I love you too?
Spoiler They're all going to laugh at you!
That is why we need KHV rehab...
;__; I wasnt on KHV when that was made... I had a life, then I sold it to this site.
It would be funny if she made three new accounts again :lolface:
Bothering you nao, by randomly dancing in your profile
TMM was permabanned, for what?
YOUR BACK *tackle hugs mach 5* I MISSED YOU SO BAD
Oh and its funny how America thinks hes so awesome like he wanted to protect the world with a robot XD
Yeah, though so far ep. 1 is my fave.. Germany: "ITALY, YOUR TURN, WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY?" Italy: "PAAAAAAAAAAAAASTTTTTTTTTTTTA!"
That sorta looks like No-Face from Spirited Away...
Italy is my fave. so far, he makes me laugh. So does America
How? If I may ask? Skittles
Now your a mix of Ghetto, VGN, and Hippie Jesus..
I see, well I geuss I will try some tuts then ^^; the second one shes wearing a headband that has like two shades covering her eyes.. Third, yes shes wearing glasses.
Yeah, well Im in pain DX
You...were..;___; You hit me because you said "NO MOAR WIREHANGERS!"
I have those bruises from you >:
Just four I made out of bordem... CnC <3