There was nothing on tv and i kind of got bored
see im not the ony 1
fine then let see what happen 1st. if i need it i get it
yes i take my chances
well then that nice to hear
In The End-linkin park
Hello how u doing? i got nothing else to do so i throught i say hi
pls some1. i need help how do u beat riku on the 12th floor? no matter what i cant beat him in the gameboy or the ps2.
crush-david archleta
hey the book was funny. r u going to make a chp 2?
computer city-Perfume
im fine thx
hey how u doing? and thx for the friend request
Family Guy cause i never watch American Dad
banned because i got 1 and u dont
aqua i want to see how she fight
i say 9 i cant wait for the game to come out
i sould i no i just look at it once and say something radom
isnt it that little gum ball shape heartless
i was in love with the first game and waited on the website for the next one