yeah so i hope you feel better and sorry
you little f*ck i'll kill you when you get over here
oh just ignore him he's a lil idiotic and a complete a**
oh sorry to hear that me just listening to music about to kill heero
sure anytime so how are you
JERK my heart somewhat in ravish wrapped in darkness again
sure no problem im down with that truthfully i was a lil nervous myself
shut up i just have to get to know her thats all but it's more complicated then that okay
you lil sh** i'll kill you
you lil sh**
hehe yeah now all i have to do is wait for her answer
oh no its ok i don't mind im use to it
ummmmm not sure depends on what she says
cool same here practically
so what are you upto
thx but i think i've got it covered
yeah baby yeah who says asking girls out is hard
wow im sorry to hear that
im cool just hangin