roflcopter, I'll get on it when I'm done with my web class for today, 'kay?
"The one in the back that is singing, is doing a nice job. Not my genre of music, but it's decent."
XD Then I require a character recap. I still remember the plot of the series.
OOC- lets see... Riku and Seth have been talking... Annnd. O.o that's it. BIC- Reaper: "Yes. I have to admit they are quite low." Myra: "Only to you... >_>"
That would be nice.
I thought my chem. exam was fairly easy.
:Awesome: I only have 2 more exams! Do you?
Jeez I haven't been into Digimon for about 7 years... O.o
Reaper: "Perhaps on a human's standards, I'm sure..."
OOC- Holy crap. That's a good question. I made this thread, and I don't even know! Time to make something up! :Awesome: BIC- "Perhaps in an hour... Maybe even a fortnight or two." He replied, looking out the window. OOC- a fornight=a month.
I am the un-Death Note-able O.o If that even made sense.............
Yeahz. I liek meh some Digiman. Only season 1 though. The rest sucks.
Have fun! XD XD XD XD XD
Often. Very often. O.o
O.o It's okay. My thoughts were elsewhere...
Mint? They don't put that in tacos....... O.o You mean lettuce?
You......... YOU DON'T LIKE TACOS?! boy, You're an odd one.
That was a crap-tacular one. O.o I would redo it, but I don't know how to use Photoshop. Those tacos sure look good though....
Lemme look fer some......... Eh here's one: Someting... Taco related
Huh. It's been quite some time since we last talked, huh?