Alright how about these terms LP: 8000 Customs: Yes Anime Exclusives: Yes Video Game Exclusives: Yes God Cards: No Hand Refill: No First Player:...
Hey uh sorry i couldent find any more large selections of Zane, you could try google images if you want.
Lets do this Jay! -Draw phase- 6 cards in hand -STandby phase- -Mainphase 1- first i activate graceful charity! to draw 3 cards and i discard Destiny hero malicious and Dasher I set 2 cards face down one card in defence And end my turn -End Phase- Your move Jay.
Alright lets do it right now come on Jaden! You can't hide from destiny!
Yeah it awesome! =D
Hey I'm not cranky! But I do want to duel you! So get your game on! (Wait thats Jadens Line...uhh Ah!) I'm going to play you in a children's card game!
Me? A cheap win? Seriously? No fucking way. BRING IN THE NEXT VICTI- I mean DUELIST!
Alright then since i win by deful who would like to play me in a chldrens card game!!! . . . In America!
So Jay quit...Who the fuck do i duel now?
...God dammit
You didn't cry. And yell "Yahoo!!!!!!" at the top of your lungs. xD I'm just picking on you
Hey why weren't you THIS excited when I got here -_-
Here you go ^_^
I have one thing to say to that. Bring it on!
Of course Jay i wouldent give up my theme that easily, My new Chaos Destiny deck will win. Destiny says so.
Its awesome ^_^ Its my new profile pic. and don't worry i wont.
That's fine, because i know. this deck can't lose!!!!
Sweet!!! Give me the link I'm dying to see it
Alright thats what I'm talking about!!! I get to try out my brand new deck!
Indeed Zane. Hopefully we can finish that duel we started.