Sorry I was finishing this up. :33 edit: this on looks better
But I don't want him to hate me forever ; ;
Oh god, I have the perfect pic for this response but Feenie will kill me if I post it xDDD
<3 xD Really? It creeped out more the people I showed. Except the other Adam. He loved it cx
I really didn't want to post this buuuuuuuuut.... Spoiler
Hai hai again! :3c
Save me Key-Key T^T
PaW's real reason for joining the Staff. <3
- How's question time feeling so far? - I AM VERY JELLY! GIMME YOUR SHECKXINESS!! - Would you love your mummy 5eva? - Why can't we have a matching theme?! D: - hercules, Feenie, Watanuki, Mammaries Tomoe, Daliha Hawthorne, or Togashi Yuuta? (I think that's all of them) - What would you do if you can make anime characters come to life? Who would you make real? (Limit yourself, boy.) - Anything you can do, I can do better! I can do anything better than you! - CREEPY ADAM, CONTRACT? - Do you rotate your owls for science? - How does one smikle while being frunk and staring into the snowy eyes of such a delectable ceiling in a failed attempt to resist such sexual tension?
Though you're probably sleeping nao 8D Hopefully. How slow is this gender change process? ; ;
*hours later* Sound like the usual thing for you to not be doing. Sorry for bring long, I left to class for my final. Sounds fun. What kind of chocolate though?
Grah. I dun wanna be here anymore. @_@ My internship final will be the end of me ; ; What you all up to? :3
Hello biu~! <333 Thankies dear 8D
Haio people~ <33 Finaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaals. Wish me luck xD
Yeah. 4 brats who aren't mine. Lovely..
Cool :3 Which one do you want to go to?
Which college? 8D Congraaaats~!
You be funny, mah son <33 - Speaking of The Insanity Family, what are your views on all the incest that goes on there? xD - Out of all the animu characters you've made as themes, who would you like to bang cosplay as? - The world is going to end but you know some place you can be safe. You have the power to save 5 KHV members around the world only. Who would you save? :3 - If you were a king, what would you abuse your power with? - DON'T GO LEFT!!! - Favorite food? Drink? - Can I have you- .. I mean, your watch? c: - WHY IS IT SO HARD TO MAKE YOU A PLUSHIE? - How did you get so sheckxy~? - What things do I do that you hate most? :3c
DLXKSNEWIX 4CLNXMD3NXMZEDNWSAWE3IUB4NXHKHB4RUHX3JKNA3OIRFEDX ZNAMUIJWNADAMAEWMEICRNFDEUMDIOEMRDO <333333 My son~ 8D - First Impression? - Current? - What are you?! - Lyrices? xD - Me or Machi? B| - What's your favorite thing to do online (besides LoL and fa- *shot*)? - What would you do if I ever visited you unannounced? 8D - TELL ME HAVE YOU SEEN THE MARVELOUS BREADFISH?! - Which of your ships do you enjoy the most? Which not so much? - Find the 'Adam' in the jibberish above!
Can I have: [1]Where are you Christmas Why can't I find you [5] [My world is changing] [15] { ♥ } If there is love in your heart and your mind [17]I feel you Christmas I know I've found you pls~~~ <3333 Thankies.