Nothin much. I'm just working on renders. You?
Heh-heh. Yeah. That'd be a gag image. Hmm... his true form could be.... very lion-like. Kinda like how Mufasa appeared as a spirit. There are differences. His main body texture and color is white and very soft, presenting his angelic nature. His mane could be like threads of silk. A human form is planned on, but I shouldn't put that in the first game. Or should I? My original idea is for Perun to not appear face-to-face with the heroes until the third game.
Why do I need to know? We can create a look for him.
Alright. I'm sorry, but that didn't really help. But I did a bit of research and this is what I came up with. Chernabog from Disney was based off of the Slavic god, Chernobog. So I researched the Slavic Gods, looking for the supreme or most common god to oppose Chernabog. It turns out the god Perun is the most prominent. And it's a he. So it's settled. the god of peace is Perun and the god of destruction (or the devil) is Chernabog.
Well, something like a deathmatch. Any battle could go down (unless it's impossible. Look what happened when NeoCloudStrife tried to put Larxene against Sephiroth), and it's kinda like a "may the best man or woman win" thing. This could also give me open ideas for a fandom game I'm in the middle of pre-producing.
Alright. What do think would be a proper name for this God or Goddess?
Okay. Now we need to come up with only one OC: The God/Goddess opposing Chernabog/Lucifer. I know I said there would be no OC's in the first game, but I have to resort to just making an OC for the god opposing Chernabog. There's nobody in Kingdom Hearts that suits that role.
Alright. Axel makes the final cut. I got an idea for him. Jafar will have to be replaced with Saix in order for that to happen. The verdict for Demyx is also final. He can oppose Hades.
No. The first game will strictly display characters we are already familiar with. If we add new characters, it would be slightly harder to develop the new "alternate" universe. An example for two replacements: Axel and (thinks) Hayner.
Alright. Since the code's been figured out, yet it can't be released. Here's a wild idea. Why not start another tournament?
Alright. For starters, who do you think would make good replacements for Donald and Goofy (excluding the other heroes: Terra, Aqua, Ven, Sora, Riku, Kairi, Roxas. & Mickey)?
Umm... okay?
Yeah, it is. And yes, I know what the Black Parade is. It's an alter-ego band for the alternative rock band My Chemical Romance.
Hey, Cloud. What's up?
Aww... poor thing. :glomp:@Bluejay
It's still pending. Any way you could help by any chance?
Much better than before. You?
Well, this group's gotten awful quiet.
Fun, huh? I'll need a little more getting into the "fun factor." I basically just got back from Hell...
Well, I only assumed. Assumed wrong, turns out. @ Riku lovr: Here's a tutorial video. I followed this exactly (minus the 3DS Max crap).