Well, Kairi's an official character now. Will that work?
Great! You're hired! :D So, what's it do?
Hmmm.... I'll think it over. Computer language xD.
Oh. Okay. Yeah, you know what they say, "All good things eventually come to an end." :D
Yo, Anti. What's up?
*waves back* ... I'll see you. *drives off*
See ya, Bluejay. :kiss: Sweet dreams!
Oh, it will. I promise you! Yeah, I'll add him eventually. If Cloud's in the Black Parade, why the f!ck not Sephiroth? xD
Whoa! Besides my production, I'm pretty clean on schedule. The video projects have been but on hold, and I'm working on a Cloud Black Parade...
Aw, thanks. :glomp: Well, I got a small crew right now, but I'm sure it'll grow quickly. :D What's on your agenda, Bluejay?
Well, it's too complex to explain in a VM, so here's the link: http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=91432
Great! I'm kicking off a new production on here! And I need as much people as possible. I've been all over the place lately. So it was kinda...
Really? Mine's was packed! :D
Hey, are you gonna re-open your graphics shop?
Ummm..... that sounds hard. But I think I follow. What is scripting? And how do I hack that? Edit: Also, I'm in need of a logo for the first game (you can do all the game logos if you want, but the first game's all I need). I'm terrible at putting those together. Can someone vm or pm me if they're interested?
Hold the phone. Are there any other programs available besides Flash Player that produces games? Just a precaution in case Flash doesn't work.
I'm planning on it being a 3D game. That's why I need to wait for BBS before I could probably get this started. And about that KH/FF vs. KH/FF, that idea might not work. Sora & company usually affiliate themselves with the Disney characters. I want this series to expand their sights and include a few Final Fantasy worlds. FF characters will appear playable, but I'm thinking they'll be more like aids instead of central characters. Some may be upgraded to regulars, but it depends on the reception.
Yeah. What he said. Example: Secret characters (Heroes): Cloud Squall Vincent Tidus Secret characters (Villains): Sephiroth Seymour Vayne Ultimecia This is not the actual secret characters planned. I'm just making a point.
You can count on it! :D What are you saying? Kingdom Hearts vs. Final Fantasy?
*thinks* It could go something like that. Nice touch with Repliku thinking he's Riku. :D