Changqe your name. >:l
Do you think you can add on Repliku.?? If not thats fine. (:
Oh. well the new names cool. How do u do the 0 ??
Are you serious? Nice man. ^_^
How u beenn??
Nothingq much. In my room listeningq to musicc.
Aye dude. What uhpp .?
Hey dude. Whats uhp .?
Changed ya name i see
Uhg im soo borred. Waht are u doingq.?
Happy New Yearr :glomp:
Loll. Which one was ur bf? And yeah i did. d:
Yeah, it sucks.
xD Rawr? :3
Cool. And, that sux =\ All of our rain is gone because of the rain yesterday. D:
Why do you suck?
I completely agree with Mr. Pumpkin. I dont think that it helps if you know how to play an instument. When i am doing homework, i put my iPod on and i consentrate. but when i dont, i have a huge problem consentrating.
How important is music to my life? Well, when im sad or depressed i listen to music, when im happy...i listen to music..when im mad, i listen to music. Basicilly, i listen to music 24/7. If there was no such thing as music, i wouldnt be here talking to you guys right now. I would most likely be in my room, all day. Sleeping. Or...i would go insane....O_o
Spend my last minutes with my girlfriend.