Go down there and say "Man i stink at games, could i try yours?" then beat the living fucking tar out of it and walk away.
Guys check it out my name change came through!
Yes! ^_^ It went through!
Hmm good then, but i would like the duel to cease because i want to kick Zanes ass six ways to sunday if don't mind. Call it a draw then? Also Zane that means its time for are duel to start. you may go first.
^_^ oh okay.
A;right my turn -draw phase- -standby phase- Here it comes! -mainphase 1- This is your final turn lets finish this! I activate my facedown card! Reckless greed! so i get to draw 2 cards! Now i activate my spell card which you've seen before Phoenix Fusion! to fuse from my graveyard my Phoenix soldier shune! and my phoenix soldier - keanshi! To fusion summon! Phoenix Soldier - Dendai! In attack mode Then i equip my Karyun with the equip card united we stand! so now since 2 monsters (herself and Dendai) so she has 4400 -battle phase- now karyun attack his hydra you lose 2500 and thanks to my monsters ability your monster is removed from play! Now this duel is finished Dendai attack him directly! PHOENIX ANGEL BLAZE you lose 2600 I win Good duel!
Depends If its a custom duel i use my homemade monsters the Phoenix Soldiers But if not then Destiny heros why do you ask?
No problem [IMG]
Here i tested it on my avatar and it works so enter this link and remember to get rid of the defult http//www or whatever thats on the enter link...
sure ^_^ thats fine
Oh 0_0 damn i hope my name doesn't become that. Anyways well i asked the guy who made the thread if i could because i thought of my current name...
...Half hour
This is bull **** as also suporting Marijuana Legalazation and occasionally uses it. This puts a bad name on dope, now people are gonna think we're freakin drug attics. Hell soon people will think its like doing cocaine, and legalazation will never happen. This just puts a bad name for a stoner.
Then i summon Phoenix Soldier - Haret! Now i tune her with my phoenix soldier Shune to synchro summon Phoenix Soldier - Karyun! -Battle phase- Karyun attack him directly GO SHATTERING HEART SLASH! -end phase- your move
Me being the one that played it i agree xD I didn't expect that move to go through.
Hmmm and it didn't say why?
What failed the uploading of the picture?
Give most of it to charity
Thats fine,
How's this http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/1808/reigx.jpg Too big? Too small?