life, I'm one of those people who have more than just an acting bug; I have a passion for it. I think that plays a big part in answering this question. 40% percent of the time, where OC's are concerned, I play as an old character model I conceived when I was, probably around, 14; Sebastian "Base" [Last Name Changes]. The character is based off of my own personality and the likes, dislikes and such usually stay the same, but I do mold the character to whatever RP I involve him in. 30% of the time, I play preconceived characters from other media, and while this is somewhat irrelevant to hear at first, it's the same basic principle of this: I mold the character to the situation. But when I create entirely new characters specific to the RP I made them for, they generally pop into my head in a flash. I get the name from whatever I think suites them (Names never were my speciality for years; now I'm better at it.); I get the backstory sometimes from my own life experiences or how I perceive certain people; their personality usually stems from what I think people can bounce their own ideas off of, because I really like malleable characters that are as fun to play as they are to interact with.
    Do they come easy or does it take some time to think of something?

    Not very difficult for me, when I do create new characters. Like I said before: they tend to pop up in my head. The trick to to avoid making them Gary or Mary.
    Do you have pretty much everything about them laid out from the start or do things come to mind as you go?
    Certain things I do. Sometimes, if I have more than one character, I have things mapped out for interactions between them, so that my characters are assured dynamics I want them to follow. On the other hand, I do like to see how interactions with other characters change them; it's the whole point of RP.​
    Post by: Sebax, Apr 9, 2013 in forum: Role Play Discussion