You can't have no music without me. :/
This party sucks.
Damnit Cin not that Woman from OoT again. D:
Honestly don't leave because you're too old. You're only like 18. Not to old to visit a forum. It's not like 18 year olds can't see PG-13 movies. Really think about that. It's not a good reason :/ What makes you say they're all gone? xD Anyways See ya Mate Have a nice life.
I actually hope this is not true. I mean it's a fictional movie. I want a new IP from Insomniac that is not FPS. Not that i don't like Resistance or wouldn't like a new Resistance, but i'm just not that much a fan of FPS.
Best Episode imo.
Health: 9 Stregnth: 7. Stamina: 7 Intelligence: 8 Perception: 8 Creativity: 8 Charisma: 7 Social Skills: 5 Confidence: 6 Facial: 3 Body: 8 Style: 7 Humour: 8 Passion: 7 Empathy: 9 Spirituality: 4 Discipline: 7 Luck: 2 Male
Not bad.
No get a wii and i'll- Oh wait. :lolface:
That is epic man. I wish my Drumset was next to my computer/PS2/Tv. They're all in different rooms for me >:
I know another Movie with Zac Effron as the Main Role and boy that movie was a really bad cliche.
Mysterious stranger.
Damnit :v
Dunno about easiest but hardest is definitely IWBTG. I was so happy to beat it on hard. ;__; Also i always found the first Ratchet the hardest.
Basically everything that NRA said + having the ability to change the difficulty from very easy to very hard.
I close my eyes And feel the water rise around me Drown in the beat of time Let my senses fall away I cna see much better now, Im blind Find all you need in your mind If you can take the time
Final Fantasy X Shadow Of The Collossus