Oh. Okay! Take your time.
Well, I have a bind set, and I have the weapon models, but no weapon movesets.
Well, I guess that works. Have fun with it! :D
Heya, Rhian. How's the drawing coming?
What I want to figure out about the Roxas model is how come Roxas has his keyblades? My DW Roxas model doesn't include them.
Sure! Jecht is one of my favorites in all those renders. Unless it's an avatar or requested sig, you give credit to me, alright? :D
xDDD Relax. Relax! Even a late "happy birthday" would make my day. :D Oh, thanks. :cheers:
I'll be sure to check it out. :D
Oh yeah, dude. That is kickass!
xDDDD Cool.
Okay. *looks back at screenshot* I'm sorry, but that's one kickass screenshot! xD
That was, unfortunately, how they were extracted. But hey, it's better than nothing!
I know, right? xD So, now that you have KH2FM, will you consider hacking for the game (whenever your long break's over)?
I know. Also, even if I did activate the account and had an MSN, I would barely use it. I'm lazy like that.
Oh. Well, that's quite a screenshot! xD And my comp crashed when I tried activating the account :(
Alright. I'm about to activate my account. Uh, why do you want me to install an MSN?
Umm... okay.
Alright. Aqua blue it is. I'm working on the reference sheet.
Oh. You can install one? I thought MSN was a search/email engine.
I'll PM you a reference you can come to color the sketch. About the logo, Gold could work, but not quite with aqua blue. If you want gold in there, a royal blue could be recommended.