I love you too :3c
http://kh-vids.net/threads/secret-santa-gift-thread.135844/#post-3993610 x3c
D'aw it made me laugh xD Thankies so much~! All my love to you and Lloyd xD And a very Merry Christmas to my Secret Santa! ADAM!!! <3333 aka Feenie :3c What are the odds, right? xD I seriously fangirled when found out. Well anyways, I hope you enjoy my little gift to you and may your holiday be full of wonder and happiness <3 ilu 5eva, my son Spoiler: Enjoy and don't hate me too much xD Well there you are 8D I know you may loath me for this but I thought it was nice and you really do mean tons to my, my grand friend =^.^= Spoiler: Here lie photos If you want them of course xD And one without the title
Avvy: 6/10 Siggy: 4/10 (too much going on in the photo for my taste. And large letters are grah ><)
Awesome. Thank for the request also 8D
You're Australian? o:
My response when I saw it.
"God, I can't wait to get back. It feels like ages since we've seen anyone." Syusuke wrapped his arms around the back of his head, letting out a long yawn as he walked along. He always felt so tired for some reason, ever since the 'zombie' attacks began. Although he didn't do much being a medic, he still felt rather stressed out. Not to mention how wildly his little sister would act, just causing him to feel more drained. He looked up to sky, admiring the clouds for a moment before looking down to her. "You know, next time, please be kind enough to give me a warning when you storm off on missions. It'd really help a lot. You know no matter what, I'm always going to be by your side. But really, give me a heads up next time." "I get it. I just get so bored hiding out all the time. I would much rather prefer to be out, destroying as many of those 'things' as I can." Shuri continued to look ahead, not paying much attention to her brother. It had been quite some time since they last ran into the undead creatures, it putting her on top of her guard. She never liked being relaxed in times like these. It just wasn't her style. "Make sure you are keeping an eye out instead of making chit chat with me. Remember, the world we live in now is no longer a safe one." "I know that. I've known it for as long as you have. But it's not like if we stop talking, that it'll prevent them from attacking." Syusuke shrugged, placing his hands back into his pockets to keep warm. '"And besides, we're already here." He nodded over to the building straight ahead, just a few feet from where they stood. Shuri shook her head, fixing her bow that rested against her back. Making her way up the steps, she checked her gun once more, taking a quick look around in case they may have been followed. Assuring herself that they weren't, she swung her rifle around her shoulder and opened the door, still being very cautious of her surroundings. "Oh, enough already." Syusuke pouted, grabbing her collar and dragging her inside as he shut the door behind them. "Hey, everyone! We're back from the mission!" He shouted, yet only loud enough to be heard to the rooms around them.
Good. Merry Christmas Eve to you, dear.
Omai o: Well it's alright. Be sure to be careful though
Oh goodness that would have been funny ; ; But I thought you got off and named him Kokoro ><
What should I nickname mah Cyndaquil? o: Haaaalp
That is a very kickass looking Legendary @_@ I.... I want.
Okies he actually does look like a real bug xD Cute as hell though. Hm... well Caterpie got away with it 8D So I approve. Sadly, the name makes me think of Cater Pie. Now I want pie.[DOUBLEPOST=1356332566][/DOUBLEPOST] Haha do I have to learns? xD
I misspelled 'new'. Anyways, who's Galvantula? The girl in the pretty dress looking thing? :3c Awesomeness. I would definitely have him as a pokemon.
Yeah I'm kinda the same. I don't like most of the knew pokemon but he does look like one. Oh? What exactly is he? Is he ghost and fire?
But he looks so awesome and so kawaii like a pokemon would. Haters gonna hate though. And he can BURN THEM ALL. <3 I dunno why it seems like he could talk though D:
What's so wrong with him being a chandelier? ; ;
OH MAH GAWD!!!! <333333 Goodness me, i wish I were Santa right now @_@
It looks so cute. ; ; Which pokemon game is this? I really want to see the adorableness of it.