Yes this will work, I'll give you the link when I'm done
I concur...Yes
Its no problem, just give me the link to what ever picture you want and what size you want it and I'll do it for ya'
Hey if ya give me the picture you want I'll turn it into avatar size for ya', I have a program that will keep its quality and make it the right size.
Oh by the way i miscalculated the damage on your lifepoints, i forgot the extra 300 points from phoenix city so you lost 600 not 300 and you have 7400 left i have 8000 Anyways -draw phase- -standby phase- -Main phase 1- I activate pot of greed to draw 2 cards then i activate Nobleman of cross out! to remove from play your facedown
Okay[IMG] So what kind of picture are you looking for?
Nice move I activate the equip spell card Buster Sword! and equip it to my shune, and since hes the only phoenix soldier he gains 600 points -Battle phase- Shune attack Laviathan you lose 300 life points -main phase 2- I set a card and end my turn -end phase-
Hey there[IMG] Whats up?
Alright my move! -draw phase- -standby phase- Here we go -Main phase 1- I activae the field spell Phoenix City! Now i summon my Phoenix Soldier Shune! Then i activate his special ability so by sending my Phoenix Soldier Keanshi to the graveyard I can destroy 2 spell or sraps on your side of the field I choose the one on your right and the one next to it Then i activate phoenix Fusion! do you counter?
I'm here person lets duel
We also need a Jesse Anderson Jim Corcodile Cook Tyranoo Hassleberry And HOW COULD YOU FORGET CHUMLEY!!!
Couldn't i just redo my turn -_- I forgot i used it I'm sorry
[spoiler [/spoiler] Nice jay but get ready to die! -draw- -standby phase- -Mainphase 1- First i activate pot of greed! do you counter?
no proceed
I'll duel you when I'm done with my duel with Judai here
Yes i counter with my my facedown card imperial order you may contenoue
Nope contenoue
Wow thanks man![IMG] and yeah i am once i get enough posts i need like 100 more to change my name [IMG]
I will! -draw phase -standbyphase- Hmph here we go! -main phase 1- I'll start by activateing my spell card Polimerazation! To fuse my avian And my Burstinatrix To summon! Elemental hero phoenix enforcer! Then i activate pot of greed! then i set 3 cards face down and end my turn -end phase- your move jay!