We don't know for sure, we can only speculate.
May i say epic win?
It has 5 added dlc packs.
They could release it with one level and one move.
Because it's not out yet.
Dream Theater
I'd still be there so I'm sure it's possible it'll be tough but eh.
It makes no sence to me. In Guitar Hero the Buttons were resembling frets. But in DJ Hero the buttons seem really out of place to me. I've never seen frets on LPs before.
Mirror's Edge LittleBigPlanet Fallut 3 Resistance 1/2 Killzone 2 MGS4 Uncharted 1/2 Eternal Sonata Ratchet And Clank Tools Of Destruction/Quest For Booty/A Crack In Time Rock Band 1/2 Infamous
Are you aware of or do you like the band Styx?
They're both great I've seen Machine head live aswell.
Twilight fanfics? Do not want
Yeah like them both, saw Metallica live this year. Also if you mean Thrash Metal by stuff like that, than yeah i like that stuff. These are the...
Just like last year.
wut u think of me bro?
Oh i do agree.
I'm a fan of a lot of thing but yes this is correct. Holy Diver was a great album.
Nothing weird here.