Alphonse stepped out into a dark corridor it was incredibly hard to see. He wandered around with his keyblade drawn and close to him."Where am I?"
OOC:in search of the plotline XD I cant think of any logical way to find it lol
Alphonse hugged Xenree "Thank you....." he said. As he was walking away he shouted back to Saphique "You better stay sharp otherwise I'll use this to beat the living crap out of you next time I see you!" he said smiling. OOC: how do i get out of the computer XD
"Hmph!Fine but I challenge winner!" Alphonse said sitting down and eating some rolls.
Alphonse stopped as he came into view of two battling trainers. "Pffft.Let's show these guys how strong you are!" "Squirtle!" They ran to the battle "Hey can I join!"
Alphonse smiled "Yeah....YEAH! I AM!" he said swinging his keyblade."Let's go!"
OOC:I refuse to accept Mickey is dead! hes coming back before this RP is over!
OOC:what!? now king mickey ias dead!? are you sh*tting me?!
OOC: yeah thats why i voted against it otherwise id be ROFLstomping his head XDDDD
OOC:now that i think about it we coul sooo kill xert right now while hes phased out XD
OOC:there you go dude. your headed torwards france in a helicopter
"It's a long story......" Dan held up his bow and sheath of arrows."Gift from dad....but enough about me what about you?"
Alphonse went down his checklist of supplies.Pokedex."Check!"Potions."Check!"Several changes of clothes."Check!"He looked down at the master ball his father had given to him."Check!And wheres....." "Squirtle!""Oh! There you are! Let's go!" he said running out with squirtle comfortably resting halfway in his bag.
Alphonse whispered to the others"Hey I can see Glen in the ship over there!" he said passing the binoculars."Let's go save him!"
Username: bluekingboy Name: Alphonse Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Tall with long black hair.Wears a black hoody with tee shirts and dark jeans. Starter Pokemon: Squirtle Short Bio: Confident and bold.Trains to be strong but keeps a close relationship with his pokemon. He set out to obtain all the gym badges, beat the pokemon league and move to new regions.
Alphonse started bouncing his hyper bounce."WE GONZ PARTEH!!!"
I'm guessing he means the quick little thing between Sora and Terra's armor
Yes! Xdddd
OOC:round two XD BIC:"Well......let's see if I can't just replicate it....." Alphonse said diving at Sora with an energy drink in hand. He started pouring it down his throat."Teehee!" Alphonse stepped back taking out a six pack of energy drinks out of his backpack setting them in the middle of the group."You know the drill! everyone takes one!" He said opening up one and taking a big swallow.
"Ok." Dan said walking over to Scott.He stopped and turned around.He pulled out his bow and an arrow. He fired it off and it hit dead center of the ccenter arrows."Hehe." Dan said as he entered the Apollo cabin.