:yelling: DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!!! radrada radaradarada
Alright people heres me about 4 months ago (don't hve any recent) When i get a hair cut i'll post some Spoiler Spoiler
My earliest memeory is when i was 4 i went to the TV and wacthed "Bear and the big blue house" and my mom started vaccuuming so i turned the tv from 10 (normal volume) to 60 (ear shattering) she was so pissed
Depending on the enemy If it is a weak and or easytokill enemy i would just run up and give it a quick combo. If it was a strong enemy or a painintheass i would lay low and glide around throwing magic and when he is vunurable i can jump in and kick his ass
I'll duel, but on what terms? Also what kind of deck do you use?
Hey Blair heres a card that goes with the other one i gave you
I own a fucking alpaca farm...Yeah. I went to go give a farm an alpaca and baby they bought.
Alright i do see what your saying now, he would have had 500 life point left but it wouldn't have mattered sorry for bothering you.
Fine i guess i see your point. But theres not much you can do on the first turn without activating spells or traps and if you activated it on the...
But the down side to it also is that the user can't activate spells or traps either. It counter balenses the over powering effect.
Alright thats fine i gotta go do alpaca stuff intill later anyway. So then our duel will be this evening! So get ready jay!
Hey Jay? I have a concern on the banned/forbidden list. I think you should put cold wave from banned to limited. Its a helpful card to any duelist...
Hey Jay what about our duel?
I'll duel ya
Yeah i figured with the posts on her page.
Thats fine ^_^
Alrigh then! Me i would guess be these cards and
Hiya I'm Aster, nice to meet you too. So your a duelist I'm guessing? xD
Hey ZRW since no one else is doing their tourney match, why don't we start? Oh and also Holy crap!!!
Hmm Maybe.