yea i no but im trying to get her mind of it but nothing is working
u sure? and i need to ask u something pls stop kinking me in the leg. for the past 2 week i been bleeding because of u guys
yea but she is fun to with
Because my parent want to move some where else. the realy BAD thing about that is that my parent wont tell me when we move so i wont be able to...
LOL yea right. u hit me when u saw me. at least say hi then u can hit me
she is a close friend to my gf and i ask her to help me on how to deal with my gf
u did something. 1 u listen 2 u try to help me 3 u were the only 1 that was any help. i talk to 1 of my f about this and then she came chasing...
At least it is better then me i final got the girl i like to go out with me and now i have to leave her and i have only known her for about 6...
Hey how u doing?
Hello! becuse of u and a couple of other people me and my gf r fine
u sure? because today u couldnt keep it a s. and pls this time dont tell any 1. this 1 cant be that hard to hide. i dont think it well be that big...
cant tell u. dont no how to say it. i going to show u it
With you - Jessica Simpson
Without you-Hinder
Hey can u help me on 1 more thing? im thinking of giving megan something but i dont no if she like so i bring it in tomorrow and show u what it is
Light on-David cook
hey how u doing? and thx for the friend rq.
NOW im gone
Hot 'N Cold-Katy perry
Beautiful Soul-Jesse McD.