"Xenree!" Al said standing up and stumbling a little."How did she get here?" Al looked at Akii."Can you find her?"
Al looked up."Akii!Zexion!How are you doing!Sorry about me leaving but a golden tv told me to leave....and somehow I ended up here and....." his voice trailed off."Well nevermind about what happened after I got here...." Al said holding out his hand.
Al stumbled through the halls searching for a room."Ugghhh....I'm soooo lost!" Al fond an open space in the ship which resembled a deck.He sat down and lay there.
Later, Al stumbled out of Namine's room putting his shirt back on in the halls."Bye.." he mumbled.Al realized he had no room that he knew of."Crap!Wheres that tv thing when you need him?"
There were sounds coming from inside Namine's room and could be heard from down the hall.
Al slipped his shrt off for her.He liked that shirt.He pulled the sheets over them and laughed.
Al ran his hand down her back.Al's tongue entered her mouth.
Al kissed her back."Mmmmm" Al said running his fingers through her hair.
Al took the bottle and quickly drank the whole thing."Whoa....my head..." he said laying back on Namine's bed.Al laughed a little.
"Yeah.." Al said finishing the bottle off.
As they entered Namine's room they set down the cabinet.Al took out a bottle and drank deeply from it.
Al grabbed the other end of it."Here let me help you." he said as they left the room carrying the cabinet.
"I don't know about getting drunk but yeah i'll have a drink."
Hey.......................................U Mad Brah?
Al blinked."Ohhhh just wonderin." Al said rather awkwardly.
Al fell to the ground with Namine on top of him."Whoa!Are you drunk?"
"Ummm....hi.Yeah he just sort of brought me here without asking...."
"Who are you talking about!" Al shouted as L.O.G. walked away.
Al just blinked."Ummmm....what?And did we just leave that situation to resolve itself."
"Oh crap!" Al said seing the white beams headed torwards them.He tackled Xenree out of the way barely avoiding the attack."WHAT WAS THAT!"