I'll consider using her in the second game. The first game will only have one OC: the goddess Minerva.
...Yeah, yippee. :gunwtf:
There is going to be an original score, but I plan to add remixes of veteran KH themes. By the way, the project's going okay. We've got the cast (well, we still need one more hero and one more villain to replace Demyx & Hades) and the logo figured out. What we have yet to accomplish is the voice auditions, the promotional art, the score, the scenario planning, and the "animation" process. You said you'd be willing to compose a few tracks, then great! I'll PM you an idea of what I might expect.
Ahhhh... cool. :D
Alright! What's it called?
Ah, it was good. I spooked a few kids with my girlfriend.
Great! You're hired! About Axel & Saix, so what if they were drifted? So were Cecil and Golbez from FFIV (they were brothers), and they opposed each other in Dissidia. About Demyx, perhaps you've got a better pair or replacements? About Sora vs. Xemnas, no. Sora may have wanted to go after Xemnas at the end of KH2 out of pure spite, but Marluxia tried to take control over Sora (and almost succeeded). Don't you think that'd be a stronger conflict. And I guess Xion against Roxas would prove stronger and much more vital than Roxas against Xemnas. About Vanitas, I'm aware of that. I just haven't changed it yet. And about Minerva, that works much better. So it will be Minerva vs. Lucifer.
Not really.
I'm not the preist type. Uh, what do I say?
Umm, I got back from Hell. Now I'm getting my old self back. Or at least attempting to.
Alright. What's up, people?
Nothing much. You?
Oh. my mistake. Nice sig, though. xD
Hey, on your signature. That fake KH3 screenshot. Did you make that?
I think this means he'll rom-hack it or something.
Heh-heh. Thanks. I'm thinking of changing it soon, though. I've had this name for about two years, and it's getting a little old for me. But I am...
Cool. So, you find my name badass, huh?
Nothing much, man. You?
Oh. Hence the "Afterlife" part. Well, that makes sense.
You mean Roxas's Afterlife? Is he a fan of me or something?