Sad that should have been me eatting that
Love Story{Taylor Swift}
Hello how u doing? thx for the firend request
Hey what u doing? im just bored i got nothing else to do right now
hey if u r on pls talk to me
fine but still at least i even added u 2
what the point of having all that power if u cant enjoy it
u sure about that? or r u doing this because we no u love us
because offline i think about megan and u guys. alsoi can move any day and im going to miss u guys but online i have friend that i dont have to lose
r u looking at every post i made.......i told u before online and real life im 2 different people
Ooook where did this come from?
What i done-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Linkin park
now i see u.....naa it ant u.............maybe it is
that suck so what r u doing?
i thought he was a ghost?
Gotta be somebody====nickelback
hey how u doing? i dint no your birthday was on the 3
yea after i got chain of m. i wanted to play KH in order
then help your friend by leaving them
Can i join? maybe not