Glad your happy Jay Cuz' your next!
Fine here we go! -draw phase- -standby- -mainphase 1- I'll start by activating the field spell clock tower prison! and i activate polimerazation! to fuse my avian and my burstinatrix to summon my elemental hero phoenix enforcer!! I set a card face down and end my turn -end phase- Your move Monica
Good cuz' this time YOUR NOT WINNING!!! Be ready...thats if you duel
Yeah i have one, her name is Jesse. She lives in Idaho and we promised to meet someday.
Anyone up for a duel? LP: 8000 Customs: no Anime Exclusives: yes Video Game Exclusives: yes God Cards: no Hand Refill: yes First Player: me Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): no
Its official...I now hate spiderman
Yeah, I've been trying to find a place where i can talk about hacking emus. I hack a little pokemon myself. But i agree we do need a little room.
Thats a good idea. I've been waiting for someone important to step up and say that we should be able to.
Really? I thought of her more of the female equivalent to Hitler.
No Horo none of that closing around here we-we'll be good Right Judai and Monica?
539-2533 spells keyblde
Hye people i had to wright a thing for school, its suppoused to be a cover paper for a work application. And here it is >_< do you think I'll get an A? "Good day mr. Merlin my name is Sora and i would like to apply for the Keyblade bounty hunter/man slave job listing i saw at the cornerstone yesterday. Though i do not get the last part, but I'll learn. My experience as a bounty hunter is inpecible and i am highly skilled. My past jobs are :I saved the world from a giant Terranort :I saved the world from a guy with pink hair (which I'm actually not supposed to remember but Riku told me, but then again can i really trust Riku with that kind of thing, anyways) :I saved the world from a Xemnas So you should definitely hire me! My number is 1-555-539-2533 (AWESOME NUMBER RIGHT IT SPELLS KEYBLDE) Sincerely Sora...and donald...god dammit and goofy." What do you think?
NNoooooooooooooooooooo -Super Saddness-
Insperation to make a keyblade =D
You mean the 74 yard interception? that was fucking awesome!
Saint won!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fuck yeah!!!!
Ya-Yeah its a problem when your dad checks your history everyday -_-
fucks! thinks of making viruses! I've been computerless for 3 days trying to get rid of this virus that says its a anti-virus. And ya'know everyone dealt with one of those BUT NOT THIS ONE! This one wouldent let me open my anti virus or task manager or start menu I was able to somehow get to system restore and get to a date before the virus and it seems to be gone. But dude it opens a windows explorer page and searches up Porn! 0_0 I hate the internet TT_TT