I love family guy.
Lolz. I actually dont like it.
Whats that?
Lol. ::L: Im good. Hbyouu?
Hey ^ZRW^ ^^
Oohh .
Hmm? Whats Code Geas? An anime??
Lol. ^_^
Oh lol sorry. I thought u were getting defensive because at the end you said thats why. I just misunderstood you. Sorry. Lol
Yay :]
:[ -hug- :] happyfaces?
Oh thats cool.I've always wanted to know japanese. And no need to be defensive.
Egypt Central-You Make Me Sick
Ahww.. :/
......How? Lol
Well, im 5 foot 7. And i have friends that are 5 foot. And they arent that small ^_^
Oh cool Like the secret ending in KH2FM ? Oh. When did u learn it?
That doesnt look too small. Looks like your 5 foot something.
Okayyyy. ::L:
? *