Al stopped in the hallway."What am I doing.....I should take this slower..." Al turned around and walked back to Namine, unsure of what to say."Hey Namine.." Al said scratching his head.
Al walked up behind Namine and whispered in her ear."Meet me in your room...."Al walked down the hall.
Al pushed Roxas's keyblade away from his chest so that it was pointing down."Now run along..."
"Awww are you jealous?" Al summoned Chaos Ripper. "Guess what we did the other night....." Al said smirking.
Avatar:7/10 Sig:8/10
Al noticed Roxas's advances on Namine.He walked up and put himself between them.He suddenly kissed Namine passionately.
Al saw Xion looking rather lonely.He walked over to her."I don't believe we've really met.Hi I'm Alphonse but you can call me Al."
Al just laughed pulling out a bottle of booze."So much little booze..."
Yeah I'll post it in the video portal on here.
Al walked into the room,looking at all the people laying down.He walked over and looked at the glazed and pained look in Roxas's eyes."I think these peoplen have been corupted..."
Al shrugged and put his clothes back on, following Namine.
Al smirked confidently at Namine's comment.He laid his head on her shoulder.
Maybe its one of those things you remember under pressure?!? Quick! Cut someone open!!!
Al was drunk at this point."Awww C'mon......You know you love me......" he said leaning on Namine.
"AAAHH TV MAN!!!" Al said screaming and hitting him with his keyblade.
Al took up the empty shot glasses and set them to the side.He took a swallow from the bottle and then set it next to Namine.
"Well then...." Al said getting up walking over to his backpack.He pulled out a bottle of booze and a few shot glasses."Cheers!" he said passing out shots then setting the bottle down next to him.
Al continued following Namine and did the same, joining her. "So whos the newest bad boy?"
Al jumped up. "Gaaahhhh!! My head....." Al looked around for a second."Crap must have passed out." Al saw Namine and followed her."Hey wait up!"
Al was right behind Zexion.Al summoned his keyblade almost dropping it.