You're A God - Vertical Horizon
Thanks. I already signed up for a whole bunch of stuff and I'm starting the hours this weekend. Here I come retirement home... I know I'm screwed kthx. 72 hours? Man, that's harsh.
It's actually 50 hours combined (Freshman, Sophmore, Junior, and Senior year). I only did two hours...
I have to do 48 hours of community service by March or I don't graduate. Fuck...
Better Than You Know - Deadsy
Becoming Insane - Infected Mushroom
Cities Of The Future - Infected Mushroom
In The Arms Of Eternity - Die Sektor
Madman's Dream - Assemblage 23
It's a children's cartoon, what do you expect?
I Knew It - Powerman 5000
What annoys me is all the screaming fangirls/boys over this stupid book. I swear, this book has started some sort of Twilight cult or something. I mean, everywhere I turn it's Twilight this and Twilight that. And don't mention the people who are like "OMG Edward is so hot even though he's just a fictional character who will never exist but in my pathetic dreams." As for the book itself? It's certainly nothing special.
Sick **** - Unter Null
Hello and welcome! Well I haven't really roleplayed myself but I hear the roleplayers here are pretty chill around here. Hope you have a good time here. <3
Destroy Me - Unter Null
In Front Of Me - Infected Mushroom
Contact - Failed Musicians
Nobody's Real - Powerman 5000
Eh...I tried. :/ I haven't been on myspace that often though.