Trying. ericy11 is being quite the slacker....
IMMA MAKE U HAPPY! *pokepokepoke* c'mooooooooon!!! Be happpppyyyy!!! :D:D:D:D:D
Sad? Bored? Just becuz?
No. 8D Is doing it fer the water.
Hell if I know most of the time. O.o Just random stupidity.
I'm baaaack. :3
Whut? *implode* .................... Well that sucks... g2g XDXDXDXD
Oh noes! IT WAS AN UNHAPPY MOMENT!!!! (lol)
So am I...
With polynomails? You're funny.
Oh... I just have to deeply explain how algerbra is used in life. -_-
HI!!!! I'm being mildly irritated by the assignemnt! XD
So did I, somehow. O.o
Eh. It is.
It's also a very decent excuse.
Nah, short term memory.
Hell, I don't even remember the last time I was in a bad mood.
:yelling: Imma eat you.
It's basically everything in one. D:
I'm not grounded. Well, atleast off of 1 thing of my choice, which is the computer.