So I heard Zac Efron is playing Luke.
Anticpating this game ever since i beat Tools Of Destruction in February. I was really hyped the last two months still am actually. I said this was going to be the Best Game of 2009. And i'll stick to that pretty sure. Hope doesn't dissapoint. But i'm not to worried about that. Also i didn't know the trophies were announced. Are you sure these are them because they seem to be like less than 20. And usually there's like 50.
As what do you remember me 2 years ago? ::L:
Is that a good thing?
It's a good game, might get old somewhat fast but for the price it's definitely worth it i have to say.
You should see her sometimes. :/
I'd say it is. I didn't run into any glitches at all so i don't know how you picked that up. xD
It's not like most 10-14 year olds don't have a clue about sex or masturbation.
I think RvR posted a t-shirt like 2 years ago and people thought it was real.
You're not even 15 yet youngling
Marillion .
Yes it's awesome. Especially when you explained them exactly why you de-reped them. :B|:
Lol nice.
It's great to see you're back. Good luck fully recovering.
Oh wow, Mish and Ris?
Better song than most of the **** in the radio these days. The solo was a lot better than in I Wanna Rock.
Add a tier where I'd fit in Radiowave. >:
in ur dreams
Yeah it plays 6 years after MGS3 Spoiler and it tells you how FOX betrays the USA and how the Foxhound unit is made. It also tells you the beggining of the Patriots