Lets do this Jay! Destiny is on my side this time!
Good luck Jay. But remember, when this "Melvin" get pwned I'm taking you down myself!
You just summed up my entire opinion in one post, bravo.
It doesn't snow in Mississippi! It's snowing here! This is the first time I've seen snow! ... Its cold now.
Hey dude sorry i gotta go so i can't duel I'm really busy at the moment so we'll have to finish this another time.
i do not counter
yes i counter your first monsters attack with mirror force!
no you can contenoue
not bad I'll countenoue with my turn then. I summon my destiny hero diamond dude and i activate his special ability so i draw a card if its a spell its added to my hand next turn oh and it happens to be my cyclone blade i set 4 cards face down your move -end phase- Hand refill. 6 cards in hand. Monster card zone Spell / Trap card zone Graveyard during this turn: bring it
Hmm you think I'm that predictable -draw phase- 6 cards in hnd -standby phase- nothing -mainphase 1- I activate heavy storm do you counter
sounds good i want handrefill and you go first
anyone up for a duel?
Yes...yes you are
I'll take you on if Jay doesent want to
[I missed NCIS]
-_- now it makes sense. -turns to Monica- Bad! -hits with newspaper-
Now i don't know you very well but thats not the Judai yuki i know he would never pass up an opportunity to duel.
...well this seems like a hollow win
okay...i guess my turn then -draw phase- -standby phase- nothing -main phase 1- i activate gient trunade then i replay my clocktower prison and my facedown card then i activate card destruction! so i discard 3 cards and draw 3 more and you discard all cards and draw the same as well Then i activate pot of greed and then activate smashing ground to destroy your monster then i activate polimerazation to fuse my dogma and my plasma to summon my destiny end dragoon -battle phase- now attack phoenix enforcer and dragoon attack as well -end phase- phew what a move your turn
redo your move, i said no customs.